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Walking Shoes - Walking and Other Exercise
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Hey to anyone reading this.
Last night I had an idea about starting a new thread about exercise especially walking. I am aware that walking is very beneficial for our mental, emotional and physical well being. And by actually doing it....well it can make a huge difference to how we cope with the storms that we face in life.
OK, I am not real good at disciplining myself to walk, and have to really push myself to do it. And sometimes it is even hard to leave this bedroom. Anyway I am not a beginner walker, as I have stuck to sort of a plan before. So I know that it does make me feel somewhat better. But I only stayed on the plan for a couple of months, then gave up.....for whatever reason. So here I am again wanting desperately to not fail this time.
So I guess this thread is for anyone that does walk, anyone that is struggling to walk because of depression or anxiety issues. And anyone else really......
I am unsure of the outcome of all this. But my ideas included: Sharing about things we have found out about exercise especially about walking. Writing down the reasons that one would chose to walk ( like something to help motivate). Being accountable in same way. Sharing about the places where we actually do walk, like the beach, gym, around the block, with the dog, out to the clothesline and back. And any other useful tips that could help others. So here we go......
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Dear Shell~
Thank you for sharing your walks, they are a respite and remind me of times in my youth - happy times unadulterated by strife or illness.
Often your words make a scene that is very real in my mind. I too have closed my eyes as I walked and felt all around me more intensely.
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Hello Shelll, I also enjoy reading your interesting posts about your walks. My type of exercise today was helping tree loppers pruning trees. I did my best to sweep and rake around others areas on my long yard. Was acheing all over. It was so hot too that didn't help but that was exercise for a while. With kind regards.
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Hi Malaika, how you going.
It sure is definitely exercise that you did. All that raking and sweeping. You are okay now, have you cooled off a bit?
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Does it remind you of the ocean or the sea then? I am thinking it properly does Croix
I am glad it gives you a bit if a happy memory holiday.
I do like writing down when I either go walking or other exercise. It helps keep me motivated to keep it up. And properly more accountable. Plus I really like writing itself. A way to express what is happening with me
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The free beach carpark was extremely full this morning. So I drove around the coast a bit. I did find a spot.
I decided I would walk along another path and onto the other beach that is around here. This path follows the coast line. And if you look over the fence rail, which I did, you see rocks, sand and water.
I walked along feeling the sunshine and looking over at the ocean every now and then. It was pretty warm.
I happened to see this fluffy dog with its tongue hanging out. It was poking and half hanging out of the opened window in a car. It looked happy enough, just hot is all. The car was parked there on the side of the road. Then as I walked closer whilst staring at it and thinking "you poor sweet thing" "you just look so hot" I realised it was a large fluffy dog toy. Gee it looked so real. Then I saw the person in the front seat of the car looking back at me. The fluffy dog was in the back.
Anyways I kept walking and spotted a lady sitting on a seat painting. She had an easel in front of her. The legs of the easel were planted in the sand. She was good and was painting parts of the rocks and the ocean baths.
That is where I kept walking... Down through the cooler shaded walkway, then out around the ocean baths. Then out again. I followed the path along . People were having picnics on the tables. And the toddler pool on my left was absolutely packed out.
I eventually walked down some steps onto the sand. Then I walked in the shallow water along this beach. There are more sections of this beach that have rocks and small rock pools. The other beach I mostly walk on does not. It felt so good being out there. Even though I was feeling tired this morning and walking was more of an effort.
I walked do the end of this beach, I walked on the rocks in some places. Then once at the end, I looked around and there were no people at all. Nice. Except for the person using a some kind of bulldozer way up on the path area. There is construction going on up there. That is part of the path, I attempted to walk on the other day. All closed off though.
I stood in the water for a while, up in my private beach section. Feeling the waves hit my legs. So cool. I watched the waves rush in and splash the rocks then out it went again.
I did see a crab dart in sidewards into a crevice on a the rock. Sort of cute in a way. How they walk sidewards. There was a slippery looking grassy moss on the rocks. And some of those grey tiny pointed shells stuck there as well.
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Went for another walk on the breakwall. Such a beautiful breezy evening.
On the way we saw so many people dressed in formal white. It was incredible. They were all seated on banquet type tables. It really was elegant looking. Everything seemed white. White balloons, white stage, white lights. This event whatever it was was outside at the large old railway station. There are now actual rails there now. The old station building remain though.
Anyways later on I found it is rather a large mystery type club in the bigger city. The people dress in white, travel by bus to unknown destinations and dine there.
It was all beautiful. I I did enjoy walking as well
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Hi Shelll. Enjoy your walks. I'm alongside wuth in my minds eye. No exercise for me or even walking. Too wet to go outside. Thanks for your concern after being in the heat in garden with tree loppers. Yeah I ached very much. Physically overtaxed my self so now with the big wet I'm able me to recover doing nothing at all.. take care with kind regards
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Just got back from a longish walk down at the rec. I really enjoyed this walk. It was absolutely beautiful. The sky was a gorgeous blue colour, the breeze was happening and there was still enough sunshine.
I set out listening to music this time as I walked. My favourite songs at the moment are "Closer" by Maverick City and "Raise a Hallelujah" by Bethel. As I walked around I found myself singing aloud. Not near any people though. These 2 songs often lift me up. I also listened to an old song "Everywhere" by Fleetwood Mac.
I really did enjoy this walk. I even kicked a shaggy tennis ball along for a while. It was poking out from amongst the grass on the oval. Properly from a dog I would say.
As I walked along, the sheep in the hobby farm adjacent to the oval were eating grass. I feed them on the way back. There were 3 that trotted over to the fence to munch on the lush grass that I was poking through. The one with the horns kept nudging and head butting the other 2 to steal their grass. So I gave him a stash to keep him busy. Then fed the other 2.
I walked right around the perimetres of the ovals. They are quite large ovals. I only saw a couple of people and a dog. I noticed a passenger train going along the line too. Didn't hear it though. I was still listening to music at that time.
As I approached one side of the oval there is a pond. This pond was glistening from the setting sun. It was glistening through the trees. Shiny.
I walked up onto the small jetty and peered into the water. Not much happening there. Just looked a bit deeper since the last time I was there.
I kept walking along, passing the old netball posts. And the flying fox thing in the playground. There were a couple of people sitting near the swings. I properly would have swung on the swing if they were not there. Oh well... Next time. I did not want to be around people.
I walked 1 and a half times around this rec area. It took about an hour.
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Nice to have you along walking Malaika. Even if it is through the forum here in your thoughts.
I hope your body heals quickly from the achy feeling. I am guessing you used muscles maybe you were not used to using. The "overtaking" like you said. Something perhaps similar happened to me a month back. My body needed to rest for about a week. I worked physically for a whole day. I just was not used to that. It involved bending, twisting and lifting many fold up chairs from boxes. And then unfolding them. I must likely lifted wrong.
Anyways does taking epsom salt baths help you at all?
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Thanks Shell. It's a pleasure in my mind eye to be walking alongside with you. Sounds so adventurous to see and experience all those wonderful things whilst walking. I used to walk miles on end when in my fifties- thats no longer the case. Young at heart but my body isn't as strong as it used to be.. Yes, Shelll, just like you I did overtax my body with another massive cleanup clearing out things I no longer use. Then vacuumed the whole place moving all the furniture, then cleaning windows, doing mending, ironing, up on the ladder fixing things inside and going outside raking things in garden came inside acheing all over. Wanted to do it whilst on a roll. Now fell into big heap needing to allow my body to recover from all that work. Though acheing so much it's a satisfactory ache as I'm so pleased with myself by getting it all done, far from finished. That's for another day when I'm in the mood for it again. No happy medium here. Walked up and down my yard twice today checking out if the roof was still on the garage with this crazy blizzard like weather. That's all I could manage. I think I will need to slow down a bit so to get back up and running real soon again. I'm not as young as you are Shelll but have always loved the outdoors.. I'm determined not to be an oldie, I'm well over 70 yrs...still have lots of good things to do before I started thinking like an oldie. You take care Shelll its great to hear your singing your lungs out loud. Great therapy! it's a good mood happy therapy that can change our perspective of the way we look at things around us. Take care with kind regards.