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How do I help my brother?

Community Member

Hello, everyone

I am not sure if this is the right place to post this but I am really scared about the way my brother is behaving at the moment. He is depressed more days than he is happy and nothing anyone says or does seems to help. He has mentioned several times that he has researched ways of ending his life. There has even been more than one incident where he has attempted suicide (or at least professes to have).


A little background...

Around a year ago, our brother's life was taken and we have had to deal with some pretty horrible stuff as a family.Our sister came into our lives a few months after this occurred.Since then they have seemed to have a close bond.It seems that he his only happy when around her. He refuses to talk to our parents,when he does,he blames them for what he is going through. Our sister is the only person he will speak to when he is having these

thoughts of suicide.He tells her in detail how he is planning to do things and that noone understands him but her.


Our dad contacted the psych line at a local hospital, which didn't go down too well. My brother spoke to them for quite a while though he didn't really seem to pay attention to them and was suspicious of the people trying to help him - like he was digging holes in their methods. 

We have taken him to the hospital on really bad episodes but he refuses to accept their help either. He only tells his doctors that he is depressed but not the full extent of his thoughts and plans.

He attempted suicide the other day and it is ripping us all apart. Our mother is

not coping well at all and I worry about her health.


My sister seems stressed all the time as I think she is the one who gets the vast majority of the angst and looks a little run down too. She said to me once that it is like he is stalking her and gives her no peace. He even gets jealous of the relationship she has with her husband. She has done so much to try and help him but I think she is almost worn out by it.

What can I do when I can't get him to accept help? 

1 Reply 1

Community Member

Hello Hades

I'm sorry that you've had to wait for a little while for a response, but my immediate suggestion would be for you to either ring Lifeline or the number at the top of this page and let them know exactly what is happening.

How well do you get on with your brother?   Is there a chance you could let him know how concerned you are?   How if he actually DID take his life, the amount of lives he would ruin in the process, because of the way he's feeling now, those thoughts could quite easily transfer to any one of you if he did something horrible.

Another suggeston might be for you to get to a GP, purely for their advice on what to do in this situation - as they're professional and may have hopefully helpful advice for you.

Do you think your brother would be at all available to attend a GP session?

This is very serious as you know - I hope some of what I've written may have helped.
