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Walking Shoes - Walking and Other Exercise

Community Member

Hey to anyone reading this.

Last night I had an idea about starting a new thread about exercise especially walking. I am aware that walking is very beneficial for our mental, emotional and physical well being. And by actually doing it....well it can make a huge difference to how we cope with the storms that we face in life.

OK, I am not real good at disciplining myself to walk, and have to really push myself to do it. And sometimes it is even hard to leave this bedroom. Anyway I am not a beginner walker, as I have stuck to sort of a plan before. So I know that it does make me feel somewhat better. But I only stayed on the plan for a couple of months, then gave up.....for whatever reason. So here I am again wanting desperately to not fail this time.

So I guess this thread is for anyone that does walk, anyone that is struggling to walk because of depression or anxiety issues. And anyone else really......

I am unsure of the outcome of all this. But my ideas included: Sharing about things we have found out about exercise especially about walking. Writing down the reasons that one would chose to walk ( like something to help motivate). Being accountable in same way. Sharing about the places where we actually do walk, like the beach, gym, around the block, with the dog, out to the clothesline and back. And any other useful tips that could help others. So here we go......


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Hi Shelll - thats nice they have new benches and tables

was recently in hospital for mental health and i did that with some of the workers - we took a hot drink and sat outside on benches. It was pretty soothing.
I miss being outside and you're right the sun is so restorative.

In the the hospital we got the newspaper and I started following the news again, but I think it's a pretty unpopular thing to get the paper...as most news is online.
I have found during lockdown though there are some interesting articles and perspectives, lots of lifestyle stories about how people are keeping busy during lockdown.

There have been some articles about how new Mums are coping and connecting to other Mums without the traditional "mummy's groups" and also about how bookstores are surviving with some actually experiencing an increase in sales...


Are you OK now after your time in Hospital?

And yeah these benches I was talking about... some have gardens around them.

I would think too people are reading more books. You like reading don't you? You may have mentioned that on this thread about sitting under a tree reading. I read quite a bit. At the moment it is ccokbooks. Some you can hold and some in Kindle on my phone.

My walk today was in 3 stores. A fruit and vegetable store, Woolworths and also this Asian grocery store. We just happened to see the Asian one. Never been in there before. Quite an adventure. We walked up and down the Isles and peered into the freezers. There were lots of food we did not know what it was. Though I did notice a selection of dried lentils and beans in packets. I could not read the packet, but just knew what was in it. Any. ay it was a learning experience looking in there

Did you walk out again today down your street?

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

hi Shelll
Thanks yes I am okay now. Bit worried as I don't have mnay supportive friends and also my family didn't visit or support me during my hopsital visit... but that's just worry. I am okay and feel strengthened by the experience!

That store sounds so interesting. Fun to see a new stores and new foods. DId they have interesting spices also?
Funny you mentioned the lentils as I've been interested in cooking with them lately and trying some lentil recipes 🙂 I know you love cooking, did you get any ideas in the store?

I did go for a walk and outdoor coffee again today. The coffee shop gave me a free croissant as well so i munched on that as well. I saw someone I knew on the street and didn't feel like talking but I don't think they were paying attention.
I do like reading! Do you ever read self-help or personal growth books?
Cook books are so beautiful to read as well, and make such nice gifts 🙂
Always a nice thing to have, hold, and look at as well as cook from

Hello Everyone,

Hi Shelley, Elizabeth, Sleepy and All. It has been some time since I have been on the forum.

This afternoon I am going for a walk with my sister to a National Park. There is also a rose garden close by so I will ask if she is happy to walk there as well.

Recently I had an interesting walk in our little town. I noticed one of the Churches was open and a minister was there to chat with people or you could choose to just go in and sit, contemplate or pray .

I went in and had a lovely 1/2 hour chat with the minister. It reminded me of something I have seen on old English shows, where you could wander into the parish church and have a chat with the minister. I don't know of many Churches that are open for people to just wander in.

Sleepy, hope you are receiving on going help now you are out of hospital. You and Shell mentioned books, I borrowed one recently from the library about prisoners raising assistance dogs. It was very interesting.

Cheers All from Dools

Community Member

Been for a few walks in the bush lately. Walking up gravel trails which were hilly. We spotted kangaroos just standing there staring at us as we walked by. A few hopped away.

We walked partly around a dam. A huge dam where all the water supply comes from. The dam walked involved walking up quite a few moss covered steps. I was thankful for the rails on both sides. As I am much more unfit these days, I was puffing a lot. Driving to this dam, we had to drive carefully up the winding road and down as there were water dragons or goannas, I am not sure which. They were sitting bolt upright on the road in the sun.

I did like seeing the rushing water cascading over rocks. It was coming from the mountains. The noise of the cicadas were incredible.

Hello Shell and All reading,

Thanks for sharing your walk with us Shell, it sounds lovely being able to walk near water.

Yesterday I had the opportunity to walk along a beach. I was fascinated in the beautiful blue colour at the shore line in shallow pools of water, reflecting the glorious colour of the sky. The sea was a greenish blue with a few waves and whitecaps, the sand was a brilliant white and the contrasts were lovely. I wish I could have painted the colours.

There were some seagulls as well that were walking sideways in the wind, they did make me laugh. It was quite gusty blowing up the beach so I guess they were not too keen to take off in flight.

Recently on a walk, I saw a snake on the road and wondered how I was going to get past! The snake lifted up its head a little and just lay there, so I walked closest to its tail end and scurried past watching it the whole time as it watched me.

It is lovely to see your post Shell. Thinking of you.

Cheers from Dools

Hello Mrs D, your walk on the beach sounds absolutely beautiful. And with plenty of fresh air.

Today I just finished going on the cross trainer in our garage. I worked out on it for about 15 minutes. My aim is to exercise in some way every day.

Community Member

Earlier on this morning, I went for a walk with my sister. We walked around that water reservoir reserve that I have mentioned about before. Looking across in the reservoir which was full of water was a sole pelican. He or she just looked so majestic and restful standing on a timber float thing in the water. He was still and staring out. Almost like he was an overseeer of the whole body of water. Way cool...

Good Morning Shell and All,

If you celebrate Christmas, I wish you all the very best.

I have been a bit lazy and have not been out walking, plus we have had a house guest who is not able to walk far so I have stayed home.

I love the story about the pelican Shell.

Cheers to you and all, from Dools

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dools, Shell

Merry Christmas to everyone

I too have not been walking as much as it has been quite cold and wet here lately.
Shell There used to be pelicans here I used to love and they would sit on top off telegraph poles. you had to avoid walking under them or you may find yourself covered in bird droppings. I liked your anecdote about the pelican.
Imknow someone in hotel quarantine and they have worked out a walking routine in the their room. I am walking up and down my hallway as many times as I can.
Shell thanks for this thread as it helps many people who read it.