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Walking Shoes - Walking and Other Exercise

Community Member

Hey to anyone reading this.

Last night I had an idea about starting a new thread about exercise especially walking. I am aware that walking is very beneficial for our mental, emotional and physical well being. And by actually doing it....well it can make a huge difference to how we cope with the storms that we face in life.

OK, I am not real good at disciplining myself to walk, and have to really push myself to do it. And sometimes it is even hard to leave this bedroom. Anyway I am not a beginner walker, as I have stuck to sort of a plan before. So I know that it does make me feel somewhat better. But I only stayed on the plan for a couple of months, then gave up.....for whatever reason. So here I am again wanting desperately to not fail this time.

So I guess this thread is for anyone that does walk, anyone that is struggling to walk because of depression or anxiety issues. And anyone else really......

I am unsure of the outcome of all this. But my ideas included: Sharing about things we have found out about exercise especially about walking. Writing down the reasons that one would chose to walk ( like something to help motivate). Being accountable in same way. Sharing about the places where we actually do walk, like the beach, gym, around the block, with the dog, out to the clothesline and back. And any other useful tips that could help others. So here we go......


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You can only do what you can only do. Like make best of the situation you are currently in. Which sounds like that is what you are doing Elizabeth. Even though we have no such restrictions where I am, but it other areas in my life I need to get better at this.

It's good you got out a bit and walked.

Are you having a challenge to know what to call me Chook? 🙂

It makes no difference to me though.

Are you able to get physically well Chook, like is it something your body can heal from, if given what it needs to do that? Feel free not to answer if you would rather not ... thats cool.

You are doing good to look at the bright side of things. Sometimes that is so very challenging.

Is your body able to do like passive exercise, think that is what it is called. Or just gentle movements, something that does not require lots of energy?

And Thankyou for reading what I write, it really means a lot to me. It's like my voice is heard.

Community Member

Went for a walk on the beach and the breakwater wall this afternoon. Glad I went. But I am still feeling tired.

The ocean was pretty calm, I was surprised as it was quite windy. I walked in the icy water part of the way on the beach. Looking down we saw a few shells and pieces of washed up coral.

Looking ahead we noticed a cargo ship heading on in to the port. And there were some dotted on the horizon as well.

The ocean really did look peaceful. I liked it. And it was a pretty clear blue with green sections.

We walked to the end of this beach, and then up the small sandy hill. Walking up this bit of a hill leads right onto the breakwater path.

So we walked on the path right to the end, passing a fisherman and his dog. The dog was just relaxing by sitting up and enjoying the breeze on its face.

Once we got to the end we turned around and made our way back. Looking back was that cargo ship that we saw before. It was now in the port, just behind us.

Community Member

If you are reading Mrs D.. .well you inspired me to get out and walk tonight. So thankyou very much. After I read on your thread how invigorating you felt at the beach. And then myself remembering how good that actually feels to walk in the chilly air. Yeah anyway that is what I did.

I went for a 20 minute walk down our street and up another street. I was wearing a jacket with a fluffy hood, so essentially I was warm, but my face felt the refreshing chill in the night air. And I did feel invigorated by that. Love that feeling. I did want to walk further because I was really enjoying it, but I was on my own.

I walked to the public school and back. I passed a bulk kerbside collection of someone's stuff they were getting rid of. So on the way back I had a bit of a look. I shone my torch in amongst it. I came across a sturdy looking cane chair. I turned it upside down to have a good look at it. Just saw a spiders web, apart from that it was in good shape. So I carried it all the way home. I like the chair. I put it on the front porch.

I really did enjoy this walk, I had more energy today so that helps a lot.

I miss being able to walk when I want & where. Curfew at night although that is OK but only an hour a day allowed & within 5 km of home so no walking on the beach. Can't even get to the beautiful parks not far from here they're closed & more than 5 km.

Today I did an online gym class. Tried side plank & completely failed. Even the pushups I collapsed in the 2nd round but did the rest OK. Sorry I'm not very inspiring ATM.

Oh that's pretty good Elizabeth that you did the online gym. I cannot even to push ups and I have never attempted a plank before at all.

I am really sorry that you are struggling there with not being able to get out as much as you want. It must be challenging. And you would miss it, because I know how much you like walking and seeing views and such. Think I would pitch a tent in my very own backyard, have some kind of fire going and pretend I am on a holiday,camping in the bush or something.

Community Member
About to go out into the wind to walk. It has just stopped raining.

Just got back from a walk. I walked for well over an hour. I am feeling a good tired. Just walked on the footpath near the main road here.

Hi Shelley, Elizabeth and all reading,

The walks along the coast certainly were invigorating for me the last 3 days Shelley. I took some photos to remember them by as I was walking along.

In some places there was a lovely wire sculpture of a pelican, it came up well int he photos. Maybe I can try to draw some of the photos and see how they come out.

This morning I didn't go for a walk at all, had thought about it but had other things to catch up on after not being home for a few days.

Hi Elizabeth, I like trying to exercise at home as it doesn't matter so much if I don't get it right or don't manage to do too much! You can try again another day and see if you can make adjustments so it works better for you.

Shelley, I really like the story about finding the chair. It does pay to go out walking for all different reasons!

Cheers all from Dools

I'm glad you had the chance to stay near the beach Dools. You deserved a break. I hope it helped you. I'm trying not to be jealous!!! Today was cold & wet but I did a short walk in the rain. Felt a bit sore after the online class. Then saw a physio after being told I had to go by my GP. I had put it off most of the year because of all the restrictions & in the short period they were lifted we had a lot of appointments for my husband. I thought I couldn't go to the physio under stage 4 restrictions because my husband can't see his face to face.

She checked me & gave a treatment but refused to give me any exercises because my muscles are so tight that they need to settle down before exercising!!! Go back early next week for another treatment. Hopefully can get on top of the problems maybe get rid of my headaches.