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Store Your Happy Memories Here:
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Dear All~
What this place is for:
This thread is a tool, a resource, and also I guess a dash of entertainment.
I’ve found that when life is grim that sometimes thoughts of past happiness can create a chink of light in the grey overwhelming press of down. They can help occupy the mind with lighter reflections.
With that in view I invite people to set down a brief passage describing some happy event they look back to with fondness and peace.
They - and others too - can then return to it when they feel the need to glean a little warmth.
It is not a place for gloomy or dire tales, those can go elsewhere.
What to do:
Just set out, as simply as you like, your recollection of some past experience that means something good to you, something you enjoyed, something from safe times.
It can be, like my story below, anything – from an account of visiting grandparents to simply cooking and eating a melted-cheese sandwich in a favorite kitchen – you get to choose.
How to do it:
Write. Write enough so someone else can feel the mood, know what happened, find the goodness. (stop at 2,500 characters please!)
Grammar, syntax, spelling, punctuation are not compulsory, just write as you can – the only important thing is the content - not literary merit. Short or long - it does not matter.
I hope you enjoy, contribute and find a little distraction here when you need it.
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Dear SM, Elizabeth and Mrs D~
Mrs Dools~
Good luck with the happy memories manufacturing, actually I'm sure you will make them. I've often noticed that many of your memories here are recent ones, while for most folks here they come from the past. I guess that is a gift you have of seeing the best in the now.
All that giggling can be a real tonic. I remember two of my nieces used to come to visit and would giggle together in stereo. I used to threaten to make them eat snails out of the garden for tea. That of course made them giggle even more.
Stirring out kids is an excellent pastime, good for our morale and it never hurts to stop them getting too lofty and superior.
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Dear All~
It is heading for New Year, and we have a tradition, my partner and I. We bundle the Zeppelin Dog in the back of the car and head off for the beach, starting after dark and arriving by the shore around 11pm. It's down a dirt track and pretty bumpy so we take it slow and sway around, but the potholes are not too deep and we don't scrape the bottom of the car.
If we are lucky it is a clear night and we see the stars and the water reflected in our torches. Always a breeze so we are in coats. The Zeppelin has an extra long lead tied to the tow bar and snuffles in the bushes and we drink coffee (tea for my partner) with hot water from the thermos. The Zeppelin has water from her bowl and a biscuit (of course).
The waves sound on shingle and the seaweed smells quite strong. We listen to the radio.
At midnight we see far off fireworks from the city with reflections in the water. Occasionally a boat will let off some flares. When we get tired we drive home, with the windows misting up from the Zeppelin's breath.
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That is beautiful Croix. Quiet outings like those are some of the most special I find.
Quiet moments. That's a lovely prompt actually.
It is Christmas day and time for a lazy afternoon nap. The house is silent and everyone is asleep except for me drinking tea and watching the river and the little birds in the fruit trees.
I check the kids. Fast asleep and chocolate smears on cheeks.
Turn the fan on for Mum who is dozing on the couch and Dad who is asleep with a book in his hand.
Hubby stirs as I sit on the bed. He pretends to be asleep which doesn't last as I kiss him on the stripe of bare skin at his hip. One eye opens lazily. He pulls me close. We try not to laugh. Mostly succeed.
Feel like a teenager sneaking about hon? I tease. He whispers that knowing our luck if anyone walks in it will be one of our kids who will then proceed to tell everyone at dinner... In great detail. Loudly!
I shrug and sneak another kiss.
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Dear Nat~
Thanks for that, you are another that finds those happy memories in current life, how great!
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Dear Elizabeth~
I'm so glad your daughter came back and you all went, it sounds a marvelous time. I'm sure it would have done both your spirit and hopefully your back good.
Pity the lake was closed, still the current location sounds pretty good.
Most of my free swimming was done in the sea, with barnacles, limpets and seaweed to negotiate going in and out, canvas shoes a winner - still fun though.
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Beach in summer is linked to unhappy memories of sunburn salt water in mouth & getting dumped. I was home from school with severe sunburn when we were burnt out so it is a PTSD trigger.
In contrast swimming in lakes & rivers is linked with happy times. I remember swimming with my 2 daughters in a lake in NZ watching the sun set over the snow covered mountains. The combination of swimming with views of snow seemed magical. That night was a tremendous storm flooding our campsite. We got out in time & had an exciting day driving through rain & getting soaked to the skin wading through puddles to see swollen waterfalls. My daughters both saying at least we get to see a real west coast storm. Our plans were messed up after police turned us back near the top of a mountain pass as the bridge ahead of us had been washed away. We had to drive back past our campsite before finding somewhere to stay. We hired a cabin which was just as well as every single thing in the car was soaked so camping would have been a disaster. Only my daughters could have made that day into an exciting adventure instead of a total disaster!!!!
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Dear Elizabeth~
made that day into an exciting adventure instead of a total disaster!!!!
Well, that's a pretty good idea for most times. ( All I have to do now it follow the advice 🙂
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Hi Croix and all,
As we get better the happy memories start rushing back in. A few years ago I could hardly remember anything happy ever happening in my life. I could recall good times but they would always lead to something bad happening.
I could recall dad buying me a pony for my 9th birthday and how happy I was but then I'd remember dad gave me the pony in October saying "happy birthday" when my birthday was in March. A few years ago all I could remember was that dad forgot when my birthday was. NOW, that I've been getting better I can actually remember how happy and excited I was that I got the exact pony I had asked for and I remember that AT THE TIME I didn't even care if it was my birthday or not.
At 9yo when I got my pony I didn't care that dad forgot my birthday. NOW I actually remember thinking it was good as it meant in March I could remind dad it was my birthday and I would get another present. I didn't care back then as I had a pony but for some reason years later my brain decided to see that as a negative and tormented me about it for years and years.
It wasn't until I began getting better that I again saw my 9yo birthday present in October being a happy time. I remember being happy. Why my thoughts twisted it into something to torment me is beyond me.
Happy memories keep flooding in. I now remember most of my childhood as being happy and I remember all the special times that I could not see before. I do recall bad things but they mean little now. Who cares if dad forgot my birthday, I got 2 presents! He was busy and trying to raise a daughter all on his own in the 1960's and 1970's and it was rare for a child to be raised by a single dad back then. He did the best he could.
Funny memory. Stranger Danger. Some man was hanging around
A few days later a new boy started at our school. He kept following me and trying to talk to me. He creeped me out so I would run away from him. At lunch one day he cornered me and tried talking to me. I tried to run away and he grabbed my arm. Panicking, remembering the stranger danger talk, I kicked that boy (in the spot) and I kicked him until the teachers stopped me.I did just as dad told me!
Works out the poor boy just liked me and being new was trying to be my friend. Poor dad, poor boy!
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Dear SM~
Not only are those pictures you painted lovely memories for all to read (though I do feel sorry for that boy I'm afraid) but hearing you are improving and the dam is breaking is great. Knowing that at times you have access to the happier parts of your life helps both you and the readers who can hope for the same themselves.
A pony as a gift -um. In my case it was the pony being given a silly lad for a present. An animal of character - to say the least. I've written about a couple of episodes with her earlier in this thread, calling her 'Occupant', not to be confused with the other horse I wrote about, 'Llewellyn')
Thank you for sharing