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*Trigger warning* Eating for Health and Wellness
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I have been struggling eating and eating healthy foods over the last couple of weeks. I really do not want to go back further to how I use to eat, that is eating junk food, takeaways, copious amounts of chocolate, processed junk and comfort eating.
Finding it challenging to stay motivated to actually prepare what I know helps me feel better mentally, emotionally and physically. Plus I have been feeling overwhelmed with other stuff happening in my life, which somehow makes it more challenging. The old unhealthy comfort eating thing is coming back. And I think I am getting concerned and scared about that. I so much do not want to go back to how I use to be. I was so sick. Plus I now have some physical things not right in my body , so I need to be more careful and mindful of what I eat. ( Pre cancer cells , high blood pressure )
I was eating really well since Febuary of this year, it’s just the last couple of weeks I haven’t.
So I would like to use this thread to help me be accountable to Beyond Blue people. So like a diary where I can post and report what I eat. And also any healthy eating tips, motivating strategies to help eat better or anything related to healthy eating for our bodies including our mental health.
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Hello MM, I needed to go back a few pages to find this that you wrote to me.
"From experience and from being at many low points I've learnt that nothing changes if nothing changes"
I just really liked it. It took it has if you don't choose to make some changes in your life or within yourself, then nothing is going to change.
So thanks for that. And thankyou for checking up on me.
It's great you are still on track with your endeavour of loosing. Does that mean you get all your money back and then some more? Think that is what you said. Anyway it's great you just keep going.
And you are resting on the couch... maybe lifting hand weights or something? Hope that all gets better soon for you.
And do you know you can make pizza using a cauliflower crust?...Less carbs in that. I don't know what it tastes like though.
I will cheer you on MM on the weightless thing . Go girl go. You will make it. Don't think you need cheering on actually, as you seem to have enough stamina and drive yourself.
Anyways thankyou for caring. And it sounded like you had a good time in Cairns too.
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Hi Shell,all,
This weight loss challenge is so inspiring and motivating bcas there is an app where you can write and post things to help others and yourself and connect to everyone doing the same thing. Many people post their before and after photos and share tips, recipes and food plans. Many do intermittent fasting where you will fast for 16hrs and eat 2-3 meals in an 8hr window and many are having a lot of success with that. At times I've stopped eating at 7pm and will eat again 16 hrs later at 11am. It's really boosted my weight loss.
My skin is feeling plump and looking clear. And my energy is higher because my body isn't using energy to digest food all the time.
And I'm not craving the junks I used to crave and eat a lot of in the past.
I changed things gradually and am going to continue this weight loss journey for a long time to come. I've lost 15kgs so far but my overall goal is 100kgs of fat loss to be a normal weight of 67kgs.
My first goal was 17kgs in 6 mnths and I've done 15kgs in 4.5mnths...when I weight out I get $1550 which is the $600 I've put in ( $100/mnth) plus my winnings.
I'm then going to sign up for another year.
You choose your bet and the KG's you want to lose and your prize money is based on that. The more you loose/ bet the higher the prize money.
That's true nothing changes if nothing changes. There's been an energy shift in me bcas of my dietary changes and I've lost lots of weight sitting/ lying on the couch. True.
It has a lot to do with the amount of calories you put in.
I'm loving the changes healthy eating has caused and I might bet $100mnth again that I lose 35kgs in 12mnths. My prize money will be something like 1.5k profit.
Im obv hoping to lose more.
If I can do this anyone can! It's small changes that lead to big results.
I've been sick, injured, sedentary....and it's still happening.
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Thanks so much Golden!! What an uplifting post!
The main factor I believe is that people aren't comfortable being uncomfortable. With any change it's uncomfortable to start with, you might even cry, but you do adapt and get used to it. I think it's really helped to see results and feel so good which is a spur on.
Weight loss is a science and if u follow the formula you will succeed.
Just like weight gain.
There's a saying- if you don't take time for your wellness you will be forced to take time for your illness.
And I'm scared of stroke, diabetes and the like.
So I took action.
If u have a good support network and talk openly about your feelings and have validation or find validation and build yourself from the inside out you have more personal power to achieve.
I am yet to find a cauliflower pizza base but am very interested. I'm going to look for one today during my grocery shop.
Nope haven't used weights sitting down, only at the gym, but I've done no exercise for about 3 weeks and dropped 5kgs ( put on a bit in Cairns) lying on the couch all day most of those days due to injury and being sick. I just focused on eating for health. Cut out white rice, overeating, and ate more healthy fats and proteins. Juiced in that time too. I consciously consumed less calories. It worked.
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Hi MM and Hi Golden
I don't know a lot about cauliflower bases you may find in a supermarket. So not sure how nourishing those are. But know you can make your own, of which I am interested in doing.
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Omigosh everyone,
I've just watched a you- tube video on the 10 foods to avoid and it's so disappointing the amount of poisons, chemicals, crap that we eat and have to choose from in our daily lives. The food industry is poisoning us, disrupting our bodies and making us sick. Even many cereals, low fat or non- fat products, deli- meats, wheat- based products, flavoured products, are really bad for us.
You can't even trust half of the supermarket!
So so disappointing. Knowing that so many things I thought were foods and have consumed in the past weren't foods at all and were in fact shortening my life and killing brain cells....
I'm becoming educated and my eyes are opening. This video has shaken me awake.
I have to be so careful. We all do.
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You are definitely onto something Shell. The more I dig and educate myself the more concerned I become.
I've noticed the more I eat certain foods the more I crave them because they add things to them that make them addictive.
We are being tricked into overconsumption and addiction to certain foods is very real.
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I second the "Good on you" that Golden said to you MM. You are doing great.
That is all quite interesting how that weight loss app works. Using money to help motivate people and also being motivated by others that are doing the same thing. I understand it more now, you explained it well.
Is the sickness you have... could it be detoxing symptoms do you think?
I too have intermittent fasted. Quite a lot actually. Mostly for healing purposes. I have also done extended fasting as well, for the same reason. Our bodies can use all that extra energy for healing rather then for the digestion of foods. Would not recommend for people who may be reading who experience eating disorders.
Totally agree with the food addiction issue MM. I have experienced it myself. Definitely is a real thing. Refined sugars, unhealthy fats and even salt can be addictive to a lot of people. And dairy milk as well. If you think about the foods people (including myself) crave it is often foods with these ingredients.
You may find reading the book called "The pleasure Trap" interesting. By Dr Doug .? and Goldhamer. Sorry cannot remember their full names. There is many ytube videos by these guys as well. One owns a well known fasting type centre in US. True North Health Centre.
Anyways MM you are doing super good.
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Hi dear Golden yes I have been walking out there near and on the beach, since when you asked about it... 11 May. I am attempting to keep the consistency going. Honestly the fresh ocean air often makes me feel better. Is there beaches near you then?
You said you have herbal teas. Which ones? There are so many types. I like to try new ones every now and then. Raspberry leaf tea is the one at the moment.
Wish I could help you in regards to the agrophophia. Still its great you go out for appointments. At least you get out of you place. Fear kept me prison in my place a while back. Guess it just felt comfortable there. And I wasn't seen.
Yeah the coffee thing... It is a tricky one. But not impossible to ditch if one really wants to or needs to. I even like the scent of coffee... Incredible
And about the writing a book. Thankyou yeah. I have an extreme interest in nutrition, healing the human body with mostly natural non harmful ways, whole food plant based cooking. And cooking and baking in general. And even making like body products that are free from potential harmful ingredients. I am slowly leaning about the body type products now...essential oils and even healing herbal teas. I just find it fascinating, plus it most likely all started when I was researching in regards to my own health. And healing in a more natural way.
Hope you are having a good day today. The sun is out