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Three things to be thankful for today

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Some days it is really hard to find anything to be thankful for when we feel overcome by the darkness and fog of depression. If I look hard enough, I can find something to be thankful for.

I would like to encourage others to write down three things they are thankful for, and to realise there is a sense of hope available to us all. Sometimes it is just a little hard to find!

So my three things for today are:

1: The lovely singing of birds in the morning as they welcome in the new day

2: The ability to read and write

3: A lovely hot shower.

Wishing all the "family" in BB Land a day full of noticing the nice things in life. Kind regards to you all, from Dools.

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I enjoyed reading your x3 things, as they were long and engaging, descriptive.... Your things made me stop and think about things differently. Thank you

Today I am thankful for

- this amazing community where people reach out to each other so openly and genuinely

-being aware there are many opportunities for growth and change

-our cat who does some funny things and makes me laugh!

Wishing everyone a day with many things to be thankful for!

Cheers from Dools

Community Member
Dools that's so sweet! Wishing you all the best too.

Today I am grateful for..

A bike ride with my dad.

My writer's group, which has inspired me to try new things.

The courage to be true to myself...

Take care everyone. Always so refreshing and positive in this community. ♥️

Community Member

Struggling to think of anything to be thankful for today.

I guess one of my online shopping orders arrived, I suppose that's something?

- Tayla.

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Welcome to the forums Motto and happy to see you back Tayla!

My 3 things lol:

* my rescue doggie copying my daughter's rescue doggie by NOT running away and chasing the Brush Turkeys away from the chickens lol. (okay spoke too soon LOL!)

* my daughter buying us take away tonight, yay!

* being productive at work. It feels good to help people.

* grateful my darling chicken recovered and is bossing everyone around now. She's around 13yo so I think she's earnt it lol.

Love EM

Thank you ecomama, those are nice things to be grateful for too 🙂

- Tayla.

Hi mb20lover!

I just saw your post about my profile picture! That made me happy that it made you happy haha.

It really is so cute isn't it! Glad it made you smile 🙂

Hi Everyone,

There are days when we just don't seem to be able to see anything around us to be thankful for and that is okay. I am sure a lot of us have days like that.

On those days I am thankful for a warm bed to sleep in, water in the tank so I can drinka nd shower and food in the fridge.

Today I am thankful for:

-refreshing rain after a scorcher of a day yesterday

-a visitor at work thanking me for offering her assistance with her questions even if I didn't know all the answers

-the ability to read and write

Cheers all from Dools


Community Champion
Community Champion

Food for breakfast

Transport to city

Community Member

Today I am thankful for,

scoring tickets to the opening of the new museum

spending time with my love

beautiful days