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Zoom connections for my mother

Community Member
Hello everyone, I am looking for connections for my mum in terms of virtual/zoom meetings. She is finding it hard coping with her anxiety and depression and I’ve suggested zoom meetings to help her talk with people in similar circumstances. With everything going on in the world she finds it comforting doing zoom meetings and staying safe so if anyone can point me in the right direction that would be great.
1 Reply 1

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi MoonlightShadow13,

Excellent thought– it feels like Zoom is quickly becoming the go-to for virtual meetings and hangouts these days. If you don't mind my asking, how computer literate is your mum?

If she is able to use a keyboard and read text, I would highly recommend these forums themselves as a bit of a social space to chat with people with similar problems. If she is very tech savvy, there are loads of online communities of people centered around pretty much every interest or hobby you can think of, if that's what you mean bit "similar circumstances."

Otherwise, if she is elderly, perhaps there are virtual social events put on by your local council or aged care facility?

Happy to help further!

