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Guest_523 New psychologist tomorrow. Overthinking and obsessing about the meeting. Worried.
  • replies: 5

I dread this and I will go over and over in my head imagining the meeting and want to make sure I say the right thing. I mean I will be real and truthful however I feel as if I am very misunderstood and have to make sure that everything is perfect so... View more

I dread this and I will go over and over in my head imagining the meeting and want to make sure I say the right thing. I mean I will be real and truthful however I feel as if I am very misunderstood and have to make sure that everything is perfect so that I am not judged in a bad way. Yeah, that I how I roll lol. I do this in my personal life, working constantly to make sure that everyone is happy and safe and that everything is ....perfect. This wears me out of course. I have no idea where this comes from. I had such a not so good experience with my first psychologist, we did not click. I am a stress head and I work at avoiding any kind of confrontation with people as this makes my blood pressure blow out. Even on my 7 kilometer walk today it went so fast because all the time I was going over and over in my head about tomorrow. I have a trust issues. My former GP was condescending and crude so I removed myself from that situation. My GP that I have now is lovely, she is not rude and listens to me and is kind. This is huge to me, how people respond to me. I have no idea what this person will be like so I imagine that it will tank so I wont be too disappointed. Any advice will be greatly appreciated. Kind regards Robert

b_l_u_e_b_e_l_l_ Medication & Weight Gain
  • replies: 5

I've just come home with 2 new scripts... I've been off meds for a couple of years but I'm back at the point where I really have no choice. What exactly is it about medication that causes weight gain? I know it's a side effect of at least one of the ... View more

I've just come home with 2 new scripts... I've been off meds for a couple of years but I'm back at the point where I really have no choice. What exactly is it about medication that causes weight gain? I know it's a side effect of at least one of the drugs. Is it that it increases appetite? Or just does something biomechanically that causes it? I know I need the meds... but I really want to avoid gaining anything. I've worked really hard to lose 30kgs in the last year.... and the thought of gaining any of it back just adds to the depression. If anyone can shed any light on it I'd be grateful. Many thanks.

BipolarKitten Psych meds and Surgey
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Hi all, sorry if this is posted in the wrong section. I've been told I need to have a reconstruction done on my ankle and I haven't quite made it to my next psychiatrist appointment or the surgery consult yet but I was wondering if anyone else has ha... View more

Hi all, sorry if this is posted in the wrong section. I've been told I need to have a reconstruction done on my ankle and I haven't quite made it to my next psychiatrist appointment or the surgery consult yet but I was wondering if anyone else has had to go through this or similar whilst on heavy psych meds? Currently I'm on several medications. Managing a bipolar2/adhd diagnosis (going just over ten years diagnosed). I know that my psychiatrist will clear it up for me but I'm just getting anxious over the thought of it all today so any advice and if it's inpatient/outpatient care would really help. Thanks all!

noonetoldmecatswerethisdi zzz Better question for my doctor
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Hi so this isn't a question that I should ask here but it'll be a month or so before I'm back at my doctor. So basically I was prescribed meds and they were working really well. I basically didn't have an issue with anxiety for the period I was on th... View more

Hi so this isn't a question that I should ask here but it'll be a month or so before I'm back at my doctor. So basically I was prescribed meds and they were working really well. I basically didn't have an issue with anxiety for the period I was on them and as a result my depression got a lot better. About 2 weeks a go I stopped taking them but the past couple of days when I've been alone I've just been having increasingly negatives thoughts basically just painfully lonely. I don't know if its something the meds will help with but if I go back on them I basically have to stay on them full time until my doctor says to stop. I stopped because I forgot for a few days and felt alright and wanted to see how I'd go without them.

SummerCrossing Feeling the CRINGE in therapy
  • replies: 16

Hi everyone, Does anyone else experience extreme cringey-ness (mostly at one's self) in therapy? I've had about 7 sessions now, and I leave almost every therapy session ruminating on awkward moments that happened throughout, how inarticulate I was, w... View more

Hi everyone, Does anyone else experience extreme cringey-ness (mostly at one's self) in therapy? I've had about 7 sessions now, and I leave almost every therapy session ruminating on awkward moments that happened throughout, how inarticulate I was, what I should've said instead, the odd faces I definitely made, how my therapist must think I'm weird (even though I know this is irrational...I also think about how she would perceive me if I wasn't her client and she knew me 'on the outside') etc. etc. I basically dread every session because I know I'm going to be awkward yet again - I guess I still haven't learnt how to be comfortable opening up and being vulnerable to another human being IRL. I think I also strongly dislike the fact that she knows so much about me.... Should I be feeling this way though? I have thought that maybe I need to find a therapist I feel more comfortable with...but to be honest it's probably just me and my general weirdness. Thanks for taking the time to read about how much I struggle with everything in life incl. the very thing that's supposed to be helping me in life (haaa, but seriously :))

crazycatlady8 Has my psychiatrist crossed the line of patient confidentiality?
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Hi all, new to this forum thingy. Just as a quick background, since I lost my unborn baby in November last year I have been very depressed, which has been getting worse in the last two weeks. My psychologist who I have been seeing weekly for 3 months... View more

Hi all, new to this forum thingy. Just as a quick background, since I lost my unborn baby in November last year I have been very depressed, which has been getting worse in the last two weeks. My psychologist who I have been seeing weekly for 3 months said she wanted some medical support and referred me onto a psychiatrist. I saw this psychiatrist today and I was (strangely) able to be completely honest with her, I found it really easy to talk to her. I spend half my session with my psychologist in silence, so when I felt comfortable I just let it all out. I told her about a recent severe suicide attempt, which I have not told anyone else, including my husband. I was unconscious and unfortunately was admitted to hospital because of the effects of what I had done, but immediately self-discharged when I was conscious and out of ICU. Anyway, at the end of the session she said the first thing she would do was contact my husband and tell him everything I had told her. I was shocked and obviously argued against this - I do NOT want y husband to know, I have hurt him enough being sick for so long I couldn't bear the guilt of him knowing I had tried to end my life. We argued about it for a while and in the end she just kept saying its for the best, you have to trust me, he needs to know. I said no I refuse, to which she responded I don't have a choice. Why not? I was of the understanding that if someone said they had a plan & intent to kill themselves tomorrow - THAT would warrant her breaching confidentiality, I understand that. But I told her today that I am currently safe and have no intention of ending my life right now. I had reached a crisis point when I attempted suicide, but now that crisis has abated. She still went ahead and called my husband and told him everything! I feel betrayed and alone. I should also say she suggested hospitalisation which I refused, so as a compromise she suggested CATT team - which I also refused! She said that at the very least she will be contacting them and putting me on their radar (I said no referral but I would happily take the phone numbers with me in case i needed them) and she agreed to this. Low and behold an hour ago I got a call from the CATT team saying they are coming over tomorrow! I told the lovely nurse thank you for your time but I decline the referral I don't need it. She said you can't decline, it compulsory. WHAT is going on!? all control is being taken away Any advice appreciated. Jen

Mumoftwoboys Starting SSRI 's again and waking early / nauseous / diarrhoea
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I'm into my third week of taking ssri's again, and I didn't experience these before. Waking at 5am, and the anxiety and nausea, and unable to get back to sleep. Has anyone that has experienced this know how to deal with this? I'm have no energy and e... View more

I'm into my third week of taking ssri's again, and I didn't experience these before. Waking at 5am, and the anxiety and nausea, and unable to get back to sleep. Has anyone that has experienced this know how to deal with this? I'm have no energy and everyday is a struggle to function which is very hard being at home with two young boys.. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

The_Possum GP in same situation as me
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Hi there I just found out a few of weeks ago that my GP is in the same situation as myself ie we both have close family with terminal cancer. At first I thought this would be good. But every consult seems to be highly emotive, sometimes I almost redu... View more

Hi there I just found out a few of weeks ago that my GP is in the same situation as myself ie we both have close family with terminal cancer. At first I thought this would be good. But every consult seems to be highly emotive, sometimes I almost reduce my GP to tears. Other times she is trying to help me but becomes rather irritated and the advice ends up becoming more about her than me. The last time we spoke ended with her telling me that I needed to grow up because we can't keep our loved ones here forever and we can't save everyone. I walked out feeling very shocked particularly as she knows I'm bipolar ii and struggling with depression at present. I had my phone off to calls for a week to have a break from people calling and yesterday found three voicemails, Two from staff and One the practice manager saying to call and make an appointment with the GP. The practice manager asked me to get in contact with her I called yesterday and got the run around. So just sent the practice manager an email apologising that I didn't have my phone on and asking if I still needed to make an appointment. I've heard nothing. I was in the practice a few days ago for an emergency consult due to a medication rash and saw a different GP and he said nothing. So if something was on my file ie a recall request I'd assume it would be on there. Anyway guess I'm just feeling confused and wondering if she should be my GP if it's too emotive like this. I'd be devastated to lose her as she has been my GP for years & really helped me, but maybe it's not healthy. I don't know.

MrsCam Bio Balance??
  • replies: 7

Hi, Am wondering if anyone has any experience with the treatment program Bio Balance?? It has been recomended to me by my Aunty who used to work as an advocate for mental health patients. She knows of my recent experience at the hospital so suggested... View more

Hi, Am wondering if anyone has any experience with the treatment program Bio Balance?? It has been recomended to me by my Aunty who used to work as an advocate for mental health patients. She knows of my recent experience at the hospital so suggested this as an option if i am reluctant to see another psychiatrist. Any info or opinions would be appreciated

Chloekat84 Anyone gone without taking their anti depressants for 3 days or more??? i need help :'(
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Well i thought i had more tablets of my anti depressant than i had and went one day without it which wasnt so bad. I found a script at home but didnt look at the date and took it to the chemist yesterday to get it filled, it was my second day without... View more

Well i thought i had more tablets of my anti depressant than i had and went one day without it which wasnt so bad. I found a script at home but didnt look at the date and took it to the chemist yesterday to get it filled, it was my second day without it. The pharmicist said it was out of date and i looked at it and was right and i said i was going through withdrawl and really needed them and couldnt find a more recent prescription. They said they couldnt give me any and later in the arvo up until now i have had a bad migraine on one side of my head and i feel really light headed, neuseas and depressed. I have recently found the more recent script today and am going to get it filled today and start taking it this arvo. The problem is i still have a lot of cleaning to do and i have a house inspection tomorrow morning and am really struggling to clean or do anything :'( I wanted to know how long will it take for me to feel better when i start taking the tablets again. I really hope my landlord understands. Ive done a lot already but still need to do more to make it acceptable. Im really struggling and im snapping at my 4 year old daughter easily, I go from crying to anger really quickly. I desperately need help!