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Coping in the emergency department

Community Member
Sometimes in mental health crisis's we end up in the emergency department. And that totally ok, being safe is important.
but how do we cope with our crisis while waiting?
What are some helpful strategies you have found useful during your stay in the department?

I often get stuck in the emergency room waiting room overnight due to the fact there is no mental health team 24/7 where I live. I'm really struggling being here tonight. My usual strategies of listening to music isn't really working so I'm wondering if there is anything else I should try. Please note my concentration and attention is limited due to being in crisis. I feel trapped and stuck.
I wish lifeline text was 24/7 coz I could really use someone to talk to. Are there any other online options as I cant really call someone due to the nature of a waiting room.
350 Replies 350

"It still hurts when you're already numb
Every walk becomes a run
It's gettin' hard to hold on
When you come undone"

Im nearly home and I have all these thoughts running through my head. It's getting harder to hold on....

I don't want to play this game no more
I don't wanna play it
I don't want to stay 'round here no more
I don't wanna stay here
Like rain on a Monday morning
Like pain that just keeps on going on
Look at all the hate they keep on showing
I don't want to see that
Look at all the stones they keep on throwing
I don't want to feel that
Like sun that will keep on burning
I used to be so discerning, oh

--James Arthur


Hmmm.....I'm tired....I don't want to be the soldier at war anymore. I don't want to fight. I don't want to play or sing, or even be merry. I don't see a future for myself. 

Hi Centaured,

We are so glad that you have reached out here today to let us know how you've been feeling. We're sorry you're finding things so difficult right now but please know we're here to give you as much support, advice and conversation as you need. We are also currently getting in touch with you through email.

You're never alone in this, and if you would like some extra support to talk through these feelings, the Beyond Blue Support Service is available to you, anytime, on 1300 22 4636 or you can get in touch with us on Webchat 3pm-12am AEST here: www.beyondblue.org.au/getsupport
In addition to this, the counsellors at Lifeline and Suicide Call Back Service are always available via phone for your most difficult moments:

  •  Lifeline - 13 11 14 (online chat available 7pm-12am) 
  •  Suicide Call Back Service - 1300 659 467 (online chat available 24/7)
If you find yourself in a situation where you become an immediate danger to yourself, this is an emergency and you should call 000 (triple zero) straightaway.

We hope that being part of this community can bring you some comfort and help you to feel a little less alone. Please feel free to keep checking back in and let us know how you are going when you feel up to it.

hey centaured, it can be difficult settling home after hospital stay. how are you going ?

I'm just remembering how much I disliked being home, I actually wanted to stay in the hopsital longer...

Hope you find some respite or moments of calm. Agree with u, eating disorders are really difficult. I suffer with the same problem. Sorry your appointment with the new support worker got cancelled. I hope you like them, I know it can be hit and miss with these people

Hey Centaured

can I ask why your appointment was cancelled with your new support worker? Either way thats a pain in the rump especially when you have been doing it hard

it took me weeks to start my own thread topic as I didnt have the confidence (guts) when my depression hit hard...I wish I had your strength when I started on Beyond Blue....

How are you feeling?


I saw my psychiatrist and my case manager yesterday. The plan is go to inpatient eating disorder treatment next month when borders open (I have to travel interstate coz there's no treatment in my state)

My new support worker was sick. We rescheduled for today. I was meant to get this person 2 months ago following a five month medical admission but with covid they weren't doing meetings.

I get the idea that, not wanting to be home, I spent about 150 days there and got very used to it, then life turned upside down in the world when I got out. Hospital is easy it forces us to do the things that are hard like eat, sleep, shower, get up, etc. Ive been trying to create my own routine and do those things but it can be hard with mental health. I start formal study next week and I'm going to start going to a social group/activity some evenings because restrictions have allowed that to reopen in my state as of coming Friday. New life and new routine await me once more. I just wish I did not feel so much pain inside.


She was sick, rescheduled for today.

Tbh I starred at this and read a lot before I posted. I still now read a lot of the other threads but find myself not knowing knowing what to say/post that will be meaningful to support others. I'm kinda selfish it not showing the great support others do for me. I just get overwhelmed with this place sometimes. Do you have your own thread I can look at?

I feel really alone and worthless rn. I've been sleeping on and off since 6pm to try and manage my feelings. I feel like I don't deserve this place. I post to get stuff from spinning around my head and for the valued connection from others my soul craves.

how I'm feeling: scared and overwhelmed, in pain and struggling with purpose.


I have all this stuff changing in my life next week. Like starting study, having new support worker, starting going to a social group a few evenings a week, regular appointments with drs again and seeing my mh professionals. My anxiety tells me I can't do this. My depression tells me why bother. My eating disorder says it won't be good enough. But I realise I have to try even if I don't feel it.

I guess the 'doing' is what matters in the end, the staying alive, the stuff that people tell you to do. And maybe one day it will feel ok. And maybe one day I'll connect with it. One day recovery will happen, (it happens every day Im alive I guess). I just have to hold on.

Hello Centaured, we often ask ourselves time and time again 'why does this have to happen' but maybe we aren't able to answer this, or the answers we have do vary from each occasion and this may also happen when our psych asks the same question or a different psych gets involved or when you answer another person, such as a friend, family member or your workmates, we take the situation as it unfolds.

Next week you have so many different obstacles you have to face, separately, but during the week, probably far too much, which could mean that it's too overpowering, however, what we can do is to try and see and see as many people as we can, hoping that someone can provide us with a direction to aim for.

We understand how difficult this situation is and can I please direct you to this 'eating disorder treatment online', which may help you with your concerns in regards to your other thread.

Take care.


Community Member

So I actually had a good today.

After the stuff spinning in my head that I wrote at 3am, I managed to focus on a hobby for a few hours and then get some more sleep.

I got up and saw my new support worker for the first time. We talked for 2hrs over coffee in the lovely sunshine (though it was cold, there was still frost on the bustop lawn at 10am when I left home). I got home, relaxed a bit and finalised my TAFE enrollment processes then my boyfriend came over. Now I'm really tired and reflecting that not everything in my life is wrong all the time.

Eating has been a massive struggle today and the last few days, and I'm still anxious and very stressed. But today had some good moments and times I felt good/ok.

There is light amongst the darkest of nights, often the darker things get the brighter the stars can shine through.

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Centaured

was just thinking about some of the things you've been writing

i enjoy your posts and feel comforted by them somehow

I didn't know about the bb forums when I was in hospital/recovery centre and wander if I would've been able to share the way you do.

I quietly hoped you might find someone nice from the hospital as I know there are some good ones. The meeting with support worker seemed generous, relaxing and a good chance to be outside

hope you're keeping on 🙂