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Three things to be thankful for today

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Some days it is really hard to find anything to be thankful for when we feel overcome by the darkness and fog of depression. If I look hard enough, I can find something to be thankful for.

I would like to encourage others to write down three things they are thankful for, and to realise there is a sense of hope available to us all. Sometimes it is just a little hard to find!

So my three things for today are:

1: The lovely singing of birds in the morning as they welcome in the new day

2: The ability to read and write

3: A lovely hot shower.

Wishing all the "family" in BB Land a day full of noticing the nice things in life. Kind regards to you all, from Dools.

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Thankful for

2years olds energy’s and joy


Having a safe place to live.

1) Grateful for my friends. Especially my friend that I saw today, I can be myself and they have always been so supportive

2) For my hardworking partner, he's trying so hard to work for our future

3) Grateful for my family, I love them so much. And my pug!

I'm grateful for

Music. Jason Mraz's Christmas in Quarantine made me laugh.

My family putting up with my total unenthusiam for anything. Changing meds is not fun for anyone.

People who care.

Community Champion
Community Champion

Grateful for

a person who cared long term and was patient with me

friends who keep in touch

people who understand

Today I am grateful for:

1) The fact that I am becoming stronger mentally

2) For my amazing family and partner

3) For everything that I have

Today I'm thankful

- For a psychologist who is helping me make positive changes in my life and seems to understand when I don't.

- For the ability to be able to make some humble Christmas gifts and hopefully a boiled Christmas pudding for my husband

- For hopefully having the chance to see some family at Christmas

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

I am SO grateful for:

* my daughter's return to dancing! We could see the joy in her face as she danced at her concert tonight... so grateful, I KNOW this will help improve her MH.

* my beautiful son and his gf coming home for the weekend... love it.

* my life improving in all ways... it's been a bumpy road to put it mildly and sure there are plenty more bumps ahead but Just For Today I AM GRATEFUL.

May God Bless every one of you.
Love EM

1) I am so grateful that I am able to have a roof over my head, able to afford food and have security. I know that is more than one point but I really wanted to put them all together

2) That my dog is recovering as I was so stressed about her legs

3) About my amazing partner and family and friends

Grateful for

supportive people


ability to make fun of myself

Community Champion
Community Champion

I'm grateful I broke my diet today and had pancakes with syrup - naughty, but such a lovely change. Life can seem pretty uninspiring in the food department if I always behave myself.

I received a substantial compliment a couple of days ago, I think it will resonate for many years

I am more than grateful for my partner, who as usual went out of her way to look after me and helped me patch a broken gate in the rain so Foxy Dog cannot stray.