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Adelaide Mens retreat!

Community Member


I live in Adelaide and i have suffered mental health issues for the last 5 years. I feel like I am making progress. I have been through trauma and have anxiety and depression i am dealing with. I was wondering if there is a mens retreat that exists for like a few weeks in Adelaide? A retreat where a group of guys get together to deal with their mental health recovery and the treatment includes things like being in nature, doing primal mens stuff like fishing and camping? I feel like I need to go onto a retreat to get back to nature and escape this setitery office/computer life- and do therapy around that!?

thank you

5 Replies 5

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hey There John thank you for your post and welcome

I don't know any off the top of my head but I have done some research

MindAustralia.org.au offer a retreat for people who:
- are aged 18-64 years
- are recovering from mental health challenges
- would like to be supported while taking a short break away from home

This is all I could find that this point but I look forward to seeing what other members share

I hope this helps

thank you. I have emailed them to find out more information!

Community Member
hello. they have said it is for people only with an NDIS plan. I dont think i can get a NDIS plan? i have only mental health issues?!

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi John P,

Im sorry I don’t know if any retreats but your idea sounds fantastic!

Im also glad that you are making progress.

Have you thought about joining a hiking group in your area?

It feels so grounding to be out in nature….. I understand.

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi John P,

Great question! This is actually something that's come up a lot in the forums about different retreats, and they seem to be like finding unicorns around here.

We aren't actually able to list private businesses, but even if we could I've yet to see anything I can recommend. I did however see a couple of private ones in QLD, happily listed at 1000$ a day. !!

Have you ever thought about creating your own retreat?
