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My wife suffers depression and is nasty to me.

Community Member

Hi everyone I need to say that I love my wife, but its getting to the stage where I am wondering it it worth my own happiness, health and mental well being. I have a 7 year old daughter to consider as well as my comfortable life I have worked hard all my life and will more than likely lose to her if we ever split. I am not a quitter, I am willing and do support her, she has absolutely no money worries at all, I pay for everything, house luxury car and utilities, the lot. She just left her 2 day a week job because it was making her depressed and sick. I do 9 hours a day including a half day Saturday to keep my business going, all that is expected from her is to pick up and drop off our daughter from school and be a mother. What has happened over the years is we have drifted apart, communication has broken down.  All I get from her in any discussion is negativity, how I dont spend enough time with her and our daughter, how I tune out and surf the net on the laptop instead of talking.  When I get told about all the things I do wrong it is easier to just shut up then to argue. Heaven forbid if was to argue back. If there is a worse possible way to take something then that is the way she takes it. I never judge her or demand anything from her yet if I make a comment like "gee that chicken you cooked was spicy" she would reply with something along the lines "I know its not good enough for you, or I cant ever get any thing right for you.  I am often wondering "where did that come from". She is cranky and moody, she screams at our daughter and carries on about anything that is asked of her. Today I tried to make a bit of fun and she came at me with a water bottle  I put my hands over my face, and she hit me accross the stomach. I have never hit her, I have never started a physical fight with anyone. I could see hatred in her eyes. When I met her I was her instructor/helper at a ballroom dance studio with I had been attending for a few years, I was fit, happy and successful because after some lows in my life I chose to be that way. Now I am happiest at work doing my thing, I have no close friends anymore, dont want to go anywhere, I am unfit and I am probably mildly depressed myself. She has had a stint in hospital to change meds recently (5 weeks) Do you think she is Just depressed, or with the nasty moody attitude do you think there is more to it?  Am I doing anything wrong ? As soon as I try to get close to her I get pushed away.  

29 Replies 29

Community Member

Thanks for your Reply Geoff. I have since found out there is a lot of blokes in my position. At the end of the day if things work out or not its a lose/lose situation for blokes like us.  I am hoping her meds get sorted out soon, they only altered it as we were trying IVF over the years. Her condition was also complicated by Graves disease. I will solider on for now.


Thanks for your reply jaspergirl, If anything reading your and other replies, It has reinforced the fact that communication needs to be worked on. And I agree. It has been easier to just cop it all and not bother communicating, but it does nothing to keep the marriage happy. I appreciate all the replies I have had, it is good to get another persons perspective.

Community Member

Hi thanks for your reply.  I have done nothing fundamentally wrong in our marriage. In fact , without putting tickets on myself, I can safely say I have been nothing but supportive and providing a burden less environment for her.  From what you say it sounds like your man has done something serious that has rocked the foundation of your relationship. Him saying "get over it" to someone like yourself who is depressed is probably the worst thing to say.  In saying that maybe some help from a Psychiatrist and meds might help if you are getting too depressed. I also think that the issue with what your husband needs to be dealt with for you to move forward.    

Community Member
Hi GratefulToday, sounds like good advice to me. I tried couples therapy early in our relationship when she was going through issues and it did not help. It is not beneficial as one person is not thinking rationally and you cant resolve issues whilst they are like that

Community Member

Hi Boxhead,

All I can is wow!! I'm in a similar predicament, and thought I was the only one with an aggressive negative wife...

I've just posted a new thread in regards to my wife being negative and closed minded, but didn't have enough space to discuss her aggression. I have also seen a lot of hatred from my wife. I know she loves me and appreciates what I do for her, but I never see it...

I have similar issue with communication as I was working too much, but recently realised though an illness that I had to change and try and communicate with my wife and family more. It's a slow process, she still turns things back on me similar to your spicy chicken comment. I too get negativity all the time. I never do anything right... "I am annoying" is the comment I get.

Good luck with what you need to do, I'll be probably going down the same route, although my wife thinks it's worthless seeking assistance for either myself or her.

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

HI Boxhead,


how old is your wife and how long has she ben like this?  I ask because she sounds so similar to me and i know some of mine is due to hormonal imbalance. Estrogen dominance to be exact - read up on it.  To me it sounds like she definitley has depression. We can change so much after childbirth and depending on our age. its not fair on you guys but I have to say its a really hard thing for us to control, especially if its hormonal. perhaps look into natural hormone therapy..i think its called bio organic hormones you need to find a dr who specialises in this. shes left her job because of depression so what does she do now to fill in her days, what does she have that she can look forward to, that can break up the routine?

Just my thoughts.

Community Member

Good Luck Fletch, its a hard slog mate. 

Community Member

Hi, my wife is 38, she has a thyroid condition "graves disease" and has suffered with depression all of her adult life. 

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member


so how have things been? Have you been able to work on anything re communication or therapy? How are you coping?


Community Member
He says how old his daughter is.