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Store Your Happy Memories Here:
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Dear All~
What this place is for:
This thread is a tool, a resource, and also I guess a dash of entertainment.
I’ve found that when life is grim that sometimes thoughts of past happiness can create a chink of light in the grey overwhelming press of down. They can help occupy the mind with lighter reflections.
With that in view I invite people to set down a brief passage describing some happy event they look back to with fondness and peace.
They - and others too - can then return to it when they feel the need to glean a little warmth.
It is not a place for gloomy or dire tales, those can go elsewhere.
What to do:
Just set out, as simply as you like, your recollection of some past experience that means something good to you, something you enjoyed, something from safe times.
It can be, like my story below, anything – from an account of visiting grandparents to simply cooking and eating a melted-cheese sandwich in a favorite kitchen – you get to choose.
How to do it:
Write. Write enough so someone else can feel the mood, know what happened, find the goodness. (stop at 2,500 characters please!)
Grammar, syntax, spelling, punctuation are not compulsory, just write as you can – the only important thing is the content - not literary merit. Short or long - it does not matter.
I hope you enjoy, contribute and find a little distraction here when you need it.
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Dear Guest (I still think of you by your original name of course)~
Well first its my pleasure, as I've mentioned before your spirit is something to admire, and although we have very different causes for our illnesses I guess there is understanding between us.
Your appreciation makes me feel pretty good - provided you do NOT use that past tense! I plan on sticking around and really hope you do too.
You know, I've never actually seen a 'kudos' up close and personal before, I guess now is my chance:)
Good luck getting your meds reduced
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Hmm the happy memories have been a little slow of late. Here is mine does anyone else have one to share?
Dress ups are the 'in' thing in our house at the moment. The rule is you must address the child by what they are wearing. So currently Pirate and Batman are dancing in the lounge. Oh wait. Now it's Batman and Fire Warden. Simple joys and the anticipation of the day I get to share the photos with their spouses 😂
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Dear Quercus~
Thank you once again, I guess like very many family comes across as a huge part of life, I think it even comes across in your choice of movie viewing (Zootopia:)
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Dear Mrs D~
I'm glad you got away and had that special time with your nieces. I remember a pair of my nieces when younger used to come visit. As their favorite activity seemed to be giggling they were renamed Giggle1 and Giggle2. They are grown up and much more serious now of course.
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I'm in need of a happy memory to calm my mind and help me sleep...
The room had twin beds with brown and white geometric covers and fluffy cream carpet. Outside the window was an arch covered in Jasmine. The room always smelled wonderful.
Grandma would tuck me in. Goodnight. God bless. See you in the morning. She always smelled of nivea cream.
The house had so many windows. Even the doors were glass. At night the rooms were never dark. Moonlight through lace curtains.
I would snuggle down and wait. Without fail my lullaby would begin. Gentle voices. The soft reassuring sound of two people telling eachother about their day. No words just the tone. Affectionate.
I am safe here. And loved. I am asleep in seconds.
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Not a regular poster here as you know Croix but trying to change that
So despite all the upheaval of the last few weeks I have caught myself from time to time smiling .WT ..?
I have been so busy catching up with people/ friends wanting to see us before we leave ,
Our whole weekend was full with lunches, dinners and my fav brunch. All these people saying how much they will miss us , what good friends, neighbours we've been
Who me ? Me the queen of self doubt ? Positive I'm so self obsessed that everyone thinks I'm selfish and snobbish.
Apparently not ! As Sara would say "who would have thunked it ?" Trying not to wonder why my social life has never been busier now I'm leaving
mmmm🤔 Nah going with the good friend wonderful person will be sadly missed scenario.
Oh yeah going out to dinner tonight with girl from work after I feed hubby haven't told him yet - maybe it will be my little secret 😉
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Hi Stressless and All,
It is funny how people say they will miss you when you go, and you had not even realised they would miss you!
Yesterday I had some time at the beach between interviews. It was a glorious day. The beach calms me. Next time I might take my camera to capture some of the atmosphere and calmness.
Cheers all from Mrs. D.
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Hi Croix, and everyone else who contributes posts to this thread.
I dont have any memories to contribute today, but I just wanted to tag this thread so I can read about everyone else's.