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This is just the start of my story but I am seeking hope and support

Community Member


First time poster here so please be kind, let me share my story with you so you understand why I am here and reaching out for support. So here I go...

My 19yo daughter suffers from schizo-affective disorder and I am her biggest support and carer as well as being her mum. What is schizo-affective disorder you may ask, well it is a combination of bi-polar and schizophrenia. So in one neat little (or not so neat) bundle she swings from being depressed (at times suicidal) to being manic as well as having psychosis. As her carer, I am utterly exhausted. As her mother I am overwhelmed and emotional as I process all that she is going through. There is so much more to this story but this is just a start.

Why am I posting today I hear you ask, well I am reaching out to others in this community who may be in a similar position as I am in need of support but also hope. I need stories of hope that my daughter will come out the other side of this and be able to start living the life she deserves to live. I also need to hear stories of others in a similar position to me, I need to feel that I’m not alone in this journey and that there are others out there that understand what this is like. No judgement, no criticism, just hope, I need to feel some hope that we can get through this in one piece and that life will get better.

Thanks for taking the time to read my post

2 Replies 2

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hello Soschott

I want to welcome you to the forum and to say what an amazing mother and person you are to be doing all you can to find others and support your daughter.
I am not in your situation but I wanted to let you k is that this is a safe place and a wonderful place to find support and I am sure that there will be those in this community that are experiencing what you and your daughter do.

Sending you my support and strength and it is so wonderful you have found you way here for some comfort.

Hugs to you and your daughter


Community Member

Hi Soschott,

I read your post prior to becoming a member here and it really resonates with my own situation. I would love to say I have the answer you’re wanting to hear but I too, ask the same question you ask. When will life be normal for my teen son ? Or perhaps this is “our normal” already or as Jack Nicholson says “What if this, is as good as it gets”.
The roller coaster of emotions is extreme, unpredictable, heart wrenching, many a day a shower is longer than usual to cover up the flow of tears. My son does not have the array of conditions your dear daughter has and I can’t begin to imagine how hard it is for you to see her struggle through the maze of chaos that resides inside her. We’re suppose to protect our kids no matter their age, somewhere, we feel we’ve failed or missed something. I wish I had something profound to say but I don’t. I don’t have the answers. I want normal too but I don’t know what normal is. J hope you feel supported here and hope to see you around the forms .... regards and warm thoughts 😊