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Partner needs help

Community Member
My partner are have anger problems, but I think it's not the main problem.
He have times are he saying how he is unhappy, want to be alone, not to do anything.
In the last two weeks he said in the beginning about he don't want to talk with his friends few days after days we had figth and after that he come and said he don't want nto be with me if he like that, one day after his mum told him she coming because she worried about him and he said ok but in the day she comes he said I don't want to see you and gone to sleep in hotel.
In the last few months he get a lot of bad/sad news are make him after of them angery.
I don't know what to do,
He think the only problem he have is the anger poeblem (mentally abuse to me he said),
And that why he does not believe he have any depression( we gone to couple treapy and the person asked him few questions and said to him I want you will go to get medical advice about your depression from that day my partner was not agreed to go back to that guy).
But when he Don't have the dark spots he can have short and not hard figh.
2 Replies 2

Community Member

Hi Lovecare,

I'm sorry to hear that your partner is having a hard time and I can imagine this is really hard for you too. Have you suggested that he talk to a GP about how he is feeling? Someone does not need to have depression to talk to a doctor. If he does not believe he has depression it might be frustrating to hear from his loved ones that they think he has it. It might be a good idea to suggest that he talks to someone about how he is feeling angry because this can be a difficult way to live as well. Depression isn't always about sadness and low mood, anger can also be a symptom. Let him know that you support him and that if he wants you to come with him to see a doctor that you will be there for him.

I hope this helps.

Community Member
Thank you,
I tried to tell him, his family told him also they told don't feel bad if you have that his mum said she have that and got help and it not mean anything.
But his answer to evreyone is why to go to talk with someone if the only the poeblem I have is abuser, if I will live alone all my life without any one around me I will not have any problem.
The couple treapy said to him your anger is symptom with the other symptoms.
I wish he was agree to go GP, but also he said if he go he will talk about only his anger and not all the other things.
What I can do