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Walking Shoes - Walking and Other Exercise

Community Member

Hey to anyone reading this.

Last night I had an idea about starting a new thread about exercise especially walking. I am aware that walking is very beneficial for our mental, emotional and physical well being. And by actually doing it....well it can make a huge difference to how we cope with the storms that we face in life.

OK, I am not real good at disciplining myself to walk, and have to really push myself to do it. And sometimes it is even hard to leave this bedroom. Anyway I am not a beginner walker, as I have stuck to sort of a plan before. So I know that it does make me feel somewhat better. But I only stayed on the plan for a couple of months, then gave up.....for whatever reason. So here I am again wanting desperately to not fail this time.

So I guess this thread is for anyone that does walk, anyone that is struggling to walk because of depression or anxiety issues. And anyone else really......

I am unsure of the outcome of all this. But my ideas included: Sharing about things we have found out about exercise especially about walking. Writing down the reasons that one would chose to walk ( like something to help motivate). Being accountable in same way. Sharing about the places where we actually do walk, like the beach, gym, around the block, with the dog, out to the clothesline and back. And any other useful tips that could help others. So here we go......


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Today I went to the gym. The gym is only about 5 mins drive from us. I decided to hop on the cross trainer. I worked out for 15 minutes. Just slowly, I am hoping I can build this up bit by bit until I am getting a proper cardio workout. I am glad I went. And it was super quite in there.

I also danced in my bedroom to some music. Just for a few minutes.

Today I went for a walk on the beach. From one end to the other and back. Just a leisurely walk really.

The ocean and the waves just looked different today. Like the waves were coming in on different spots then they normally do. Hard to explain.

Anyways I am glad I went on out there. The sunshine was soaking into me and I always like the ocean breeze. It just makes me feel better. As does walking barefoot on the sand and through the shallow parts of the water.

There was a lot of seaweed that had washed up. As well as very tiny bits of broken shells and pepples.

As we walked along there was a car tyre just laying there near the waters edge. It looked extremely odd. Is it the rim they call the metal middle bit? Well that was still in the tyre. It just occurred to me, as I am writing this of the possible reason the tyre was there. The floods. Maybe it was forced out from the nearby river that flows into the ocean. Now maybe I should not of done this.... I don't know. I moved and lifted the tyre in such a way as to give it a push and watch it roll down back into the waves. I was surprised by the distance it actually rolled. It rolled right back into the waves and then more as the water was shallow. Then it fell into the water, floated a bit. Then the next bigger wave brought it back up onto the sand. And there it stayed. It was still there on our walk back. I just felt like doing something different, that is why I rolled it.

Towards the end of the beach were a group of birds, some were seagulls and some were a seagull size, but with little black mohawks on their heads. They look so cute the mohawk ones, I am not sure why.

On the walk back, I was feeling physically tired. I kept walking some. Then looking down in the sand once again, I saw something else that really caught my attention. Maybe a small butterfly with speckled wings? But no it wasn't. Whatever it was it was not alive. So I picked up a shell and sort of gently scooped it up. I had never seen one of these for real. It was adorable in its uniqueness. It was an itty bitty baby turtle. Just a tad bigger then 50¢ piece. The speckle was the pattern on its shell. I saw its head and tiny legs. The speckle was a yellow colour too. I said goodbye (does that sound weird? ) as I gentle tossed him or her into the water.

Community Champion
Community Champion

Hello Shelly...

Your walk sounds so peaceful...Thank you for sharing...I think it was your inner child that rolled the wheel along the sand...Watching it roll along the sand back to the water from where it came...only to come back to it new home...Hopefully the council will collect it and move it of the sand..

Awe the sweet little turtle...I think that you saying goodbye was so beautiful..poor little turtle...they are so tiny when they are babies...I wonder what a baby turtle is called..

I wished I lived close enough to a beach that I could drive to one and take a walk along the waters edge..I think I would be able to do that...walk along a beach on my own....

No...beautiful lady..it doesn’t sound weird at all...saying goodbye is the gentle caring and compassionate person you are....

Oh I meant to ask you ...Do you collect any pretty shells or pebbles you come across on your walks?

I enjoyed my walk with you..

Kind thoughts dear Shelly..


Hi Grandy,

There is no doubt in my mind that you could walk along a beach on your own. It can be so peaceful , just like you said. There is something about the movement of water, nice breezes and fresh ocean air.

I am so glad you enjoyed the walk with me. I am guessing you would have loved the cuteness of the turtle. I am not sure if baby turtles are called anything. They might be hatchlings, then again I don't know.

And I expect you maybe right in regards to rolling the wheel. It's the little girl in me.

I have collected shells before on other beaches. You don't see many full ones on this beach though.

With much care for you Grandy


Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi Shelly..

I remember when I was a little girl...when I visited my pop and nana, they used to take me to the beach..and I would spend a lot of time collecting shells into a bucket...and I would play with them for hours when I got home...filling the bucket up with water and if I moved it towards the sun in the right angle..some of them would shine so many different colours...it was magical to a little girl....

I wish that our mind never lost that part of it...the part that sees the wonder and Magic we saw as children....

Kind thoughts...Dear Shelly..🌹🕊🦄


That is so sweet, you being a little girl and collecting shells in a bucket. I use to spend a lot of time on the beach as my dad was a fisherman, still is actually. I collected shells also. Some were a very tiny cone shape that we made shell necklaces out of.

Do you have lots of happy memories with your pop and Nana then Grandy?


Community Member

This afternoon I went for a walk out on the breakwater path. I really do like walking out there too. I like seeing the black poles and sort of a rail that goes along one side. It reminds me of the railing on old ships. Below the rails is mostly rocks, some vegetation, sand and then the port. The river that flows into the ocean here.

I did notice a few extra items that had washed up amongst the rocks there. Plastic tubs and skinny branches mostly. Those sorts of things you rarely see along there.

The sun was shining again and it was breezy. I always like that. As I was walking along, I was in my head a bit. Many thoughts happening there. But I did pull away enough to notice other things. Such as the noise of a shuffling/scrapping pair of shoes behind me. It soon got louder and louder then a man ran past me. I watched and heard his shoes making that noise in front of me for a bit.

I walked right to the end, hearing the waves hitting gently on all the rocks as well.

On the walk back, I saw two people staring right up into the blue sky. So I looked up there as well. It was a pretty blue. Then I saw it, someone was flying up there quietly making fluffy white cloud looking letters. It said t= heart (except it was the shape of a heart). I thought that looked pretty cool and it was romantic. After they finished making the heart shape. I saw the plane no more. Then I did. They were up a bit further, right over the water in the port. They wrote the exact same thing in the sky again. Other people were noticing the white fluffy writing as well.

Anyways I walked all the way back.

Community Member

Tonight we set off to walk on the breakwall path near the beach. It was so beautifully breezy. Loved it. It was also super dark. I don't think I saw any moon, but there were a few stars above.

We walked along shining the torch in front of us. There were some other people with torches as well. As well as some person riding , who had a light on the front of their bike. Pretty bright their path of light. They were coming back as we we going out.

The water was still in the port side. And I could just hear the gentle lapping of the waves on the beach side. You could not see the water, it was just all black out there. Sort of calming in a way. Maybe it was the gentle lapping of the waves.

We walked almost to the end. As you walk back you see the lights on at the lighthouse on the big hill.

Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi Shelly,...

Both your walks sounded really nice...We don’t get planes out our way..,the occasional helicopter, when they check the powerlines etc....

That would have special to see a plane making a heart in the air...,I wonder if it was for someone special?..or maybe someone trying to spread some love those that witness it...

It’s so peaceful walking in the nigh, not many people around...plenty of night creatures...

Is the lighthouse still functional...We used to go to visit a lighthouse that was long time retired...and so badly broken down...uncared for, which is so sad.....I wished the council their would restore it... it’s still full of so much character, we used to have lunch in the front of the lighthouse overlooking the rocks and ocean....We couldn’t climb the stair to reach the top and go into the light room..as the stairs were all worn and some missing....We can dream, imagine the beauty of such places in our minds....

Hi Shelly...not much memories of my Pop and Nan..

Thank you again beautiful Shelly for taking me away from this room and away on an imaginary journey in my mind....

Kind thoughts precious lady..


Hi dear Grandy, I just found out what the sky writing message actually is. It was "cross equals love". Planes are writing this beautiful Jesus message up in the skies up parts of the East Coast of Australia. I am so very happy I saw it.