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Walking Shoes - Walking and Other Exercise
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Hey to anyone reading this.
Last night I had an idea about starting a new thread about exercise especially walking. I am aware that walking is very beneficial for our mental, emotional and physical well being. And by actually doing it....well it can make a huge difference to how we cope with the storms that we face in life.
OK, I am not real good at disciplining myself to walk, and have to really push myself to do it. And sometimes it is even hard to leave this bedroom. Anyway I am not a beginner walker, as I have stuck to sort of a plan before. So I know that it does make me feel somewhat better. But I only stayed on the plan for a couple of months, then gave up.....for whatever reason. So here I am again wanting desperately to not fail this time.
So I guess this thread is for anyone that does walk, anyone that is struggling to walk because of depression or anxiety issues. And anyone else really......
I am unsure of the outcome of all this. But my ideas included: Sharing about things we have found out about exercise especially about walking. Writing down the reasons that one would chose to walk ( like something to help motivate). Being accountable in same way. Sharing about the places where we actually do walk, like the beach, gym, around the block, with the dog, out to the clothesline and back. And any other useful tips that could help others. So here we go......
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Hi All,
I didn't seem to have the energy for a walk today so had a wander about in our garden instead. I found some nice places to just sit for a while, listen to the birds, feel the sun on my skin, the touch of a gentle breeze and tried to soak on all the peace of nature.
Eagle Ray I have heard about the Japanese term of forest bathing. I have a little clump of young sheoak trees. The bushes have grown in such a wat that there is a little area where I can crawl in under the lower branches and it is almost like a protected area. The needles/leaves from the bushes have created quite a cushioned area under the bushes. A nice place to lie on a towel and just soak up the atmosphere. The wind whistling through a sheoak is a very different sound.
I saw some little skinks and a rabbit while out in the garden.
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Hi Eagle Ray,
I find it quite fascinating that the forest including the trees, the whole atmosphere around you has a calming affect on you. So much so you get lost in it for a long time. I think I experience a little of that, while just walking near the ocean, feeling the breeze, smelling the air even, sitting on the grass pulling weeds out from the garden.
Not sure if you have read any of the bible. But God created mankind to live amongst and take care of a garden originally. Maybe it was like a forest. I know it had trees to eat from. You have me thinking quite a bit here. I have never felt a oneness with creation, like I think you mentioned you did. But I have sensed a connection to God several times. And how I long for that again. And I know God created the trees, the beautiful birds that come close to you when you are still. He did that for all of us for a reason I am thinking at this very moment. So we could see how intelligent he is, we could see how creative and beautiful He is. Some flowers even look like they have been painted with a paint brush. Even some birds look like that. I think creation is reflecting Him. Just realising this now. Wow.
I had never heard of forest bathing before. But I do know some plants purify the air we breathe, some release different oils, some plants have healing properties.. It can feel calming when you watch leaves moving gently and hear the wind going through them.
It helps me at the moment to remind me to be thankful, not to the tree, birds, flowers etcbut rather to the One who designed them and made them in the first place.
Thankyou Eagle Ray
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Hi Dools, Shell and All,
Dools, your special place amongst the sheoaks sounds lovely. They do make their own unique sound as the wind passes through. Just spending time in the garden can be so restful and you start noticing all the things happening around you, such as the little skinks and rabbit you saw.
Shell, yes the beauty of creation is astounding, the forms, patterns, colours etc. I find it magical when the sun shines through a leaf and you can see the pattern of all the veins in it illuminated. I have a macro lens with my camera which I haven’t used in a while, but when I go out with it I can find endless interesting small things in even a square metre of ground sometimes.
Today I went out during a break in the rain. It’s rained a lot and the bushland has transformed. I found yellow fungi had pushed their way up through the soil that weren’t there a couple of days ago. The plants were alive with moisture, like they were extra vibrant. I walked a particular walk trail twice as it’s only short and I wanted a bit more exercise plus it was so lovely being out (even though a bit cold). Then I walked to a nearby lake. The frogs were very vocal and I saw a heron.
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Hi Shell, Eagle Ray and All reading,
I've always found nature to be peaceful, restorative to my soul and a safe place to be. As a child I used to walk along the beach, sit on the cliffs and watch the waves pound in and wander through paddocks, trees and along creeks. Creation has always amazed me.
The colours are awesome when you start looking for them. I like to see birds and butterflies from around the world, even species of fish are vibrantly coloured. I too believe in God Shell and I am in awe of all He created.
Yesterday I went to the beach. Being a public holiday it was busy. When I arrived some people were still leaving the memorial service for Anzac Day. I went over to look at the wreaths that had been laid and to stand still for a moment to pay my respects. I had seen a few men of all ages walking past or sitting in groups with medals pinned to their chests.
This beach allows dogs off leash until 10.00 a.m. There were so many dogs! Some were really cute, some looked quite cheeky. One lady threw a ball for her dog and someone else's dog went and fetched it. All was soon sorted and on went dogs and owners down the beach.
Amidst all those people and distractions of dogs in motion, I was able to just stand and soak in the ocean, the sand, the breeze and all that nature and God had to offer. Calmness and peace.
Eagle Ray I used to like taking macro shots with my camera. It is amazing what you can enhance this way. Unfortunately my camera packed up years ago and I have not been able to replace it.
Stepping back, I mentioned another magpie swooping me, these incidents have been in different areas. Maybe the magpies are just getting some practise ready for spring!
Wishing you all a good day.
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Hi All,
I had a short walk yesterday near a River in a town, surrounded by large gum trees and hundreds of screeching corellas! My goodness they make some noise and a huge mess! It seemed like they were trying to rip all the small branches and leaves off the gum trees. People must be very busy cleaning up after them!
Walked further up river and spotted a couple of swans, they came in closer to investigate, I was able to take some nice photos of them before they swam off and disappeared behind some reeds.
Hopefully I will have the energy and enthusiasm for a longer walk today.
Eagle Ray as a child I used to find the sound of the wind blowing through sheoaks to be haunting and slightly disturbing. There was a walk we enjoyed that requited us to wander under the sheoaks. Used to spook me some days. Usually we spotted wallabies in that region as well so I tried to concentrate of spotting those instead of the sound.
Sometimes when I am under the sheoaks here at home and I shut my eyes, I am transported back to my home town and the trees there.
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Hi Everyone,
I enjoyed a walk this morning in the drizzling rain. I took a different road in our small town, this one overlooks some low hills in the distance, all I could see was grey skies and drizzling rain.
Colour bursts were found in some golden wattle trying to bloom, a few early bottlebrush flowers and gumtree flowers as well.
I saw only one rabbit, in someone's garden, no kangaroos and no hares this walk. I didn't even see many sheep, the farmers must have moved them to other paddocks.
It was a calming walk, the denseness of the air around me seemed to lessen the noise of the traffic on the highway.
I noticed an old house has been painted out the front, it looks very smart now. The back windows still have tattered ripped sheets that look like they have hung there for a hundred years and been ripped by dogs or energetic cats.
There are a few lovely old stone buildings in our town.
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Thankyou for sharing your latest walks Mrs D.
That is pretty cute the dog chasing another dogs ball on the beach. It's adorable.
The can be so much history in old stone buildings. I will just often stand near them or some similar and wonder who used to live there way back. And what does it look inside.
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Let me think, I have been walking since I last wrote. Today it was up and down isles in spotlight looking for embroidery items to place in this fabric bag as a gift for someone. And then I walked over to the quilting section to find suitable fabric to put in the bag. Because I didn't quite know what to look for in that section, I walked around quite a bit.
I have also been walking with my sister in that park. And a few times with my son around our neighbourhood.
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Hi Eagle Ray, yes I have too seen leaves where the veins are more visible. I have a vague memory of seeing a leaf with only veins and the outside of it. It was delicate looking and a browny colour.
We rescued a heron once. She or he was sick or old. We called her Henrietta, we imagined it was a female. She was so extremely and surprisingly light when we picked her up and carried her. We took her to the vet.
Do you think you will get out your camera again?
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Hi Shell, Dools and All
It’s lovely to hear about your walks.
That’s so nice you rescued a heron Shell and interesting she was so light. Yes, I’ve just been getting my camera out again in recent days, having only been using my phone for photos for a long while.
This morning I went to my favourite coastal spot. I planned to photograph birds but wasn’t feeling well so ended up lying on a rock for a long time. A guy was doing aerial surveys with a drone. Later when I was feeling a little better and trying to photograph wrens in coastal vegetation, the drone came right over. All small birds disappeared completely and went silent, the same way they do if a bird of prey appears overhead. So the drone was definitely perceived as a threat.
I then went to another coastal spot. There were lots of crabs of different sizes, colours and patterns feeding on the rocks. I got lots of photos but looking at them on the computer I can see I need a faster shutter speed for crabs. While their bodies were in focus their legs and pincers often weren’t. It made me realise how much crabs are constantly either walking, feeding or both.
It was good to be outside in the fresh air and mostly sunny weather, even though I wasn’t feeling great. I have many photography ideas and take mental notes while I’m out for future wildlife and scenery images.