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How can I find Bulk Billing psychologists/counsellors? My mental health is progressively getting worse

Community Member
Hey all, I have depression and ptsd and am struggling to find anyone who will bulk bill me, even with a care plan. My mental health is progressively getting worse, and I'm worried I'll make another attempt at my life if I can't find anyone soon.
5 Replies 5

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hi JimBe

Sorry to hear that you’re struggling. I wonder if a call to the BB helpline might be worthwhile? The number is 1300 22 4636. They may be able to make some suggestions. I’m not sure if you have the capacity to pay anything, but some specialists may charge a gap fee only if that could work for you.


Learn to Fly
Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi JimBe

Have you tried asking your GP for a referral? Explain to him/her your financial situation (as well as how vulnerable you feel mentally). The GP might be able to refer you to the right person.

Hope this helps.

Let us know how you go, please.

Take care.

Community Champion
Community Champion

perhaps the easiest way is to do a google search for

find a bulk billing psychologist

and then look for the ones whose web site name ends with .com.au

Hope that helps.

Also welcome to the forums.

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

hi jim be - bulk billing psychologists exist here and there, i've found a few but it took a while to find them...

if u have ptsd, a few orgs like BlueKnot Foundation, 1800 Respect, CASA house may have lists of practitioners they recommend. Do u have any friends or relatives who have ever seen a therapist or even had a friend who is a therapist? in my experience, finding someone who knows the therapist well served me in identifying someone who was good...

it sounds urgent and important for u to find someone soon, so i hope u can persist. Maybe you can see if there are waiting lists and put urself on them? I was recently given a list of suitable trauma practitioners and found they ranged from not taking patients, to taking patients in a few months, to able to see me in a few days. I had to call round a lot and it was exhausting, but something will click evntually hopefully. Please hang in there, hope u are able to find someone awesome

Community Member

G'day JimBe, I'm david and I hang out here on bb quite a bit lately, How are you in the moment now? Hope u well. Here is some suggestions u can accept/ignore/reject whatever ur call...

Try the following psych search engines in Oz.

australian psychological society

australian association of psychologists

Find a psychiatrist | Your Health in Mind | Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists.

Put 000 triple zero in your phone please, and add a "In Case of Emergency" number to your phone too please.

Develop a beyond blue safety plan, please too.

Beyond Now - Suicide safety planning - Beyond Blue

I'll be looking out for your responses...

good luck! dng.