After a series of unfortunate life events, I have been diagnosed with
severe anxiety and depression. In the last 8 months I have tired every
avenue available to me in an attempt to counter this dibilitating health
issue. Tried various types of medica...
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After a series of unfortunate life events, I have been diagnosed with
severe anxiety and depression. In the last 8 months I have tired every
avenue available to me in an attempt to counter this dibilitating health
issue. Tried various types of medications, including serveral
anti-depressants, all of which have just given me more problems to
contend with than I had to start with. Don't even get me started on all
the horrible side effects of anti-dep meds. I have Seen and worked with
countless doctors, psychologists, psychiatrists, CAT teams, HITH teams,
plus my local GP. Most of these people say the same things - Meditation,
breathing/counting exercises, distraction techniques, listen to
rainforest music etc which I'm sure are a great help to some however to
me and others at the height of a full blown anxiety/panic attack or
episode in which you feel as though you are dying, I can tell you they
are useless. I have stopped taking all medication now ( safely ) as I
feel after taking it for 8 months and to be feeling worse, I don't think
it's doing what the doc's are saying it should be. My latest doctor took
me off her books without letting me know ( I found out when I called the
reception to make an appointment ) and I am now unable to speak with
her. Kind of a slap in the face actually, especially to someone who is
so actively trying to fix my health. I'm sure because I refused anymore
medication she felt she couldn't help me. I really feel as though there
isn't enough known about these serious mental health issues and how to
fix them. I am aware meds can take some time to fully work however I
think 8 months is plenty of waiting. Everyone says you need to have
patience, you won't be like this forever, or its just a bad patch, but
for someone with serious mental health issues RIGHT NOW to know there is
no answer or helpful advice RIGHT NOW is a terrible terrible feeling. I
really have lost faith in the system and in my doctors. I feel as though
what I am expressing is falling on deaf ears and unless I continue with
medication they cannot help me. (Even though meds haven't helped me at
all ) Surely I cannot be the only person feeling this way.