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Store Your Happy Memories Here:
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Dear All~
What this place is for:
This thread is a tool, a resource, and also I guess a dash of entertainment.
I’ve found that when life is grim that sometimes thoughts of past happiness can create a chink of light in the grey overwhelming press of down. They can help occupy the mind with lighter reflections.
With that in view I invite people to set down a brief passage describing some happy event they look back to with fondness and peace.
They - and others too - can then return to it when they feel the need to glean a little warmth.
It is not a place for gloomy or dire tales, those can go elsewhere.
What to do:
Just set out, as simply as you like, your recollection of some past experience that means something good to you, something you enjoyed, something from safe times.
It can be, like my story below, anything – from an account of visiting grandparents to simply cooking and eating a melted-cheese sandwich in a favorite kitchen – you get to choose.
How to do it:
Write. Write enough so someone else can feel the mood, know what happened, find the goodness. (stop at 2,500 characters please!)
Grammar, syntax, spelling, punctuation are not compulsory, just write as you can – the only important thing is the content - not literary merit. Short or long - it does not matter.
I hope you enjoy, contribute and find a little distraction here when you need it.
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That was a funny one Mrs Dools. I find cows are scared of humans and the whole flock will run from you.
Croix- let's hope this psychic walrus predictions come true. I would love some big wins in the new year. Thankyou for your predictions.
I'm thinking of doing some study next year. Need to make more happen for myself, open doors..
Guess what I'm having for breakfast everyone- prawns...felt like sharing lol..
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Hello everyone 😊
Bleh prawns MM they're all yours 😁
Mrs D your story reminded me...
Two little ferals in gumboots munching on carrots. Floppy sun hats and freckles on noses. One bite for me... Then over the fence to the cows. One for me... Over the fence.
My sister holds the bucket of carrots and grins at my bemused look. It doesn't matter how many times I tell them they keep munching away. Do you ever feed them Nat? She laughs.
Whenever we visit there is a big bag of carrots waiting. The kids look for it. My sister buys about 30kg of carrots and hides the extra bags so they never run out.
Little Miss is careful to throw them to every cow and all the calves.
Mr 4 likes to feed the Greedy Guts (the Bull).
They both like to remind me constantly don't touch the red wire Mum... It will ZAP you!
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Dear Mrs Dools and Nat, with a wave to MM and all~
All that talk of chickens and dogs reminds me when I was small. I used to come home of an evening in the dark and have to brave the domain of what seemed to me to be an enormous dog, I was actually quite frightened of it. (This is not the happy memory part)
One day I was the courtyard, the dog was lying at its ease and I was just standing there. A chicken ambled up, gave the dog a peck on the muzzle. The dog departed in haste and I felt quite unreasonably pleased. The chicken wandered off. I was till afraid of the dog of course, but would replay the incident in my mind to bolster courage. (Now that was the happy memory part)
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Hey Croix, all you needed was to carry that chicken around with you!
I seem to recall riding sheep at a friend's farm when we were kids. The sheep were in the pens ready to be shorn.
The rams were best as they had horns to hold on to. I don't recall how old I was, only a small tot as I had to climb onto the sheep to start with.
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DEar Mrs D~
all you needed was to carry that chicken around with you
I wish you had been around to tell me that at the time!
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Hi all,
When I was about 9yo and learning my first musical instrument I used to get fed up with practice and making mistakes. Most evenings after dad got home from work he'd get out his guitar and sit and "jam" with me.
One time when I was extremely frustrated and ready to give up, dad put his guitar away and brought out his banjo. Then he sat there playing and singing like an olden day banjo playing country hick (like you see in the American redneck movies) He was soooo funny. I began banging on the piano and carrying on the same.
Not so long ago my son (who trains in MMA and is built) came out with his violin. (son also plays piano, guitar etc) Instead of having the violin upon his shoulder he was holding it like a banjo and began playing it like a banjo. Son was playing and singing just like my dad used to, old country hick style.
The weirdest thing is my son was only about 3yo when my father died and had never seen my dad play the banjo. I hadn't told my son about my dad and the banjo as I hadn't even thought about it in many years.
I'm not sure who made me laugh the most, my dad or my son!
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Dear SM~
Thank you, I guess there are lots of ways to teach and learn, and having fun is probably the best. I rather envy your family's musical abilities. It sounds a happy time.
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Ok, my sons were just in hysterics remembering a boo-boo I made and it appears to be a happy moment for them so here goes.
A while ago I bought a hot glue gun. Read all the instructions. Decided to glue a few things but didn't realise how long it took to heat up. Left it on the kitchen bench to heat up while I did some cleaning. Came back and it was sizzling and all the glue had leaked all over the kitchen bench. Too hot to touch so I turned it off and went to clean some more while it cooled down.
Now, I must have bumped the cord when I turned it off because when I came back the glue gun had fallen over, in the glue which had now cooled and set. Basically, all I'd managed to do was glue my glue gun to the kitchen bench.
My sons were in hysterics watching me trying to get it off without ruining the bench. They were laughing at me telling me how good I was at glueing because I stuck that glue gun to the bench really good. Finally, one son stepped in and said "move mum and I'll show you how a professional does it" He turned the glue gun back on, waited till it was warm then slipped a metal spatula under all the glue and scraped it off without leaving a mark.
Today I got my leg stuck between the gate and the ride on mower and could not stop the mower or get out. I was panicking thinking I was going to chop my foot off. Screaming for my sons they ran out and the "professional" reached over and turned off the key...I was in such a panic as I couldn't reach the
I have now been told I'm not allowed to mow the lawn or glue!
Today's events reminded them of the glue gun episode so they have both been giggling all afternoon. The final vote was "if I did chop my foot off with the mower I could always glue it back on again"
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SM Your sons sound like mine. They love to make fun of mt mistakes & never let me forget. Unfortunately my youngest daughter was taught too well by her brothers so she's just as bad. One year we bought her a pink trike with a basket at the back to carry things in. Santa used to hide the presents. We had written to him requesting that after my kids woke at 3 in the morning & opened presents. We spent the rest of the night repeatedly shooing them back to be. My oldest dtr had got roller skates & we had a wood floor so they were very loud. My 2 yr old got a train which made lots of noise.
Getting back to the bike. We found the hidden presents & started handing them out & after a while my youngest dtr was looking very upset as everyone had presents except for her. I started panicking looking through the remaining presents trying to find hers. She is in tears before I remember the bike which didn't fit with the other presents. All her smaller presents were in the back basket. I have a photo of her teary face & I'm frequently reminded of how terrible I was as a parent putting her through such trauma!!!!
In retaliation I remind her of the time she decided to practise her demolition skills on our newly renovated bedroom with a well placed hammer to the wall!! I miss her stirring this year as she lives OS. She is fun to be around with a cheeky adventurous spirit.
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Hi Everyone,
It is lovely to read your stories.
Yesterday I was thinking about how I can make "Future Happy Memories".