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Store Your Happy Memories Here:

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear All~

What this place is for:
This thread is a tool, a resource, and also I guess a dash of entertainment.

I’ve found that when life is grim that sometimes thoughts of past happiness can create a chink of light in the grey overwhelming press of down. They can help occupy the mind with lighter reflections.

With that in view I invite people to set down a brief passage describing some happy event they look back to with fondness and peace.

They - and others too - can then return to it when they feel the need to glean a little warmth.

It is not a place for gloomy or dire tales, those can go elsewhere.

What to do:
Just set out, as simply as you like, your recollection of some past experience that means something good to you, something you enjoyed, something from safe times.

It can be, like my story below, anything – from an account of visiting grandparents to simply cooking and eating a melted-cheese sandwich in a favorite kitchen – you get to choose.

How to do it:
Write. Write enough so someone else can feel the mood, know what happened, find the goodness. (stop at 2,500 characters please!)

Grammar, syntax, spelling, punctuation are not compulsory, just write as you can – the only important thing is the content - not literary merit. Short or long - it does not matter.

I hope you enjoy, contribute and find a little distraction here when you need it.


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Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Sherie~

Well, welcome to the thread Sherie. I noticed in your own thread you have been struggling with unwanted memories being brought to the fore. Hopefully reading these happy memories may give you a little distraction and in time you too will find something to share here.


Morning Mrs D.....come on down and spend the day with me sometime...you can walk to the beach and enjoy the calmness and scenes you described.....just minutes away from me..I guess we take things for granted don't we? When we have them so close and available any time? what strange creatures we humans are that's for sure.

Croix I still have a problem even recalling my happy memories...and as I've said before I think....it doesn't make me happy or glad when I do. That's why I contribute so little to this thread I guess....I think it's great, but I have to wrack my brains to think of any....and then it's painful to write them down...funny hey?

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member
Hey all 🙂 Croix fantastic thread

Slowly navigating different threads. lot of help & learning.

Dad: So many beautiful mems of my darling Dad, one that I often think about with such pleasure is him picking me up (never failed to be there on time) from train (young age left home & nursed in other city in NZ) & the joy we had to see eachother & him so interested asking different questions, how's such and such etc.
Ditto too in the car trip. Smiling with so much love saying this.

Mum: Playing scrabble with my beloved late partner & dear Mum,on trip to NZ her sister from Oz was staying too & said to us "when I look in the mirror sometimes I see Mum' to which Mum replied and we all roared with laughter "Oh when I look in the mirror I see Raquel Welsh'. Her sister was blank, lol, she couldn't see the funny in that.

Late darling Partner: We had a plethora of sayings we use to say to eachother in cute talk. God when he did it I just melted every time without fail. sooooo cute. Adorabubble.

Thanks again Croix, awesome thread. Read some and will more in time. Well that's the plan Stan.

Take good care peeps

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Demonblaster~

I'm really pleased to see you here and hope over time this place can be a little part of your strategies to make bad times better. I find writing as well as reading can sometimes help.

You've given us glimpses here of love, each a prompt to me to look inside my own life - I used 'Adorabubble' too 🙂


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member
Thanks Croix, I really do think this is an excellent thread. Somewhere to come to when it's blagghhh.
Psych on one of my extreme OMG times, panic sets in which I don't usually do at those times as so many here know it's frightening how low we can go said same write down somewhere things that make you feel good so here's for that.

Yeah adorabubble lol heard it recently on fb from sil. (sister in law)

Yeah I have a thread so that's helping and agree writing is very good release and good to go over it at times see where we're going or have forgotten to continue with strategies.

Have a good sleep everyone that's soo important.

Blond Hey 🙂 very sorry for loss of your dear Dad, what beautiful memories & that he had it again & loved it twice.
It'd still be very fresh pain.

Dunno if you're a hugger but here's a few virtuals if you don't want them someone else can grab em

((( )))

Bless your super kind heart DB. I love Hugs! and thankyou big time. You are spot on again DB its still fresh for sure.

Demonblaster >>>>>>>> Champion!

Heaps of hugs for you


Good to know Paul I love affection and touch but as a friend says many don't & I'm starting to understand more being here and being full on at times I'm getting there and asking luckily there's also the us aye that love em. No point the half ones so unless they don't I love the real soul ones.

Apparently they also give off not sure if endorphines but it's like a transference,apparently if it's at least 20 secs long and it does happen there's an energy felt from the other person and vice versa.


Thankyou 😄 😄 😄 x heaps 🙂

Tc everyone

Mum: Wow late darling partner & I visiting home (NZ) bloody freezing & when we came back from walk to shops, dear Mum had a beautiful wood heater I think fire going, sooo cosy and comforting. Was like a gentle blanket of peace melted over me.

And going to bed feeling so comforted by lovely warm heavy blankets, felt so comforting,
A Mum touch to home.

Darling Partner of late: Same trip, the song I'm too sexy for my shirt was circulating & walking down the hill and I mean hill lol, we walked up that sucker, not fast I add 🙂 & he sang "I'm too sexy for my thongs" haha loved it.

Community Champion
Community Champion


Thinking of a chair summoned in my mind my chair as a kid in Nain and Tide’s house in North Wales. A perfectly ordinary straight-backed chair in a special position. It was at the dining table which was covered with oil-cloth in green squares and right beside the fire, which was pretty good as it got cold. Not so much snow as howling gales and driving rain – made inside that much snugger.

I remember that fireplace, it used coal, there was a big brass polished scuttle which was too heavy for me to fill, and boxes either side with cushions on top and a polished brass rail between. If good and careful I was allowed to use the brass tongs to put a lump on the fire. The mantelpiece above packed with photos, I has more aunties and uncles than I could easily remember.

Mealtime, under the eyes of distant Staffordshire china dogs on the dresser, was always a time to remember. The highlight was of course pudding and the best of the best was bread-and-butter-pudding, all golden with raisins on top, layer after layer washed down with a cup of milky tea from the big brown pot under the green tea-cosy.

I’d get served before even Tide, though had to wait for everyone before digging in.

Security, love, warmth.

Croix (Thanks for offering me that chair Nat)