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When power is concentrated in the hands of the few, the actions of the many don't matter.

Community Member

When I look at the world I see a terrible place that is getting worse. In particular, I have noticed that what power I do have to make positive change is being bulldozed by those who benefit from the world staying the same or getting worse. I am watching the planet slowly but surely breeze past climate targets to ensure the life is permanently going to be harder and worse. I see genocides happening whilst my government worries about appearing to be too biased against those with power. And what is worst of all, I see people who actively want to make the world a place hostile towards people because it makes their own lives slightly easier.


It is tiring to see nothing but bad things happening and knowing I cannot do anything to change it. What is more frustrating is that no-one seems to understand my anger towards this matter. When I describe my feelings of being upset at seeing my world turn into a cesspit, people tell me to focus on the small things. I hear people say "worry about yourself", or "small changes add up" or other nonsense that does absolutely nothing to change the status quo. For every meaningful thing I do, there is another person undermining my actions because they don't want to give up anything to make the world better.


I hate being on this planet. Seeing the backwardness. Being told to ignore what I cannot change, even though these things still affect me. I'm tired of knowing that no matter how much I try to make the world better, I will never be able to actually change anything.


I don't want to have pain anymore. I don't want to have to deal with being powerless anymore. This world is hostile to me. There are 8 billion people with over 25 million dying everyday. 1,000 people might even know if I die. Less would care.


Last year, I accidentally bought a case of ammo. Too bad I only need 1.

3 Replies 3

Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi ThatOneOverThere,

I see you have been a member for some time, I am glad you decided to reach out with a post.


Everything you have said is what I have been feeling for most of my life, but not anymore. I have been suicidal a few times throughout my life and couldn't deal with the negative density of the energy on the planet.


I have more recently been able to see what is happening here from a higher perspective and although things look bleak at present, change is actually taking place. The negative density has been starting to shift for some time now. What we are witnessing is those who want things to remain the same, fighting with everything they have to stop the energy from changing frequency to a higher density. They know when that happens, their grip will be lost.


You underestimate your ability to make a difference. You are here to lift your own energy to a higher frequency, along with millions of others, so that change can take place. Negativity cannot survive in higher frequencies so if enough people on earth lift their frequency, the density we have lived with for so long will disappear. That's not going to happen overnight though, so patience is a requirement.


In order to lift your frequency, it is important to cease listening to and reading media that is designed to keep people in fear, anger and hopelessness. Be selective about who and what you interact with in every aspect of your life. I have never listened to the news or bought a newspaper in all of my adult life (now in my 60s) because at some level I recognised the manipulation. I have let go of friends that were unsupportive and did not have my best interests at heart. I have not watched my TV for well over a year, choosing instead to read, listen to my taste in music when I feel like it and do things that I like to do. I made a decision to follow a vegan diet when covid first hit, that was my contribution to helping the planet. You don't need to fix everything, you just need to concentrate on being the best version of yourself. Like the famous quote "Be the change that you want to see".


I, for one, would care if you die.


Community Champion
Community Champion

Hello, and welcome to you as well!


I completely understand how overwhelming it can feel to look at everything wrong in the world and feel powerless to make a difference. Your anger and sadness are entirely valid ... when things seem so broken, it’s exhausting and frustrating. I agree with you on the state of the world right now. But it’s important to remember that there are people who care deeply, and you don’t have to face this alone. Unfortunately, it often feels like negativity dominates the headlines, which only adds to the weight.


If you don’t mind me asking, how do you usually keep up with what’s happening in the world? Do you follow the news through TV or newspapers? Or is it more from social media and forums—or maybe a mix of both?


A few years ago, my psychologist suggested I stop watching the news entirely, and I found that it really helped. Lately, though, I’ve noticed more news-related content popping up on the social media platforms I use. And so now I have to delete those apps or find ways to filter them out.


Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hi ThatOneOverThere


One of the greatest challenges in life can involve being a deeply feeling person. While there is no great challenge in being able to feel your own joy and other people's joy, your own sense of optimism and the optimism of others, your own progress and the progress of others, the real challenge involves being able to feel or sense the opposite of all those things and more. There can be great sufferance at times in regard to being able to feel deeply. While it can seem like a curse at times, feeling or sensitivity still remains an ability and one that needs to be managed in strategic ways so as not to suffer so much and in such an ongoing ways.


While I hadn't always been a soulful or spiritual type, like indigo I've found this perspective offers a different way of seeing the world and myself. It offers a sense of relief in a lot of ways. Some of the ways can include

  • Finding relief in knowing we're not 'broken', we can just sense more easily than others (which can earn us the label of 'super sensitive' at times)
  • Finding relief in knowing there are others out there who sense the same as we do. This is what leads to the creation of certain communities, a collection of people who can no longer tolerate injustice, a downward spiraling of things, cruelty, oppression etc. As far as I'm aware, never in history has there been a community of revolutionaries who proclaimed 'We must change things for the better even if we don't feel the overwhelming need for change!'. Typically, revolts came about thanks to deeply feeling people who felt an overwhelming sense of injustice, sufferance and intolerance
  • Finding relief in tips, skills, strategies and tools that a more spiritually minded community can offer. I should add that spirituality is an absolutely enormous rabbit hole. From very simple ways of seeing things differently through to very complex and sometimes questionable ways, it's incredibly extensive. It becomes a matter of 'Take your pick in regard to what works or what feels relatable'. Believe it or not, quantum physics is something down that rabbit hole. How human cells vibrate at resonant frequencies and what those frequencies feel like in the body, can help us determine whether we're vibrating high or vibing low. In other words, what are all the things that slow the frequency to depressing levels and what are all the things that promote a high frequency that is felt as 'excitement' or 'great amounts of high end positive energy'? We're fascinating creatures, that's for sure. Take every cell in the body and increase the frequency and volume of energy. Going one step further, take every individual high vibing cell on earth (each individual person) and you'll increase the energy of the body of people on the earth. This is something indigo points to

Sometimes an overwhelming challenge can involve managing how others don't change your type or level of energy. Btw, I find it far more exciting to meditate on learning about certain aspects of quantum physics, rather than meditating on the latest news. Took me decades to wake up to the fact that news media will rarely ever tell us about positive progress and all the incredible people who help facilitate it. There's greater profit to be made in fear mongering.


We're here to change a somewhat shi**y world (which also holds some brilliant qualities) and we can't do it without you, you who can easily feel what's wrong and what needs to change.