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Community Member

Hi everyone, I’ve never done this before and I’m not sure if it’s the right place but I just need some space to vent. I live with my best friend who has bipolar disorder. She’s recently some big life stressors, mainly relating to relationship issues. I’ve been trying very hard to support her and be there for her, but I’m starting to feel a bit exhausted because I too have my own mental health issues (depression & anxiety). With all the stuff going on in her life I feel my struggles are very insignificant and I feel as though I need to keep any depressive/anxious thoughts on the inside. Her bipolar disorder also causes her to lack of empathy and she tends to just block other people’s emotions out, which I understand is a protective mechanism. I also live 5 hours away from my parents, siblings and nephews, and recently I’ve been finding myself to be missing a lot which is normal, but not to the extent it is lately. I think the house atm is just filled with depressing vibes, and I miss the hustle and bustle and loving feeling of my house back home and being with family. I guess I just want to know that I’m not crazy and wondering if anyone could give me any advice.

Thank you!!

4 Replies 4

Hi Virgo6,

Welcome to the forums! You've come to the right place. We understad it must be quite exhausting to always be in a space that is filled with depressing vibes and also to not be receiving empathy and support from a friend to whom you have given so much. We can also empathise with how difficult it is to be so far away from your family, you are not crazy. Please know that we are all in this together, and we will get through this time.

If you feel it might be useful, we'd encourage you to visit our Coronavirus Mental Wellbeing Support Service. The website will be regularly updated with information, advice and strategies to help you manage your wellbeing and mental health during this time. This includes a 24/7 telephone counselling service which can offer support and advice.

It might also be worth getting in touch with an organisation called Headspace. Headspace is an organisation specifically for young people aged 12-25 and they offer a wide range of services including counselling and group programs which are a great opportunity to meet people. They also have a group chat on their webpage - https://headspace.org.au/

Thanks again for reaching out as we know that it can be really tough to do this for the first time. We hope that you find some comfort here in the words of wisdom and kindness that our community can offer.


Virgo, a warm welcome to you and well done for making your first post.

hat an understanding and compassionate fried you are.

I have had bipolar for many years and I know when I was in an extreme low or high w\I was trying to cope so I had little empathy left for others.

t is hard when you are missing your family, looking after your friend, and dealing with your issues. That is a lot for anyone to cope with.

Can you phone and or text your family. ?

Sophie has given some good suggestions.

Keep posting here as much as you like.

Take care

Is it possible to get your friend when she is sort of stable not too high and low and have a chat to her.

She may be more understanding of your needs then.

Thank you! I hope your mental health is good at the moment!

I have been talking to them over the phone which is really nice and it definitely helps!

I have spoken to her and she mostly understands how I feel which is good.

It is hard, but I guess helping others makes me forget about my own feelings, which probably isn’t a good coping mechanism.

I appreciate your time


Community Member

Thank you so much for your suggestions Sophie!

I do attend Headspace and receive counseling, however with COVID it is currently over the phone, and I find it hard to get my feelings across over the phone! I can’t wait until I can go back to face to face!

Thank you again x