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Store Your Happy Memories Here:

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear All~

What this place is for:
This thread is a tool, a resource, and also I guess a dash of entertainment.

I’ve found that when life is grim that sometimes thoughts of past happiness can create a chink of light in the grey overwhelming press of down. They can help occupy the mind with lighter reflections.

With that in view I invite people to set down a brief passage describing some happy event they look back to with fondness and peace.

They - and others too - can then return to it when they feel the need to glean a little warmth.

It is not a place for gloomy or dire tales, those can go elsewhere.

What to do:
Just set out, as simply as you like, your recollection of some past experience that means something good to you, something you enjoyed, something from safe times.

It can be, like my story below, anything – from an account of visiting grandparents to simply cooking and eating a melted-cheese sandwich in a favorite kitchen – you get to choose.

How to do it:
Write. Write enough so someone else can feel the mood, know what happened, find the goodness. (stop at 2,500 characters please!)

Grammar, syntax, spelling, punctuation are not compulsory, just write as you can – the only important thing is the content - not literary merit. Short or long - it does not matter.

I hope you enjoy, contribute and find a little distraction here when you need it.


1,001 Replies 1,001

Thanks Quercus for your happies (lol) that's a beautiful one, what a lovely relationship

One of my recent Happies:

Part of organising tt (table tennis) I volunteer with special needs people playing tt.

Helping a bloke playing the robot ( for practice, instrumental with sp.needs) he got REALLY vocal, was buzzing soooo excited and loven it, it was one of those beautiful warming soul touching moments, everyone including the other beautiful people in the group were soo happy too for him and the support workers.

Magic moment in time

He got & gave joy to so many without knowing. Can't beat it.

Another Happy is reading these, thankyou again Croix and to contributors. Magic

I'd like to mention a Happy Moment for someone who has passed now but at the time he was grins from ear to ear for months and so proud of himself. It's a happy memory for me too as I was able to help him (quite by accident) find that Happy place.

I'd been volunteering on a program for Frail Aged/Mental Health clients. One fellow I bonded with was in his 70's and had some serious MH problems. He annoyed the crapper out of everyone due to his constant repetitive chatter about imaginary things and I used to sidetrack him with silly (just as annoying) questions. Somehow we ended up on poetry and out of the blue this man stood up and began reciting The Man From Snowy River without missing a beat. His voice deep and clear, very rhythmical with the verse and his arms and hands waving about in direct expressive actions. I was blown away.

This man attended Church every Sunday and usually to the annoyance of everyone else. When he'd leave Church he was always apologetic for his 'babbling' etc.

So the next Sunday I spoke to the Priest about this man's hidden ability and after the service the Priest told everyone they had a little treat to end mass. They called the old man to the front and again without missing a beat, off he went, into the realms of Snowy River. People were just blindsided. Gasps were abundant and afterwards, everyone stood and began clapping.

The old man almost pee'd himself. (sorry but he almost did) You couldn't have wiped the smile off his face with a thousand tissues. That afternoon all he did was keep reciting bits and waving his arms around asking me "did you see it? Did you see it?"

This is a happy memory and it makes me wonder what "hidden talent" we all have inside us, just waiting for that ' trigger' to let it loose.


Hi Everyone,

SM and DM thanks for sharing your stories. For years I worked in the hostel section of an aged care facility. A few of the residents had dementia. One lady could not string more that 3 words together.

One year the Scouts and a group of parents came and sang Christmas Carols. This dear lady whom I will call JOY stood up and sang all the songs word for word. She joined the group and wandered around the facility with them.

Her voice was beautiful. Someone had to guide her back to her room later as she had no idea where it was, but the glow on her face was precious. It made us happy to see her so very happy.


Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear SM, DM and Mrs D~
Thank you all for those memories. The people you describe shone forth in unexpected ways. I guess we all have hidden areas.

I think it's you folks, who notice and get so much pleasure from the happiness of others, who have made me glad, and that's what I'll remember


Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Thank you for the acorn Croix.

SM and Mrs D far out you have a gift for sharing memories. I could have been there in the church or spinning into the rose bushes.

We drive into the park. Golden Ash. Claret Ash. Pines. Birches in the carpark. A raisin tree near the toilet block. Holly. Poplar. Catalpa. Chestnut. Oaks.

I feel my heart beating in my chest. The weight that has been heavy for so long within me lifts for a moment. It is quiet here. Shady and lush and green even in the heat of summer. It's too hot. Everyone is elsewhere. Just the three of us. And a park of beautiful trees.

Hubby unlatches the gate. I push the pram. Gravel crunches underfoot. Bubby is quiet. He looks wide eyed. The oak grove is planted on a slope. The canopies almost touch. Shaded and cool beneath.

We take turns to go down the hill and check the silver plaques on trees I like. He slides and runs, I limp as best as I can. It would be quicker for him to just leave me with the pram but this day is for me. He waits very patiently and gives me time to feel the bark and the leaves. Check the name. And collect a few acorns.

He puts them in bags and writes the names. Pin oak. Cork oak. Holm oak. Sawtooth oak. Scarlet oak. Water oak. Our son dozes we are far too dull apparently.

He laughs and says he can't remember when this obsession began. Neither can I. But I love him more for encouraging my quirks.

The walk to the car we throw acorns at eachother and stop to indulge his botannical obsession... Mulberries. The useful trees. Trees should be edible Nat. I explain to him how people make flour out of acorns. He smiles and suggests we plant an oak in the middle of what will be our orchard then.

In this moment I feel hopeful. Whatever happens he is with me.

Dear Nat,

Your story is beautiful, thank you so much for sharing.

My happy moment is about a tree as well, only mine is a $2.00 white Christmas tree about 50 c.m. high that I bought from the Op Shop yesterday.

I have placed it on the black wood heater that is in a very dark corner of our family room. Already it has brightened up that area without any decoration at all.

Just looking at it and considering the potential it has makes me smile. It is a little glimmer of happiness and joy.

Cheers from Dools

Mushy that's absolutely beautiful & you I hope pat on back, you initiated that through great care. LOVE IT.

Sparked a memory. Learnt nursing geriatrics, beautiful aren't they, they have lucid moments or may hear but not respond

Gorgeous lady was a Doctor. Had dementia, when she arrived they said keep her talking to which most didn' keep up with so eventually she shame completely stopped, she had a striking beautiful smile which she always did & also laughed all the time. Contagious.

Washing her one day she had a cold & was talking to her & suddenly she repeated what I said, It was such a pleasant shock, looked at her with happier, said that's great you talked & she/we laughed. Never heard her again.


Realised part through this maybe a repeat but happier saying it again so say-lar-ve (phonetic)

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear DB, Nat, Mrs Dools and all~

For some reason the magic is working and we all seem to be unearthing these happy memories in each other. That is amazing and helps me remember how much happiness is actually buried inside each of us and that it may lie there ignored for years.

Reading of trees reminded me of (another:) aspect of life in Wales. My bedroom had a floor-to ceiling window made of little glass panes. Looking out I could see over the tops of the stone laundry and garden shed the next property, which had a huge garden. A lot of it was trees, mainly firs.

I used to love being in bed (with a brick wrapped in cloth to keep me warm) on a dark night when there was a storm outside. The wind howled and the branches thrashed, the rain hammering on the window.

I felt so snug

On calm days I'd hear the crows in those trees


Community Champion
Community Champion

P.S. Dear DB, congratulations on the VC, could not go to a better person 🙂

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Lovely memory Croix 🙂

Read several here before always a lift, gunna make here one of my struggle times lifters

Thx Croix lovely of you to say. Means a lot 😀