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Three things to be thankful for today

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Some days it is really hard to find anything to be thankful for when we feel overcome by the darkness and fog of depression. If I look hard enough, I can find something to be thankful for.

I would like to encourage others to write down three things they are thankful for, and to realise there is a sense of hope available to us all. Sometimes it is just a little hard to find!

So my three things for today are:

1: The lovely singing of birds in the morning as they welcome in the new day

2: The ability to read and write

3: A lovely hot shower.

Wishing all the "family" in BB Land a day full of noticing the nice things in life. Kind regards to you all, from Dools.

4,903 Replies 4,903

The sun is shinning.

I am breathing.

 I am in London.

Today I am thankful for...

1) I have beautiful nieces and nephews who love me back home.

2) it did not start pouring down rain when I walked to the shops.

3) the yummy mushroom and steak pie I just ate....

Today I am thankful for

1) I decided to have lunch out today

2) Had a delicious carrot, apple and watermelon drink

3) Received a lovely email from a friend

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Today i'm thankful for

1) Rain (especially the sound it makes while I study)

2) That I have a roof over my head so I dont get wet

3) My warm fireplace

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Today I am thankful for weeds because

1) They get me out into the garden

2) I have a sense of achievement when I have pulled some up

3) Some have very pretty flowers!

It may be difficult, but we can find something to be thankful each day! Cheers to you all.

Community Member

My mouth, to ask for help

My ears, to understand

My eyes, to see the light 

Community Member

Today i am so thankful for: 

1. Nature and it's beautiful ways  

2. My amazing best friend and boyfriend who are there for me whenever i need 

3. My kitten that always keeps me entertained even when i'm exhausted from work 

Community Member

Today I am grateful for: 

Documentaries. So many good ones released this year. What an amazingly diverse world we live in.

Neil deGrasse Tyson. *swoon* My enduring man-crush. 

The Stuff You Should Know podcast.  A timewaster that I never feel guilty about.

Yeh, I'm having a nerdy day.


Today I am very grateful for

1) My husband's safe return after his holiday

2) A walk along the beach

3) Being able to be thankful and appreciative.

Community Member

Today I am thankful for :


1. I haven't lost sight of the beautiful things in life.

2. My cat looking into my eyes and purring...he understands me.

3. What love can truly achieve.