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Walking Shoes - Walking and Other Exercise
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Hey to anyone reading this.
Last night I had an idea about starting a new thread about exercise especially walking. I am aware that walking is very beneficial for our mental, emotional and physical well being. And by actually doing it....well it can make a huge difference to how we cope with the storms that we face in life.
OK, I am not real good at disciplining myself to walk, and have to really push myself to do it. And sometimes it is even hard to leave this bedroom. Anyway I am not a beginner walker, as I have stuck to sort of a plan before. So I know that it does make me feel somewhat better. But I only stayed on the plan for a couple of months, then gave up.....for whatever reason. So here I am again wanting desperately to not fail this time.
So I guess this thread is for anyone that does walk, anyone that is struggling to walk because of depression or anxiety issues. And anyone else really......
I am unsure of the outcome of all this. But my ideas included: Sharing about things we have found out about exercise especially about walking. Writing down the reasons that one would chose to walk ( like something to help motivate). Being accountable in same way. Sharing about the places where we actually do walk, like the beach, gym, around the block, with the dog, out to the clothesline and back. And any other useful tips that could help others. So here we go......
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That tree frog sounds super cute Eagle Ray, how it can change its croaks like that.
And yes the old bath tub. There is two of them outside this old store that sells, well I don't even know exactly what it sells. Never been inside it. Like Mrs D was saying you can imagine what was happening years gone by in this old place. A lot of this town was built by convicts, so it does have a history. A very busy port town way back then.
Your walks always sound so colourful and I can see you notice so much around you often in great detail. It's lovely.
Oh kite surfers, that's what they are called. You see them in the ocean where I walk. Think the people using them would have strong arms.
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I went for a walk in the park yesterday afternoon. By myself this time. I am not sure of the distance I walked but it seemed further then other times. This is a large park with a path all the way around the outside of it. The path is lined with shrubs in one side of it, very old tall trees in another section of it. These trees are so very shady and have a children's playground underneath them. As well as places to have picnics under the shade. I noticed a bit more on this walk. There is old church buildings turned into a preschool. Then further along I saw a group of people rollerskating on the netball courts, with music from the 1980' s playing. There was someone on another court shooting baskets.
On the right of me was some brick archway. Don't know more then that. Maybe I will investigate next time. There are cricket fields here too with a cricket net. Crococt.. maybe not the right word. But it's a game with a mallet golf looking club where you knock balls through hoops in the grass. There is a fenced of grassy area to play it. There is also outside gym equipment.
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Talked myself into just getting up out of bed and going for a walk earlier on. Wasn't hugely feeling like it, but I am glad I did. I walked out on the breakwall, the ocean was rough today and then you often see waves splash up over the wall onto the path. It was happening today. I didn't get hugely wet, just lightly sprayed on. As it seemed we just dodged the waves naturally. We would hear them splashing on the path behind us. It was nice out, it felt good to breathe in the fresh ocean air.
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Hi Shell and all reading,
Yesterday I went for a walk in our area and took lots of photos along the way, it helped me to appreciate all I do have here around me. I can make time to walk and explore other areas that have more scrub, pine plantations and think about my next trip to the beach as well.
A few gum trees were in flower and attracted bees. I heard lambs in the paddock, a farmer had spread out feed for the sheep as it is still so dry in our region with very little green in any paddocks. There were a lot of magpies in one area.
This morning it has been pouring with rain so I will see if it is any better this afternoon for a walk.
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Mrs D the noise of the lambs sound cute. You don't see or hear many lambs around here. I have heard them before though, so know they sound cute. Reminded me and I am not sure why of a video I saw with a goat jumping on a trampoline.
You must have a lot of photos by now, I remember you saying you have taken them before while out walking
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Just got back from a walk on the breakwall. So nice and breezy out. As I was walking along I heard a familiar voice of an extended family member. A little boy. He was talking to his brother. I soon saw their mumma along with 2 more young boys up ahead. The youngest about 3 years I think. They were all so smiley which did my heart good. It melted it. The 3 year old gave me a hug. This melted my heart even more.
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Dear Shell, Dools and All
Shell, that's so beautiful about your heart melting and the hug from the 3 year old. The innocence and openness of children reminds us of what is special in the world.
And Dools, you mentioning the lambs reminds me of driving to another town this morning. There was a paddock with many little lambs that were so incredibly cute. I really wished I could give one a cuddle.
My walk today was one I have done many times now on a section of river. Everything was fresh from recent rain. It was like the plants and trees were happy from a much needed drink. Some of the trees are very tall and I looked up at them in awe of their beauty. There was just a soft, gentle breeze. I saw a variety of dogs on the walk - different colours and sizes. A 3-legged one came to say hello for a pat before continuing enthusiastically along the path. The river is looking a little fuller and I saw many tadpoles. Everything felt refreshed.
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Hoping you are going along ok Eagle Ray. I think I know what you mean about the trees and plants looking happy after the rain. They can look sort of refreshed, clean and some leaves perk up.
It's amazing how a dog is able to walk on three legs.
Did you like patting him.
And yes it was beautiful this little nephew freely giving me a hug. It really did my heart good to receive it.
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Thank you Shell. Yes, I'm going ok. I spent a lot of time today job searching. At times I get a bit discouraged because I'm dealing with health issues that I have to balance and wonder what job I can do as I try to get back into work. I am able to do a certain amount, including going for my walks, but I still get a certain level of fatigue and pain. I'm doing some volunteer work anyway which I am enjoying.
Yes, it's so amazing how dogs get by on three legs. They are always so enthusiastic too, just like any other dog, like having three legs doesn't dampen their spirits. It's lovely to see. And yes I did enjoy patting him very much. I absolutely love dogs 🐶💗
Receiving hugs like you did from your nephew is so special. Children are so open and naturally loving. I hope you are going along ok too. Take care and hugs from Eagle Ray.
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Today I had a lovely walk. It was cold with more rain coming but I knew I needed exercise so took an umbrella. I walked on a bush track next to the river noticing all the different colours in the fallen leaves on the track in different stages of decomposition - green, yellow, red and rusty brown.
A rain shower went through then I got to an area with large amounts of granite rock. I sat on the rock as the sun came out, warming myself up like a lizard. The warmth was so lovely. Then it became cloudy and cool again so I continued on a path amongst plants and areas of rock.
On my way back I met a lovely, friendly elderly couple with a very big dog. They said I could pat her. At first she didn’t come to me but then I squatted down and she ran up to me for pats. Patting dogs always makes me happy.
On a quiet road I could see the clouds were moving fast overhead as I watched bands of sunlight followed by shadow keep coming towards me rapidly. It was a quiet road but a friendly person waved to me as they drove past and I waved back. In the last 10 minutes or so I was really quite warm.
It was really good to get outside and I feel much better for it.