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Walking Shoes - Walking and Other Exercise
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Hey to anyone reading this.
Last night I had an idea about starting a new thread about exercise especially walking. I am aware that walking is very beneficial for our mental, emotional and physical well being. And by actually doing it....well it can make a huge difference to how we cope with the storms that we face in life.
OK, I am not real good at disciplining myself to walk, and have to really push myself to do it. And sometimes it is even hard to leave this bedroom. Anyway I am not a beginner walker, as I have stuck to sort of a plan before. So I know that it does make me feel somewhat better. But I only stayed on the plan for a couple of months, then gave up.....for whatever reason. So here I am again wanting desperately to not fail this time.
So I guess this thread is for anyone that does walk, anyone that is struggling to walk because of depression or anxiety issues. And anyone else really......
I am unsure of the outcome of all this. But my ideas included: Sharing about things we have found out about exercise especially about walking. Writing down the reasons that one would chose to walk ( like something to help motivate). Being accountable in same way. Sharing about the places where we actually do walk, like the beach, gym, around the block, with the dog, out to the clothesline and back. And any other useful tips that could help others. So here we go......
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Yes you can dream, use our imaginations. I like lighthouses as well, I don't know there is just something about them. It would be beautiful to have a picnic near one. Your time having lunch overlooking the ocean and rocks, I am guessing would have been beautiful. So much fresh air.
And yes this one I was talking about still works. Properly a more modern light in it now though. But the lighthouse building and surrounding cottages are quite old with a lot of character to them. They are all in good shape, well kept. And painted a crisp white. I have walked up the hill that goes to them many times. And looked over the ocean whilst leaning on the rail. And I have peered inside the cute cottages. You just see timber floors. No one lives in them though. I don't think you can get up into the lighthouse itself. Maybe it's not open to the public. Yeah not too sure about that.
I am super glad you were transported into my walks Grandy. Generally the walking I do is ever so peaceful. Maybe it is peace within me that I feel. That is one of the things I have been praying for you. That you will know peace. No matter what circumstance you find yourself in, such as the place you are in now.
Are you able to walk outside there? Maybe in the garden.
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I am currently sitting in the car looking ahead. It's beautiful. I was going to walk on the other beach, that I mostly walk on. But it was too packed full of people today. So I drove around the coast some.
Now I am up on a hill looking over the ocean, another beach, the cliff. The cliff has a path winding up and around it. So I am wondering if I am physically up to walking on that. Don't know.
Quite a few people walking past me on the path just here. And even more on the beach below.
Just got to get on out there. The sunshine will feel good, and the breeze. Besides there are not many walking on lhe path on the cliff that I can see anyway.
"Stop fussing" , my thoughts say to myself. "don't be afraid of people" "Besides you really do want to walk and it will do you good". "And it does not matter what you are wearing one bit"
The time is 11am, so I will just do up these car windows and leave
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I am so very glad I walked. Even though I feel a little tired and warm. I still feel good. Like my heart got a workout, and fresh air entered my lungs. A good dose of oxygen I guess.
And no wonder I saw hardly any people on the around cfiff walk, it was closed off. So I headed up further, and walked on top of the cliff hill. The terrain was a mixture of the road, grass, concrete path, steps, grassy trail, paving and grassy hills. I was puffed out. But still so glad I walked it.
The view from up there was expanse. I saw a lot of bluey green ocean. And the breeze felt so nice on me. There were a few people up there, but I coped well with that.
I ended up walking into the old park on the hill. After I walked a little down the hill in that. I turned around and walked back up. The rest of the walk back was mostly down hill or flat.
Beautiful ocean scents, beautiful breeze, beautiful sunshine.
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Hi Shelly..
Love the walks your going on...Just right now trouble with the internet...I will be back later dear Shelly...just wanted you to know that I’m listening to you and I do care..
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I am with you smelling the scents feeling the breeze and feeling the sunshine
I like reading your posts and I will be inspired to walk more everyday.
I am in the mountains so have lovely walks.
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Glad you feel inspired Quirky. Mountains can be beautiful.
Please don't feel pressured to reply to me Grandy. You are free. Though I do like chatting with you.
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Went for a walk with my sister this afternoon. It was so good to catch up. Where she lives... on the way was closed off due to the flooding in the last few weeks so I could not drive over there before. Mostly all opened up now.
Anyways we walked on the trail around the water reservoir reserve. I thought it may have been muddy, but it wasn't.
I noticed the cows in he adjacent paddock. They are so very black those cows. And some were wadding in the water where the land was lower. Well not wadding exactly, either standing still or just very slowly walking in there.
I noticed the odour of wet grass/hay, like a musty dirty odour. It was coming from the now drained paddocks where it had flooded.
It was good to be amongst all the trees.
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It took a little effort to get out there and go for a walk today. But once I got out of the car at the beach I seemed fine.
I walked along the sand, and mostly in the water. The water felt so refreshing and cool as it splashed on my legs. I mostly always feel so much better when I am out and about in the sunshine. Outside near the ocean with all the ocean scents everywhere.
As I walked along I noticed the seaweed, bits of broken shells and pebbles. I did not see the wheel laying there this time.
About half way, I did notice something else though. In the distance branches and pieces of driftwood were poking up. Poking up in the air. As I got nearer, I made my way... walking away from the water up onto the drier sand. It was awesome. It was a sort of a frame of a make shift hut. Only a little one. But well designed and built. I absolutely love looking at stuff like this. It is a challenge to describe it. Thin logs/branches with like a 2 pronged fork on the ends were poking out of the sand. Then other branches were resting on the forked branches to form a branch roof. There was a slab of timber on its side on the sand floor. It was resting up against a wide short stump. I guessed it was a table. Their was some other timber object, but I was not sure what it was. There a homeless people living in this city. So I did think they may have made this little hut. You could just drape a couple of large coats on the branch roof for some kind of protection. Then again it could have been someone else. Whoever it was, they did a good job.
Anyways I kept walking after I looked at this make shift dwelling for a while. Walk along on the water again. The mowhawk birds were standing all in a group facing the ocean.
I walked to the end, then decided to walk up the small sand dune. Up onto the breakwater path. There were a few people walking out there. And a fisherman on the rocks on the port side. I noticed branches and logs caught in the rocks as well.
A couple of tug boats were making there way out to the cargo ship that was not far off the port entrance. They are enormous these cargo ships. I was shocked the very first time I actually saw one. Sometimes they sound out the horns on these ships. And depending on what the weather is like, the horn echos a deep noise. I quite like the deep mellow sound of the cargo shop horns. I have no idea why they sound them out, like they do.
I walked to the end of the path. Then turned around and made my way back down to the beach
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Beach and path walk this morning. I felt so encouraged as I could tell I am getting fitter. And my legs are getting stronger. And I do think all the sunshine I am allowing to soak into me is helping with emotional and mental health, as well as physical. I definitely walked quicker this morning and it also helps me if I walk before I eat anything for the day. I just drank water beforehand.
The branch/drift wood hut was still standing. I saw some jelly blubber. It often looks odd to me. Super unique.
And I closed my eyes for a little while as I was walking. To focus on what I was hearing and feeling. I did feel the grittyness of the sand and I did hear the waves rushing in and splashing like they do.
The clouds were moving. Big dark grey ones. I did wonder if I would get poured on. I only felt a light sprinkle of rain on my face as I was nearing the end of my walk. I did not get wet much.
Yesterday I did though. I was splashed by a wave, making it a challenge to walk more in clothes. They were sticking to me.
Glad I got out there and walked