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Words: Friends or Foe? How can writing help you.
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People can be afraid of words as they have no confidence in what they write. Maybe at school teachers have said negative things about their writing or their parents have said they don't write well.
Some people are anxious to write their first post as they wonder if they will make sense to others.
I believe words are your friends and everyone who can read this can write in meaningful way.
I want to look at how writing can help you
1) by helping you to explain and express your feelings to others
2) allowing you to connect to others through your words
3) by keeping a journal or starting a thread here and learn from your own writing and read others.
4) by helping you work out how to change certain behaviours
and many more we can share with each other.
To start at the beginning : Are words your friend or foe?
When you see a blank page or screen are you filled with fear or are you excited at the challenge.
Does writing words down help you more or in a different way to speaking them?
Everyone is welcome to contribute, first time posters , regulars, people who don't like writing , people who find they go the character limit for the post every time.
Write on
PS writing in this context is same as typing , or using voice to text.
I want to look at how words can help you express your thoughts and emotions?
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Hi Quirky
I hate that feeling like you're going to burst because a story is trapped in your mind. I've been like that for months now.
Finally got the first chapter of my story written this week. Two hours, 1300 words. It just poured out. Sat on it for a few days. Played around with it a bit. Then scrubbed it. Back to the keyboard I go!
Happy writing to all
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Thanks Summer Rose, and hello to all the word lovers,
I could to write 1300 words and then scrub it, I assume is that like deleting it! Did you keep a copy somewhere. A few years ago I did that writing a novel in November activity where you try to write 50 000 words. I wrote 18000 words and had a friend who tutors in writing and helps people have a look at what I wrote and she tried to e kind but I knew it was terrible.
I still have it somewhere on my computer as I feelthere may be both of it I can salvage.
Is this your first story?
Do other people delete or save work they are not happy with?
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Hi Quirky
When I say scrubbed it, I mean delete. I'm going to write the story from a different voice. I've been toying with two different formats and had to try one to know whether it was or wasn't going to work. Second novel for me. Very excited!
Kind thoughts to all
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Hello everyone,
I just lost my reply to you summer. So I will keep this short.
Having written your first novel must give you confidence. Did you get it published or is it part of a series. ?
I wonder if I am getting rid of the good parts and leaving the words that don't work.
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HI Quirky
I have been inspired to write for some time. But at times I have so much to write about that I can get lost. I have several books that I would like to write. But with the major changes happening in my life at present plus an invitation to move somewhere else I need to take things quietly.
I feel that I need to do more journal writing to assist me mentally. About the demand to write from a journal I try not to take it too seriously so as to put myself down, instead I like to think that it will motivate me.
In my efforts to write books I have found that if I go above 1500 words I start to get confused. Mind Mapping is a major part of being able to write large projects. I need to find my own way of doing it.
RE: Word Lovers
Did you know that the right name for a Word Lover is a Logophile?
My partner is one at least weekly I hear a word mentioned by him that I have never heard before. He is a speaker and I am a writer.
I am now interested to see who has achievements.
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Sorry I must have missed your reply.
I think 1500 words is impressive for the start of a book, I get to the title and one sentence and think, this is quite silly and then I lose interest quickly.
I talk and write and write like I talk a time so I have to be careful I do not ramble and get distracted like I do when I am talking or thinking.
remember at school we had a group called the logophiles, we thought we were so clever!!
also am a bibliophile and maybe the two words go together. What do others think.
I welcome people reading this for the first time or , regularly, to tell me about words in your life and what you are doing.
I think I am over using a noun as a verb and it is getting ridiculous.
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Hello Quirkywords,
You wrote "I talk and write and write like I talk", I wish I could write like I talk. I'm fine words when I am talking or reading and with formal business correspondence, but really battle with social writing.
Paw Prints
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Paw Prints
I often wish I did not write like I talk as I use jargon and ramble when I talk.
I need to be more precise when I write.
Thanks for your reply.
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Hello all those reading and all liking writing words,
I want to take the step to do a one day course or maybe an online course on writing.
Has any one done a course and if so how did it help you?
I worry if I have to receive feedback from others it will upset me but I know I need that to improve as a writer.
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Hi Quirky,
In one of your posts, you mentioned you wished you didn't write as you talk.
I have a ear friend in Europe. I love to read her emails and "hear" her voice in my mind as I read her news as it is like she is right there with me talking to me.
Hope you can find a writing course that suits you. Criticism can be hard to take! I know I don't like it very much. Hopefully if you do receive some, it will be said in a kind manner!
Writing out stuff has helped me these last few weeks.
Cheers to you and all from Dools