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Son diagnosed with Aspergers and ADHD has reached out to me and said he needs help

Community Member

my son [20] has just reached out to me and acknowledged he needs help
last year he was diagnosed with ADHD and perhaps Aspergers, i have been getting long winded deep meaningful texts from him saying hes got it all worked out then he slumps into a low and disappears for days
sounds like he has done a lot of research and he mentioned Bipolar

how am I best to find someone for him to talk to that understands what he is going through please?
doctors appointment for a referral?

8 Replies 8

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Bucknaked,

It sounds like your son really feels comfortable talking to you about what he's going through and reaching out for support, I think that's wonderful.

I think a good place to start is your GP for a referral. Also some research into psychologists in your area that have expertise in ADHD and perhaps Aspergers may be useful too. There are many resources out there which is good.

Please keep us updated on how you go! I think it's really great that you are trying to find him the best support

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member
Hey bucknaked

Thanks for your post. It sounds like your boy has tried really hard to figure things out, and perhaps he's still feel a bit unsure or bit overwhelmed by what he is going through. It seems that you have a good relationship with him, and that he asks for help, its wonderful to have that trust for each other.

Yes GP referral for a mental health care plan for him to access counselling or clinicical psych for support?

I also wonder if the professional who diagnosed him with ADHD and Aspergers , would they have any recommendations or understanding what he's going through and recommend appropriate services ?

Additional thought, with a diagnosis of adhd and aspergers, he might be eligible for NDIS funding within may help cover the financial costs for accessing counselling support and other areas of intervention . Just wondering if he's already linked in ?

I'm not sure if this is helpful.

Feel free to drop back in anytime for comment or update. I hope your son will find a way through this and able to link into the support he needs .

Warm regards

Community Member

Morning guys, thanks for your kind words and responses

he did have counselling a while back but think he sat there and grunted replies at them, now it sounds like he has reached that point where he wants to take charge and will benefit from speaking to someone

I wasn't aware of the NDIS so I spoke on an online chat to them and will get my son to apply, we'll see how that pans out

I will keep this thread updated

thanks again

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member
Thanks for the update !

I hope the GP and NDIS will be able to provide some direct and secondary consultation around support options and long term goals for your son.

Headspace is another avenue for counselling support


(Make sure its .ORG.AU)
They have GP and psych/counselling services for 12-25YOs . There's also some great resources on their website too for young people and families

Have a look at their services here :

All the best and always welcome a comment whenever you are up for it.


Community Member

Hi thanks

yes I remember Headspace, we used to take him there for a while, at that stage it wasn't picked up that he was suffering from Aspergers and ADHD so could be a reason he never engaged with them and thought it a waste of time, also just likely he wasn't ready to open up

Hi Bucknaked!

Thank you for continuing to keep us updated. NDIS is a great idea! They might have a lot of resources as well that may be useful for you and your son. I can really see that you and your son are a team, it's really amazing to see how much you support him!

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member
Hi bucknaked

Thanks for the update. Sorry to hear that the service didn't quite work out for your son at the time .

I do believe the matching of client and counsellor is crucial for the therapy to be engaging, effective, and sustainable .

I wonder if cross checking with Amaze / aspergers vic might give you additional pathways/recommendation that are more suited to your son's needs . They might know people who specialise supporting young adults with asd/adhd diagnosis. (Rather than general recommendation from a GP ) .
Headspace might still be able to provide a secondary consultation service around linking your son into an appropriate professional. Perhaps you can give it ago again ?

But yea get onto NDIS , I hope the application process
Is more straightforward with the diagnosis.

Warm regards,

Community Member

Hi all thanks again

filling out the NDIS form they request evidence that he was diagnosed with those issues, my Son emailed his Psychiatrist and asked for a letter or confirmation for the purpose of applying and was politely told "I do not do NDIS reports/assessments."

I've emailed him myself and asked why not...surely it's not a money issue and he just wants my Son to see him??

not sure how to contact Headspace as a business, seemed they just supplied individual Councillors contact details on their website, I'll have another look

will check out Amaze...thanks