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You are sliding.....what can you do?

white knight
Community Champion
Community Champion

One of my biggest issues with mental struggles is - when feeling well I don't feel I'll ever be ill again. This perception has proven me wrong time and time again and over a long period of time I've noticed a couple of telltales that are like warning lights in my head...I know a bout of depression is coming.

MY telltale signs are- I'm yearning for stimulation eg I'm bored, I feel the constraints of financial stress, I desire to be alone more often (like I want to hide) and feeling anger with revengeful thoughts (that are never acted out).

If I don't act on the above issues and let them go, more often than not within 2 days or so I'll be depressed and the effort to reverse the slide will be much harder.

So, having identified my triggers or better still "telltales" I put a plan into action. eg  being bored is an easy one for me to counter...I set about making a project in my shed using secondhand materials, a garden seat, a caravan (my latest project) this makes me active and actually makes my mind focus on that one activity so much so I rarely have my music on. Financial stress is harder. But my wife and I now tackle that well. Some time ago we drew up a budget, aimed at eliminating credit cards for debit card and put money each fortnight into our power account etc. No surprise bills in this house now. Feeling I want to be alone. This can be overwhelming but rather than walk from our house and cause my caring wife concern I tell her that feeling is there and she knows to make herself less "in my space". She just plans her day a little differently by being more illusive. Once that feeling subsides we share a coffee.Feeling revengeful is the toughest of them all. It comes about by thinking of the past way too much. I suffer guilt badly and want often to fly a time machine to the past to apologise to all those I've wronged. How can I possibly counter those thoughts? Well, again its a case of keeping busy but also mixing it with being realistic. Telling myself it isn't productive to want to stew over the past, the past is gone, life isn't perfect and finally telling myself that most people wronged others by far worse actions than I have. I was young then, I'm much older now...I was misguided and lacked wisdom.

Find your telltale signs. Read them, acknowledge them and try to counter them. Having professional medical people manage your struggles is great but there are some self help ideas that might just help you.... stop your slide.

Tony WK

5 Replies 5

Community Member
Your post resonates with me, thank you Tony.

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hugs Tony,

Some pretty awesome advice, Thank you!

I really like how you've been able to identify those slippery triggers and work out ways to wiggle around them. I can imagine that along with wisdom, it took a bit of patience and kindness to yourself to work them out.


white knight
Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi Lats,

In fact I'm a very impatient person. I cant wait until the next doctors visit to ask him questions I cant find out myself from thinking laterally or practically about it.

The whole idea of self help I think, is that you are the one experiencing the symptoms...so you can try to find some remedies. Sometimes this means going against the flow, fighting your demons, other times its merely doing things out of the ordinary. I find for example if I do things spontaneously I can avoid depressive sessions.

Sliding into depression is not a nice feeling. You know where you are heading, you know the next few weeks/days are going to be a battle. Trick your mind into action. It sounds silly but try anything.

Tony WK

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hey Tony WK,

I hear you! I've counted down the days until my next Dr's visit to bombard him with questions too. "Why does, but how come, what if, so then..." 

Sliding towards depression has to be the most horrible feeling. The anticipation as you say, the dread and fear. I've found lately that being able to backtrack to the trigger point and replay emotions slowly helps explain what's happening and show me possible ways to arrest the slide. Not an exact science but it certainly helps.

I wonder what others think about the slide and if there are any tips they use to stop the slide.

Take care Tony xx


white knight
Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi all

Ive just identified a trigger. OBLIGATION

Xmas arriving soon and out come the plans...are we obliged to serve hot roast meals when we prefer a cold meat and salad?

Are we obliged to buy presents for everyone? Especially now we are pensioners

Are we obliged to decorate with xmas stuff or am I being a shmuck?

If all these topic trigger every xmas period then I'm not enjoying the event

Tony WK