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Surviving night shift

Community Member

Hi everyone. Just wondering if many people do night shift and if they have any strategies to help with coping?

I only have to do 2 nights a month thankfully. I don’t sleep very well before hand. I cope ok with the 10 hour night shift itself but don’t sleep very well the next day. I wake up feeling very hungover, sick and teary. (My family would probably use other words to describe me!!!)

It often takes me 2 days to get over it. For someone who has depression and anxiety it is really difficult. I get myself all worked up before I have to go. But once I’m there I’m all good.

Thanks again

1 Reply 1

white knight
Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi, welcome

I worked 7 years on 12 hour rotating shift work middy to middnight 2 nights then midnight to noon 2 days and 4 days off. It took me 2 days to recover.

Persons having any mental illness are advised to steer clear of shift work, however two nights a month can be manageable.

My recommendation is that when you return home try to not go to bed straight away. Do some soft activities like gardening and computer games, hobbies etc. Then when really tired head off to bed.

Getting 'worked up" before night shift is what used to happen to me. No use trying to sleep as I couldnt.

Regards TonyWK