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Walking Shoes - Walking and Other Exercise
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Hey to anyone reading this.
Last night I had an idea about starting a new thread about exercise especially walking. I am aware that walking is very beneficial for our mental, emotional and physical well being. And by actually doing it....well it can make a huge difference to how we cope with the storms that we face in life.
OK, I am not real good at disciplining myself to walk, and have to really push myself to do it. And sometimes it is even hard to leave this bedroom. Anyway I am not a beginner walker, as I have stuck to sort of a plan before. So I know that it does make me feel somewhat better. But I only stayed on the plan for a couple of months, then gave up.....for whatever reason. So here I am again wanting desperately to not fail this time.
So I guess this thread is for anyone that does walk, anyone that is struggling to walk because of depression or anxiety issues. And anyone else really......
I am unsure of the outcome of all this. But my ideas included: Sharing about things we have found out about exercise especially about walking. Writing down the reasons that one would chose to walk ( like something to help motivate). Being accountable in same way. Sharing about the places where we actually do walk, like the beach, gym, around the block, with the dog, out to the clothesline and back. And any other useful tips that could help others. So here we go......
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Good Morning Skye
I just scrolled up to read one of your other posts again. There was something in there that I really liked and I wanted to read it again. You said " take care hon". I really like being called "hon" the word made me feel special. Thankyou !
So one of your children was doing swimming lessons, was that right? So do you swim with them, or get into the water and help guide them or something?
Yeah you would get exercise with that lifting, so I am guessing you learnt all the correct ways to lift and everything.
Hospitals do have a distinct smell about them. Anyway I hope you are having a good day today.
Many hugs
Shelley xx
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Hi there,
I've only just joined BB, and was immediately drawn to this forum. I set up a lesbian bushwalking group about 20 years ago, as a way to share my love of walking with others. Its been very successful and is still going.
Walking has saved me. At my lowest I know that by going for a good walk I can only feel better. It releases endorphins and I know I'm doing something good for me! Its MY time.
A few tips on walking: I have a dog so I always go for an hour's walk with him before work, and an evening walk; walk somewhere you like - whether it be near water, in the bush, near where other people walk, walk to a dog off-leash area, walk with an end purpose (coffee, buy the paper etc); walk in shoes that you like and are comfy and supportive (having shoes that you like to put on helps you want to get out, and use them only for walking, nothing else); use trekking poles - they are great to stop impact on your knees, keeps you straighter, helps you up and down stairs/slopes, and actually changes your mindset so you know you are walking with a purpose; make it a routine and let your family know so they'll support you; walk with a friends - I walk with different friends, one on Monday evening, one on Thursday evening, and with a group of around 6 friends on Wednesday evening. Walking with a friend means you get good quality time with them, it can distract you from hills etc, but also walk for exercise and your mental health - perfect; having a goal for walking helps you get out and be accountable - check out Cancer Council 7 Bridges walk, or Relay for Life, Coastrek, Oxfam Trailwalker, Trek for Timor Blue Mountains etc. Our bushwalking group enter all these, and it keeps us focused. Walking with others is always uplifting!
You don't need much gear for walking, you don't have to book it in, you can walk with your dog, with friends, by yourself. You can only feel better.
Get walking!
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Hey Paul - The Super Hero
Running up your steep driveway, well it is impressive!
If it doesn't cause your any distress to .....may I ask what it is that you are frightened of, what is holding you back?
Well anyway I am happy for you, that you are physically healthy and fit. That is way good.....
Many hugs
Shelley xx
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Hey everyone. I see that many of you have been very motivated with your walking and exercise programs this week in my absence. That is very impressive!
Bushscout - thanks for all those tips, very helpful. I usually walk my little dog, just the two of us. And I was intending to go to the beach for a good long walk today. However its been raining heavily all day, so we just didnt make it out today. I am very disappointed, because I really needed a walk today for therapeutic reasons. But it just wasnt to be I guess. I will aim for Monday now, as the weekend is usually too many people around. I much prefer to walk alone.
Perhaps some of you had better weather than what I got today. If so, what have you managed to do?
Sherie xx
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Hey bushscout
As you are new, here is a formal welcome to you. You sound like you are really into walking. I have been to the Blue Mountains quite a few times. And I have walked in the bush around Katoomba. I was not very fit at all. I think there were a lot of steps somewhere near the "three sisters". I remember walking up and down those.
Like Sherie mentioned, thank you for your tips... I agree about the wearing of comfy shoes too.
Shelley xx
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Hugs Sherie
Is it raining now at your place? It isn't here at the moment. Could you just set out now and walk, there is still light left? It is 7:20pm. I just walked up and down the train station steps today, a few times. It is a quite rural type station, with not many people. Hope you are able to get out on Monday, for your therapeutic walk, that sounds mighty good...
Much love to you
Shelley xx
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Hi Shelley, I don't know what happened to your post but thank you for thinking of me. How is your walking going?
I walked this morning. It was a bit warm as I started late but I did it. I managed to do the steps twice which was a challenge. I then walked home the short day. I spent most of my walk thinking about my next project and then thinking about how puffed out I was going up the steps but at least I'm succeeding in my goal so that is positive. My goal for the weekend is to try to relax so I have the energy I need for next week. Unfortunately relaxing is VERY challenging for me. My mind tends to take over and remind me of everything which needs doing. I need to find things to do which keep me busy so my mind is too focused on what I'm doing but allow me the rest /relaxation needed.
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Hey Shelley and welcome Bushscout and thanks too for your ideas
Its not distressing for me to discuss it actually helps me to answer you question Shelley and thankyou for caring...The agoraphobia in its severe form can prevent a person from even their front door as their home is their 'safe place'
I am very fortunate that mine is only with walking too far away from my home and even with the CBT I get a immense feeling of dread if I walk too far away from home...(my safe place) The feeling of 'dread' is overwhelming and the same as just before a major panic attack. I started to hyperventilate approx 3 years ago when this hit me hard. I was only 50 meters from home....but felt I couldnt get back...I was paralysed...that was a huge shock..
The power of distraction worked again when a group of little kids came to me and wanted to pat the 'snow dog' The anxiety and hyperventilation dissipated and I slowly walked home..This illogical episode has stuck in my head and the fear of 'being stuck' too far from home is very alive and well...as in anticipatory anxiety.
I use 'calm acceptance' and have been training myself to just walk without worrying or catastrophizing about what happened 5 years ago. I still feel I have achieved so very much since all this started years ago.There are many good people on here that are doing it harder than I am..
I dont hide any of my depression (mild generally) or agoraphobia...I tell anyone...To me its like a temporary physical disability...like a plaster cast on a limb...Approaching the disorder with 'calm acceptance' does help
When possible I find 3AW Nightline very comforting after 10pm....No politics and gentle caring (and funny) radio without any 'heavy' negative callers. Very similar to being with you lovely people.
Hey Elizabeth...your mind does appear 'busy' like many of us here. Great work with your walking and your achievement there...Nice1 🙂 It took me many years to get rid of the 'busy' word...There is a alternative phrase I use which has helped called 'Gentle Occupation' instead of 'busy' This can be mastered and is effective.
'Self Help for Your Nerves' by Dr Claire Weeks (may she RIP) is a really effective tool in mastering the art of 'Gentle Occupation' Its written in plain english and is just a small paperback 🙂 Still in print...It may be of help:-)
Thankyou everyone...Be 'Gentle' to yourselves'
Paul (Woof!)
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Thank you Paul for your explanation of your condition. Each of us walk a very different road and understanding others issues helps to keep things in perspective providing we don't compare and then put ourselves down thinking we should be doing better.
In some ways you are the opposite of me. My depression is more severe but the anxiety is manageable except when triggered due to PTSD. Your home is your safe place which must be really difficult. In contrast at home I see all the things needing to be done and then feel bad if I am not doing them effectively. As soon as I finish one task I immediately notice the next thing to be done. This is really bad when I am really sick, tired or injured as I can't relax and recover properly. Getting out of the house for the day or for a holiday stops me from noticing all the things needing to be done but for the last couple of years this has been problematic because of my husband's condition. The effort of arranging anything, packing and then I need to spend more time assisting my husband because things aren't set up like at home so I come home exhausted.
My challenge ,(apart from regaining my fitness lost while unable to walk due to my broken ankle) is to learn to relax at home as well as finding ways to go out and enjoy myself in a way that suits my current circumstances.
"Gentle occupation does sound like a good term to use to describe keeping occupied in relaxing or rejuvinating activities.
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Hey Elizabeth, I scrolled up to have a look for the other post. No..... I couldn't see it either. So I am now trying to remember what I said in it.
Yes, it was you about you swimming in the lake, the other day. And walking in the water.....
Anyway that lake sounds heavenly, nice and peaceful. Was it peaceful? We're you able to rest your thoughts a bit ? It does sound calming looking up at the fluffy white clouds. I have seen people walking in water in the ocean baths, near where I live. You have inspired me to try it myself. It probably would be pretty good, like the resistance of the water pushing on your legs as you walk, or something ....
Well yesterday I walked up and down a few times on the train station steps, whilst waiting to give someone a lift from the station. This does make the backs of my legs ache a bit. But I figured this type of walking would use different muscles in your legs, compared to walking on a somewhat flat surface. The station is in a rural setting and it is very quiet.
Today I have walked up and down other people's driveways, as we visiting about 6 garage sales today. I think I need a variety of different types of walking, I seem to enjoy that more.
Where are the steps you are walking up, near your house or down the street?
Shelley xx