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Tolerating people
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It is kind of selfish that subject heading but we do often worry about others tolerating us.
If you guys ever want to avoid people then drive a bland car, dont take a dog with you and cross the street when others approach. Seriously, I dont do any of that, I drive an attractive vintage car and we tow our unique and also attractive homemade caravan. This, when on holidays means bees to honey. So whats my problem?
Small talk. I dont drive our rig to get attention, we drive it because we love driving it and staying in our van. So trying to relax for an afternoon nap is nye impossible. Knock knock. Same questions..."Is it an MG"? "What engine's in it...does it tow alright?...a mate of mine has a....well I forget what it is but. .."
So, Ive tried parking/camping in the most away position, put a car cover on but the shape you cant hide. Every second visitor rambles on for 20-45 minutes...same questions, same answers.
I accept my bipolar tolerance/moods is the problem, no running away from that. But Ive run out of ideas and being an ideas man that doesnt sit right.
Its also the case with meeting anyone that talks small talk. If a fellow talks engineering with engines or say aircraft development I'm glued with interest as I find it stimulating...I like learning. If however a he is talking about his grandchilds birthday party how he couldnt blow out all the candles...I'm itching to run away.
My dear wife isnt a social creature preferring our own quiet company so its not like I've got her as a distraction for these chatterboxes.
So self aware of this problem I have, when I approach someone about there own car or motorhome I only do so to ask specific questions and limit them to say 5-10 minutes. But that's the considerate Tony and that doesnt mean I'm better or more correct than others.
Finally, some people use a talking point to actually tell you their life story. The last thing I'd do is be rude however, so I just fume inside.
I just cant tolerate small talk for longer than a minute or two. Anyone else feel the same?. What do you do about it? I feel its a case of "been there done that". In my 61 years Ive jammed in 90 jobs and 15 professions. Etc etc
Tony WK
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Hi white knight,
Another interesting post from yourself. I always enjoy reading your new posts.
This one made me think and how I react in certain situations like this... I don't mind small talk I guess but can't get over conversations pretty quickly and sometimes find myself very distracted and not even listening to the person and then they will ask me a question and I will have no idea what they said. Like most people if it is a conversation that interests me, then of course I will pay 100% attention but I guess with small talk, yeah you can get distracted and lose interest easy. I would of thought you'd like talking about your car but I can imagine it would get very repetitive and having to repeat your answers all the time.
My best for you,
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Hi Jay
Thankyou for replying
Inability to remain focussed is definitely part of my problem to. And yes, if its not a stimulating topic, my mind wanders or I'm thinking "oh boy, how long will this go on for".
There is an element of guilt associated with it because what people talk about is important to them.
As for my car, some people have great conversations about their mechanical knowledge or racing car days etc and I'm riveted. But those same questions of "gee what's it go like"? I want to run a mile.
It isnt fair on them really. My layest idea is give them 2 minutes them ask them questions about where they live etc. That helps
Tony WK
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Hi JD, welcome
I recently read that being easily bored with life or impatient can be a trait of bipolar. But thats too general
some illnesses result in being impulsive.
Short spurts are a good idea JD.
Hope you enjoy the dite.
Topi: the balance of your life- beyondblue
Tony WK
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Oh Boy, that was so good!
I constantly cross the street to avoid people. Especially old friends from high school etc as all they want to do is tell you about their grandkids and show you photo's on their phones.
Strangers are worse. A lady stopped and asked me where a shop was and I gave her directions but then she went on and on about what she was going to buy and how much of a shame it was that they didn't have that shop where she lived, down the coast near the blah blah blah.....
I generally walk around with dark sunglasses and headphones. People tend to look past me and target someone else.
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Hi TonyWK
Another great post...you always create them. Im sorry that I have missed this one...Its a beauty
I agree with what you said about impatience in life and I seem to have a woeful intolerance of people that are judgemental and continually misunderstand where I am coming from even though I am trying to do my best. I just find it so overly frustrating I guess.
Its probably the left overs of my chronic anxiety but it still seems to bug me a lot.
This is far from a selfish thread topic. Its a very important one that can help us help eachother in our seemingly never ending internal conflict of the brain....(just my thoughts of course..)
Thankyou Tony
My Kindest
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Hi sad mushy
Im glad you felt you arent alone in the habit of crossing the street
21 years ago living in a caravan park you couldvpick them lonely ones going from resident to resident chatting away. I kept my curtains closed.
The old ladies that hold up the other customers at chevk outs talking to the cadhiet about how long it "takes the young ones to key in their PIN "is classical. Im getting more intolerant of this and ask them to continue that conversation some other time....as they jiggle into their purse...there's a five cent coin in hete, I saw it last week, I was going to give it to my grandson...etc etc"
As I had anxiety for most of my life I think you are right, the residue effects us daily. Burnout I think is brain damage and we have individual negative results from that. Unfortunately in your case (and sometimes mine) people dont look at intent. They look at the flaws in the written word.
You can be as apologetic as you can be but they look down at people that do. If you dont apologize they judge you as arrogant. Go figure.
At the end of the day we are left with our dignity and the support of close friends with empathy.
Ive also observed in the modern world the trend of lack of forgiveness. It could be the reason of less and less religious people or less family structure. 40years ago you didnt disown your family now some do so easily...there are no ramifications.
So its a harsher world in most respects. Work, cost of living, reliance on two incomes and the list goes on. Its a survival race now so people are less tolerant.
I have always related to thise that shut themselves away..peering through the curtains. I fight that urge. My sensitivity is chronic and the cause. I always seem to stuff up, say the wrong thing.
They point the finger they do
Her, him and you know who
And declare you have a
"Skeleton in your cupboard"
You sigh you know its true
Like every other true blue
They get dressed for another judging day
Clothes covering their own skeleton they walk around with
All the damn time....
Tony WK
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Thankyou Tony....I have been really stuck on this for a long time and you have just given me the clarity and understanding I really needed especially after having a rough morning too
You seem to understand this so well. I just saved a copy of your post as it will help me out in the future too...I only had to read it once (and then a few times) and I felt better..
Thankyou so much TonyWK for your experience on this..
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Hi Tony,
I find it's not only boring it's also tiring. I understand there's a lot of people out there that feel a need to connect with everyone but it leaves me feeling worn out, tired and drained. I began avoiding people because I didn't feel I had enough energy to 'fight my fight' as well as come up with solutions for other people's problems while smiling and making 'polite' comments when all I really wanted to do was yell in their face to go away.
I'm afraid I don't have much tolerance.