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Talking to your inner critic, can it be tamed?
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Do you have an inner critic ? Have you ever tried to talk to your inner critic. This is what happened when I tried. In my Be yourself thread people asked about how I interviewed my inner critic. So here it is.
This is adapted from a writing exercise to interview your inner critic about one's writing. As my inner critic has an opinion all aspects of my life I decided to broaden the scope of the interview.
Me: I welcome (well I don't really) this opportunity to
find out why you always need to have an opinion that is always negative about
me and my life.
IC: I thought this was going to be a friendly interchange of ideas but there
you go with your anger and hostile remarks. I do not see myself as negative but
as helping you, because you do need help.
I am here to help you why can't you see that?
Me: So when I am trying to sleep and you tell me about all my mistakes,
embarrassing moments, how does that help me?
IC: I thought while you are in bed you would have time to consider some of your
past behaviours. This I feel will only help you to improve.
Me: If you are so helpful why do I feel so worthless, so sad, so ignorant when
you are around? Do you really know how low I can feel when you are constantly
telling me all my faults?
IC: You make yourself feel that way- I am merely pointing out the truth. It is
not my problem that you are so weak.
Me: Maybe this was a bad idea you are never going to listen to me or understand
IC: Have you ever thought that maybe you shouldn't listen to me if I upset you
so much.
Me How can I ignore you when you are so loud at times.
IC: See this is what I mean you are so weak. You have the power to ignore me,
to silence me but all you do is whinge and complain.
Me: I am ending this interview. Enough is enough.
What would you say to your inner critic and what do you want to hear from your
inner critic? Maybe you can have a go at interviewing your inner critic.
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Dear Quirky's inner critic,
Back off and leave her be because she's basking in the "glow of her aura of weirdness". 😊😊😊
Oh and critic... You know as well as I do that noone here is feeding Quirky BS. We are saying it like it is. She's great. So quit bringing her down please. Go try basking in the glow too... Maybe it will mellow you out and you'll give her a break.
❤ Nat
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thanks so much. Can you summon that spirit
you use to tell my inner critic off to tell yours off!!
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Hi Quirky 😊
I hope you're having a lovely day and your critic is quiet. I thought about what you wrote. Both here and elsewhere about being kinder to myself too. So I'll try.
Oi obnoxious toad inner critic...
Really? How arrogant can you be? Letters to self on other people's threads now Nat?
Quirky won't care. She gets it. So yep. Rocking the letter to self in public woohoo.
You are so strange.
Uh yeah get with the program critic... We already had that discussion. Weird is good. Strange is ok. I'm fine with strange.
Ok. So what are you waffling about now? Get to the point. Stop wasting my time.
How am I a waste of time?
Well look at that. You've got nothing?
You have written to help others today. But there is the matter of the messages you haven't replied to. Failed at that as usual.
I'll get there when I get there.
Lame excuse. They're worried and you're too lazy to reply. Selfish as well as letting others down.
Ok yes. I haven't replied yet. Because they'll ask if I'm ok and I'm not good at BS.
They'll give up on you if you don't treat them better.
Yes. Maybe they will. Or they'll forgive me like they usually do when I go awol. But this is just part of me and if I'm tired and need space I'm tired and need space.
well aren't you a crappy excuse for a friend.
Sometimes yes. But mostly I'm ok. Remember what I said to the psych about the issues with Mum... She's human. She gives what she can give and I expect too much. Why can't that apply to me too?
That sounds like an excuse to be selfish. And a shitty parent and friend.
Ok. So what? So what if I'm selfish sometimes. I stuff up sometimes. So does everybody else and I don't hold it against them. Neither do you. So why when it is me do you jump down my throat screeching failure failure? I'm human not a bloody failure.
We'll agree to disagree.
I can live with that as long as you keep your opinion to yourself.
Interesting. Thanks Quirky.
❤ Nat
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Thanks Quercus always like your conversations. I have had a great birthday 60 and proud and no inner critic today. Spending time away with my 3 children and their oartners. Full of joy and kindness,
Lets hope inner critics keep their loud mouthed opinion to myself!!
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Hi Quirky 😊
I hope you're having a lovely day and your critic is quiet. I thought about what you wrote. Both here and elsewhere about being kinder to myself too. So I'll try.
Oi obnoxious toad inner critic...
Really? How arrogant can you be? Letters to self on other people's threads now Nat?
Quirky won't care. She gets it. So yep. Rocking the letter to self in public woohoo.
You are so strange.
Uh yeah get with the program critic... We already had that discussion. Weird is good. Strange is ok. I'm fine with strange.
Ok. So what are you waffling about now? Get to the point. Stop wasting my time.
How am I a waste of time?
Well look at that. You've got nothing?
You have written to help others today. But there is the matter of the messages you haven't replied to. Failed at that as usual.
I'll get there when I get there.
Lame excuse. They're worried and you're too lazy to reply. Selfish as well as letting others down.
Ok yes. I haven't replied yet. Because they'll ask if I'm ok and I'm not good at BS.
They'll give up on you if you don't treat them better.
Yes. Maybe they will. Or they'll forgive me like they usually do when I go awol. But this is just part of me and if I'm tired and need space I'm tired and need space.
well aren't you a crappy excuse for a friend.
Sometimes yes. But mostly I'm ok. Remember what I said to the psych about the issues with Mum... She's human. She gives what she can give and I expect too much. Why can't that apply to me too?
That sounds like an excuse to be selfish. And a shitty parent and friend.
Ok. So what? So what if I'm selfish sometimes. I stuff up sometimes. So does everybody else and I don't hold it against them. Neither do you. So why when it is me do you jump down my throat screeching failure failure? I'm human not a bloody failure.
We'll agree to disagree.
I can live with that as long as you keep your opinion to yourself.
Interesting. Thanks Quirky.
❤ Nat
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Happy birthday dear Quirky!
I hope you had a lovely 60th bday with no critics in sight 😊
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Thanks CMF and Quercus,
Quercus your conversations with inner critic are getting stronger and bolder.
I am not a morning person but I switched off inner critic and am off for a walk .
I am prepared after a 2 nights with family and being centre of attention I will feel a bit low on sunday but am prepared for this and inner critic has been warned to back off.
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Happy birthday Quirky. Welcome to the over 60 club!
As for being weird!! I read somewhere if God wanted us to be all the same he would have created us as clones of each other. Instead he made us all different shapes, sizes colours with different talents & strengths & weaknesses. Whats more we are all born in different situations & different places so we all learn different things. Each of us is unique with all the talents & attributes to be the person we are meant to be. Even the bad things that happen teach us & enable us to understand others. Lets embrace our individuality & respect other's uniqueness
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Hey Happy Birthday to my Quirky friend. ......all good things and happy moments from now on Okay???