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Mikkiblu Help understanding work cover
  • replies: 10

Hi there, Please can someone help me understand how things work when you put in a work cover form at the doctor for reactive depression and anxiety. My husband has been being severely bullied and verbally abused by a staff member (he's a manager) for... View more

Hi there, Please can someone help me understand how things work when you put in a work cover form at the doctor for reactive depression and anxiety. My husband has been being severely bullied and verbally abused by a staff member (he's a manager) for about 5 months now. His company told him he wasnt allowed to do anything about this persons behaviour and must have done something to deserve it. The behaviour is in conjunction with extended fatigue from up to 18 hour days, inadequate days off or meal breaks and with no extra pay. The abusive and physically threatening behaviour got too much and he walked off and took off sick. He has now been to the doctor who put him off for 2 weeks and said he can then put him off for periods of up to a month at a tims after that. The doctor would like to see my husband out of that environment because it is very toxic and damaging. He is now on 2 antidepressants and sleeping all the time. We have been trying to find another job but he is very down, lost all self esteem and cant make decisions to try figure this out. How long can he be on work cover and will they make his life hell at the same time? I'm scared because we and our 3 small kids rely soley on his income and our house comes with the job so we are standing to lose everything we have very quickly. We have been together for 16 years now and he has always been the positive guy with confidence and kindness and drive to do his best. I'm suffering a bit with depression and anxiety too and we have no friends or family in this country or support network. I dont understand the system or know what to do :,(

Boof1 Private hospital
  • replies: 4

Hi looks like im heading into a private hospital for my depression and anxiety all to do with my workers comp and injury. I was wondering if there is any remifications or restrictions in life after you have been in a hospital ?

Hi looks like im heading into a private hospital for my depression and anxiety all to do with my workers comp and injury. I was wondering if there is any remifications or restrictions in life after you have been in a hospital ?

sjpersonal What happends if sectioned to hospital
  • replies: 9

Well with the emails to my supports I have sent I am guessing there is a good chance of getting sectioned as refuse to go volunteer due to the treatment I get by going my self. I really wish I could get the help I need by being volunteer but the hosp... View more

Well with the emails to my supports I have sent I am guessing there is a good chance of getting sectioned as refuse to go volunteer due to the treatment I get by going my self. I really wish I could get the help I need by being volunteer but the hospitals always refuse help and I have ptsd due to past experiences of police and not sure what will happen if I do get committed. As it is my supports have concerns over my safety hence been warned if I didn't get admitted on Friday (even though I went to the ED and them not wanting to help me I think things are getting to hard to handle mh wise

Kelee A few months ago I weaned my self off the meds against GP's advice
  • replies: 7

ive taken antidepressants on and off since my late teens I'm mid 50s now. A few months ago I weaned my self off the meds against GP's advice. Now I can't eat or sleep. I felt confident that I could manage this and even though this is the lowest I've ... View more

ive taken antidepressants on and off since my late teens I'm mid 50s now. A few months ago I weaned my self off the meds against GP's advice. Now I can't eat or sleep. I felt confident that I could manage this and even though this is the lowest I've ever been I'm unmotivated and too disorganised to cause any harm. The wight loss was initially good but now I'm just starving. I work nightshift so the insomnia is kind of working for me. Family members are voicing concerns about me. I'm feeling emotionally strong even though I'm on edge and distracted. It's the physical symptoms that are bothering me most, no eating no sleeping. I know I need to ask for help but I'm over the doctors and councillors.

Pseudomonas What is mental health plan? Can it be rewritten?
  • replies: 24

Hi friends, just a random question coz I didn't know anything abt this mental health plan when I saw my first and only counsellor. Counsellor did say a few sessions ago he'd forward/discuss the health plan to my referring gp, but he later also said I... View more

Hi friends, just a random question coz I didn't know anything abt this mental health plan when I saw my first and only counsellor. Counsellor did say a few sessions ago he'd forward/discuss the health plan to my referring gp, but he later also said I should perhaps find another gp in his suburb, he'd omit PTSD in report despite he knows I've got it, he'd write my issues more severe than they are to improve the chances of getting healthcare benefits, a nutshell, I am seeing my regular gp tmr but I don't know if counsellor has sent her a mental health plan, and how reliable the contents are. I don't want to go and pick up the plan from counsellor. What is in a mental health plan? What is it's function? If I don't want to claim Medicare for the six sessions I had with this counsellor, can my gp re-do a new mental health plan and refer me to a clinical psychologist? Thanks so much, Pauline

singleorigin Scared of medication
  • replies: 4

Hi everyone, I visited a psychiatrist last week for treatment for my severe anxiety primarily, along with depression. I have a family history of anxiety and lived with it from an early age. After a comprehensive review of my life, the psychiatrist re... View more

Hi everyone, I visited a psychiatrist last week for treatment for my severe anxiety primarily, along with depression. I have a family history of anxiety and lived with it from an early age. After a comprehensive review of my life, the psychiatrist recommended an antidepressant as she said I would need to gain some perspective away from anxiety so that I can begin thinking rationally. The problem is I have long avoided medication as I am petrified of the side-effects. I am emetephobic and am deathly afraid of anything that can potentially cause gastrointestinal upset as I have suffered from IBS for most of my life and it is already debilitating. I did tell this to the psychiatrist and she said I may need to come back for further therapy on this issue. I'd like to know if there is anyone else here who may have felt the same or similar. The fear is so strong that it could be compared to thinking that the medication was in some way poisonous and a deadly threat. The psychiatrist said this is a chicken-and-egg kind of problem. I wish there was a way through because right now I feel rather helpless. Thanks, look forward to hearing from you.

Guest_3712 The Strangest, funniest or embarrasing things that have happened in a therapy session
  • replies: 127

Hi All, After some persuasion by a fellow poster I thought it might be a good idea to share our stories of " When therapy sessions go Wrong" or are just downright funny and/ or awkward. Surely I cant be the only one that has had these encounters. Min... View more

Hi All, After some persuasion by a fellow poster I thought it might be a good idea to share our stories of " When therapy sessions go Wrong" or are just downright funny and/ or awkward. Surely I cant be the only one that has had these encounters. Mind you I have been in therapy for many years and only recently have found some of these episodes amusing. So if you have reached that place where you can have a bit of a laugh at yourself or maybe its the therapist who's done something strange please share , So I'll start with a couple of mine. Just a couple of small teasers to get the ball rolling Early in my therapy I was totally embarrassed to share anything , and could only talk if my psych turned his chair around. Now he was only a short fellow and the chair had a high back, so all was good and I started to unload. My psych was quiet and I thought listening intently until I heard the unmistakeable sounds of snoring! Yep my deepest darkest secrets had put my psych to sleep! UMM had a lot of explaining and grovelling to do. Another time I became so paranoid that my secrets were going to be discovered by people that worked in the medical offices -other docs, receptionists etc so during one session I grabbed his paper and pen and refused to let him write any notes of our session! Of course I didn't think till after I went that of course he would write after I left - probably best I don't know what he wrote after that session! So that's it , if you have some stories I'm sure others would love to hear the lighter side of therapy . Take Care Stressless

Scruffy1 How often to see a therapist?
  • replies: 4

Hi all new here. Firstly can I share my story? For most of my life I have had anxiety and OCD I have always been able to deal with it myself but I have found things have been getting worse over the last 18 months when after many years of no one knowi... View more

Hi all new here. Firstly can I share my story? For most of my life I have had anxiety and OCD I have always been able to deal with it myself but I have found things have been getting worse over the last 18 months when after many years of no one knowing what it was I was finally diagnosed with a rare incurable medical condition (not life threatening but debilitating). After a separate health scare associated with this condition I finally had major surgery 5 months ago. since I had this surgery I have been getting more and more depressed and lacking any form of motivation to even do the things I enjoy. I have never suffered depression before. i finally worked up the courage to ask a GP for help and have had a mental health care plan drawn up and have been referred to a psychologist but as I have used up all my sick leave and annual leave when I had surgery I am restricted to making appointments for after work but these are hard to come by (first one was 6 weeks after getting mental health care plan and next one is almost 2 months away) my question is how often do you need to see a psychologist for it to be beneficial and is 2 months between appointments making the whole exercise a waste of time?

startingnew Going off medications......?peer advice wanted
  • replies: 14

Hi guys Ive checker the scales once again and im still gaining weight and its only been aince i started these new meds. I dont know what to do. The weight gain isnt good for mental or physical health but i cant budge it. I was warned id probably gain... View more

Hi guys Ive checker the scales once again and im still gaining weight and its only been aince i started these new meds. I dont know what to do. The weight gain isnt good for mental or physical health but i cant budge it. I was warned id probably gain just a few kgs when i firstly started but ive gained a whopping 15kgs I know alot of that is also because ive been abit lazy but geez in only 4 months ive been on them im questioning if its worth it anymore!. They work fantastic for my anxiety and depression but if i go off them i know what will happen and it wont end well. Ive already changed meds 3 times and i dont want to change anymore. Actually both of my tablets cause weight gain! The first ones made me sick and shed the kgs like flies but these ones are shocking for weght gain What would you do? Im stuck. I know your not health professionals i want peer advice on what the heck to do cause its stressing me more having all this weight put on Im going to increase my exercised to an extra hour a day as well but my god 15kg in only 4 months is ridiculous!!

Hypersleep Do you find ginger foods/drinks help with nausea/upset stomach? I want to try some but not sure where to start.
  • replies: 57

I've been having trouble eating lately, with a mix of reasons and severity. (If you'd like to give me some advice on that I have another thread on the introduction forums.) So I'm looking for the easiest ways to have ginger foods or drinks. I find th... View more

I've been having trouble eating lately, with a mix of reasons and severity. (If you'd like to give me some advice on that I have another thread on the introduction forums.) So I'm looking for the easiest ways to have ginger foods or drinks. I find that if I wake up too early I get a particularly upset stomach, sometimes throwing up mucus or phlegm in the period between leaving bed and doing an activity, not much though. If you have any other things that help you relax in the morning food based or otherwise don't hesitate to tell me, but I'm really wondering how I can try ginger easily. I've checked the forums for the keyword ginger but didn't really find anything quite like this.