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Hate this.

Community Member

Hey.. need advice. 28 (nearly 29) yo f.

Been self harming, not eating, depressed for.. damn.. 18years now.

Cant go to gp alone, boyfriend says "go ahead off self if that selfish"

Cant hospital.. ambo/cop (will get family evicted.. already happened twice lol)

Social anxiety, phone phobias, no webcams.. what.. do i.. its everyday now and no one cares?

86 Replies 86

Community Member
I still can't get help.. Boyfriend father don't care enough I'm too scared I guess I give up and just..exist.. painfully..

Hi Rothman, 

We're sorry to hear that you're still struggling. We understand it must be exhausting to feel this way. We would urge that you do reach out to one of the supports we recommended when you have the capacity to. GP's are often offering telehealth appointments which may be useful to you.

It might be worth trying to articulate what kind of help you need to help others understand. This guide might give you some ideas - “Talk about it"” - https://www.beyondblue.org.au/get-support/have-the-conversation/talk-about-it

It might help our community to offer you some support if you tell us more about yourself. Is there anything that brings you some relief? Any activities you enjoy?

If you would like to post further, please let us know how we can best help you get through this tough period.   

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hi Rothman,

Are you able to describe the pain you are suffering - in your head, your heart, and your body?

I don't want you to give up, and you shouldn't have to exist in pain.

Please try.


Hi (Rothman and Guest),

both Sophie_M and tranzcrybe have given some ideas to you that are worth trying.

another one might be to borrow some books from your local library for reading. Not sure if you enjoy reading? I have read a few book about mental illnesses that relate to me - partially to find my story and to see there are others in a similar position. And I may get a few ideas to put into practice. For most of these books I use overdrive which means I do not have to go to the library to borrow them - they are all electronic.

@Guest_4593 - it sounds like you get frustrated when people tell you to go to your GP. Sorry. I know I have made that suggestion a number of times. It is perhaps the one constant assumed to be available as posters do not know what other services might be available to you. Of course there are other reasons as well.

I hope you both have a good day (and you tranzcrybe),


Community Member

@Guest_4593 hope you're okay sending love xx

@tranzcrybe what? I'm numb?

@Sophie_M reading/art/photography/gaming brings me little joy anymore.. just going through the motions orcan't.. be bothered. Telehealth no go.

@Smallwood I contact multiple places they all say go to gp. Can't alone. No webcam. No phone calls. Where's help for that??? 😞 I own a library I have issue I can't go to gp alone reading won't help?

Hope everyone is safe, well and happy!! Xxx

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hi Rothman,

Okay, Numb.

Sounds like you're fed up with everything (but you are still nice enough to care about us - thank you).

You used to a do lot of interesting things but not any more. Everything gets boring after a while.

Thanks for helping me understand that.

Would like to know more though...


Community Member
Hey Rothman,

Just saw your post and wanted to say I am feeling you. I know how you are feeling.

Thought I would send some love, I know how nice it feels to have someone's message be here when life feels like it's so bad.

Keep fighting.


Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hello Rothman, we really do understand the situation you are facing and in regards to your b/friend not wanting to be involved, may only mean that he has no idea of how he can help you and doesn't want to be involved in your recovery because that means work dealing with how you are feeling on a daily basis.

It's impossible to keep pretending to others because once this happens, unhappiness grows, it easier to tell ourselves that we feel good about something rather than to admit we don’t and please excuse me for saying that after your comments.

We'd really want to keep talking with you, plus Guest4593 and Daria.


Community Member

@tranzcrybe what more do you want to know? Numb is best I can describe.. heart/head/body.. I just.. feel nothing, towards everyone, everything.. life.. just.. go through the motions waiting for it to end/get better lol

@Daria.M thank you xxx

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hi Rothman,

You know, there is much positivity in what you say, and I am happy that you keep in touch (that's one right there).

You asked what I wanted to know (that's another).

18 years is a long time to go through - you have great strength within you ( - third).

And you relate and empathise with others suffering (number 4).

There's so much within you that defies some things you say (and you can laugh at yourself...5).

So why are you carrying all this for so long? (I know you asked, but you don't have to reply if you don't want to).
