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Words: Friends or Foe? How can writing help you.
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People can be afraid of words as they have no confidence in what they write. Maybe at school teachers have said negative things about their writing or their parents have said they don't write well.
Some people are anxious to write their first post as they wonder if they will make sense to others.
I believe words are your friends and everyone who can read this can write in meaningful way.
I want to look at how writing can help you
1) by helping you to explain and express your feelings to others
2) allowing you to connect to others through your words
3) by keeping a journal or starting a thread here and learn from your own writing and read others.
4) by helping you work out how to change certain behaviours
and many more we can share with each other.
To start at the beginning : Are words your friend or foe?
When you see a blank page or screen are you filled with fear or are you excited at the challenge.
Does writing words down help you more or in a different way to speaking them?
Everyone is welcome to contribute, first time posters , regulars, people who don't like writing , people who find they go the character limit for the post every time.
Write on
PS writing in this context is same as typing , or using voice to text.
I want to look at how words can help you express your thoughts and emotions?
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Does anyone write in a journal daily or every few days..
Has your journal writing changed this year..?
writing had helped me this year trying to make sense of the uncertainty.
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Hi everyone,
I wonder how people feel when writing their first post.I was worried I had put it in the wrong place and that I mAy say the wrong thing. I understand how the words we want to come do not when we need them
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Quirky...been writing in journals since I was 13 (like Anne Frank who was 13 too)..my mother read some for which I hated her. Later my ex husband also read some..which disgusted me so much I burned those ones....I started up again after and have a huge pile of notebooks now worth their weight in gold.
So enlightening to read back how I handled and described the painful and wonderful events in my life..moods feelings fears joy sorrow despair...all there for me to reflect upon.
Wonder what my son's will think of them when I'm gone..probably publish them...
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MoonYes I think I started writing diaries at similar age. One thing about having almost illegible handwriting is no one could read them.
It is good you can reflect on your notebooks. Have you ever thought of making them into a book it would rather someone did after you are gone. .?
It is funny how I never valued my notebooks till it was too late but I did save one of my mums diaries from before she had children as I was reading it at the time and it was in my handbag.
I haven’t started a handwritten journal but I scribble thoughts on the computer and I do a weekly blog which is sometimes like a journal but not as personal.
Thanks for reminding me about importance if notebooks and also their fragility.
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Quirky...I envy you your blog. I would LOVE one but haven't a clue how to set one up? Are there people who design blogs for you, like website designers? Years ago I managed to get as far as one registered with a funny name...but couldn't figure out how to put the background, designs, all the stuff that goes around the words.....in other words couldn't "design" it......also it can't be confidential can it? I can give it an imaginative name I realise...but for people to write in...I was told I had to have my genuine email address or something.
as I intended for it to be really personal in places, I wouldn't want my real identity revealed...so I guess it's No Blog for Moonstruck. what a shame because I would be so good at it. ) before retirement, I used to write for a living among other things.. as well as hobby/activity, although that probably doesn't show through on Forum because I just want to get my point across, not show off my literary experience).....Mmmmmm...wish I had a blog!
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My blog is not a normal one in the sense I write for a mental health website. So I have a ready made audience.
They have a different blog each day and 3 regular writers. So it is good in one way that people comment and you get feedback, but you are a bit restricted by topics.
I can Tell by your knowledge of literature and you writing that you were experienced.
Thanks again for you comments.
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Hello everyone
I keep thinking what my life would be like without a chance to write down my thoughts and the opportunity to read the thoughts of others.
what role does writing play in helping your mental health and in understanding your struggles.
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A Huge part Quirky. always has. Its one of the top several things I'd say I "do best" and yes have heaps of experience. Is it true that all blogs have to reveal your real identity...or can they be anonymous? Because I'd be so good at compiling one with regular entries...but it'd be so personal I couldn't possibly identify myself....what a waste! Does anyone know the answer to this? "frustrated blogger".....LOL......
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I think she wrote about that other women with more than two children could relate to this trying to organise children and still having time for yourself and all those sort of things so it was a personal in that respect
She didn't tell people where she lived she didn't talk about pets
'Its not so much personal I suppose it's to make a blog that other people will relate to.
So I had a friend that started a blog about life after 60 and I know they're probably a lot of blogs and magazines but she won an award for it and and this is pretty high-profile .
My experience is writing a weekly blog for a health website so to see so it's completely different I think from writing a personal one everyday.
In Google there are lots of blogs about how to write a blog.
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Sorry can't first line is very confused.
It should read.
I had a friend who wrote a blog when her children were preteens but she changed a few details she had 6 children and she said she had four and she mixed around the gender ratio and the ages of the children.