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Store Your Happy Memories Here:

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear All~

What this place is for:
This thread is a tool, a resource, and also I guess a dash of entertainment.

I’ve found that when life is grim that sometimes thoughts of past happiness can create a chink of light in the grey overwhelming press of down. They can help occupy the mind with lighter reflections.

With that in view I invite people to set down a brief passage describing some happy event they look back to with fondness and peace.

They - and others too - can then return to it when they feel the need to glean a little warmth.

It is not a place for gloomy or dire tales, those can go elsewhere.

What to do:
Just set out, as simply as you like, your recollection of some past experience that means something good to you, something you enjoyed, something from safe times.

It can be, like my story below, anything – from an account of visiting grandparents to simply cooking and eating a melted-cheese sandwich in a favorite kitchen – you get to choose.

How to do it:
Write. Write enough so someone else can feel the mood, know what happened, find the goodness. (stop at 2,500 characters please!)

Grammar, syntax, spelling, punctuation are not compulsory, just write as you can – the only important thing is the content - not literary merit. Short or long - it does not matter.

I hope you enjoy, contribute and find a little distraction here when you need it.


1,001 Replies 1,001

Lol I usually read back or scan from my last post, mussed (threw in kiwi accent for yaz 😉 (missed) your reply.

My lingo I call females chook or chicky esp if I can't think of their names. Lol people love it

You all know why there's so many of us here don't ya...to teach yaz the proper way to talk 🤣

Have great eve all

Here sure helps Croix, you make a difference to many 😊 here & Champ.


On fb (facebook) a picture of a bub about 1 yr old legs under him on ground, a mothers hands coming out from edge of picture gently helping him up, 3 tiny puppies right behind him one with a paw on his back helping him too.

I can't explain what that does to me.

One of the most beautiful things I've ever seen. Beyond serenity 💖

This is from this morning but I wanted to share and make sure it is listed for others to read.

Had just finished raining when the kangaroos come up for their morning bread. Was out of bread but I found an old box of weet-bix in the cupboard, so I thought "why not?" After handing out the weet-bix I stood back to check if they were all eating and it just looked so funny....a bunch of kangaroos all standing around eating weet-bix for breakfast. They were holding the bix in their little paws and munching away like it was an everyday occurrence.

I ended up taking a video of it to send to weet-bix, so if you end up seeing a TV ad with kangaroos standing around eating weet-bix for breakfast, you'll know where it came from...hehehehe


Lol classic Sad, hope they reply, reckon they would aye

Lol an X think in shopping centre or supermarket you know when you have cute sayings, one of ours was dumb dumb & quite loudly he said Hi dumb dumb ☺ had an accent & said it as casually as he would my name, remember a lady laughing 🙄

Community Member
my memory is hanging out with my brother at the beach, walking down to the water from the holiday house

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear SM, DB and All~

I think the internet ate my post, this is a duplicate (well as good as I can remember) so if it appears twice please bear with me.

First off DB thank you for the translation service, you would be surprised to know not everyone speaks fluent NewZealandeze.

Now, SM: I really love the picture of them all standing around munching weet-bix and I really hope the company responds. Kindness to animals is wonderful (as are royalties:)

Your incident reminded me of a memory I'd forgotten. We used to rear orphaned native animals and brought up a wallaby. She thought she was human - having been bottle fed - and grew up to be bad-tempered, inquisitive and heavy.

I used sometimes to go down to her area for a cup of coffee and a smoke. Whenever I did she would jump on the table, poke here nose in the ashtray and then my cup (in that order) and then jump off again.

Eventually she went to live in a local wildlife park (too tame to release) where she bossed around all the other wallabies.

Thanks for reminding me


Dools your lovely lady singing, one of the nursing homes I worked before training very similar, as you know you explore the minds & use to sing sometimes

We use to take several to a lounge room someone would play bit of piano or We'd sing, learnt Daisy daisy give me your answer do, one particular lady same dementia had as yours an amazing voice, others joined in we danced with some too.

The singer lady use to throw a punch every now & then right in the guts 😲 oooophhhh oh Mrs punch that wasn't very nice trying to breath again she'd reply "No darling" 🤤

Loved nursing love oldies too

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Cool love the sass of the wallaby lol

Ya know Croixy (😄😅) that really made me laugh. Absolute first to hear something original NewZealandeze, cacking it 👍

Lived oh soz... luved or your lingo leeved tehe so many places everyone thinks it's original, yawn 😰 (best could do on short notice 🙂

Meant to say chook/y cause I call Mil (mother in law) chicky

Hello everyone,

I need a lift this evening. Prompt word for memory... Music.

In the car with my sister. A long drive home. Windows down. Cold. Cold. My fingers are frozen. Heart racing as fast as she speeds. Music so very loud. Drowns out the sound of her beautiful voice (and my caterwauling) as we sing along. I am safe here. We can argue but she will always come for me when I ask for help. Freedom.

Another car trip. Shopping! A treat. Day out. Bags piled into in the car and we get stuck in traffic. She turns up the music. One Republic's "Love Runs Out" begins. The beat. The beat! I feel it in my chest. She is grinning. Turn it up!

On the way to the farm. Next! Oh come on Nat at least listen to it. NEXT! She skips the song. I know she always introduces me to treasures. She knows I've just got to find them. A keeper! Turn it up! She laughs and drives on.

On the way home from therapy. Good mood becomes shaky. Sigh. I turn on the radio and smile. Michael Jackon. Black or white. Definately a keeper! I turn the music up and am reminded of her infectious joy. Music heals.