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Small achievement you managed to do today....How did it make you feel? Did it help you feel better today?

Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi everyone..

Their are days when just getting out of bed is a huge achievement...Other days we can achieve things like washing up the dishes or clothes, sweeping the floors, mopping the floors..very mundane and automatic robot like chores for the mentally well...They do these chores without even thinking about them...for people struggling with their mental health..these are huge tasks...

Very often I’ll get my vacuum cleaner out to vacuum ...then it will sit their for days, me looking at it, walking over it...until I can get motivated enough to vacuum..after I do find the motivation to vacuum...I am pleased with myself...
Right now I have a small foot cycling peddle machine, sitting on my front veranda..I got it out last week..to start exercising..it’s still their, I’m still looking at it...My thoughts each night is I’ll use it for a few minutes tomorrow..

My car hasn’t been washed getting close to a year now I think...Today I did managed to wash it....and discovered that it has a nice shine on it.....I did it...I achieved something positive today..which made me feel better in myself...

Have you achieved a little something today...and how did it make you feel...If you want to share that achievement it might make other people a bit more motivated to achieve something they need/want to do..

Looking forward to hearing about your achievement....and how it made you feel..

Little steps and achievements can lead to bigger steps..and bigger achievements...

My kindest and most caring thoughts...everyone.

516 Replies 516

Hi Quieky and All,


I hope things went ok with your phone. It can definitely be stressful can’t it. Sometimes it can help to google the model and the problem with it, though that doesn’t always help. I don’t know if going to a store would help to ask questions? Again that can be quite variable as to whether you get a helpful person or not.


Today I drove to a neighbouring town and got various items from vacuum cleaner bags to new light globes. I also had a successful grocery shop. There were some blackberries on sale so I bought them as a treat. There was an op shop next to the electrical goods store and I couldn’t help myself and went in. It seems my op shop addiction is returning. I found a dress that fits really well and I instantly fell in love with it so I bought it. It was $14 so it felt like an amazing bargain.


My achievement in all this was really that I have a lot of depression at the moment and I’m feeling quite despairing at times. But somehow I got myself out of the house and managed to have a good, successful day. I’m sort of crying inside constantly but somehow something in my spirit is pushing through and staying connected with the world which I’ve realised does help me. I think it’s me learning to be kind to myself when I’m struggling which makes a big difference to depression I am finding. This is huge for me as I was so impaired in self-kindness in the past.


Sending much kindness and love to everyone 🤗

Eagle Ray
Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hello Everyone ☺️


Today I cleaned my glass sliding door. It’s exposed to prevailing winds and can get quite dirty. It’s so nice to see clearly into the back garden now and across to neighbouring trees. I also cleaned the outside of the roller shutter that’s broken at the moment and stuck in the down position. I still can’t get help to fix it, but I’m glad I cleaned the outside of it which was grimy. I really get overwhelmed at times by the maintenance issues on my home but even just getting those basic cleaning things done I feel a bit better.


I also hand washed a clothing item that’s not meant to go through the washing machine. It’s been sitting there for ages and I finally did it. I just have to keep tackling things one thing at a time and gradually I’ll get on top of things.


Have a lovely evening everyone 🙏

Community Champion
Community Champion

Hello everyone……🤗🩷,


Eagle Ray, you certainly have done well with your achievements….I can hardly see out of my back glass doors…I bought a gadget from Temu with an adjustable handle to help me do it easlier, haven’t tried it yet but I will one day soon😁


Quirky anything to do with fixing electronic things is so frustrating, very well done giving it a try….How did you go Quirky…


Today even though it’s not much at all….I sat on a tall chair and washed some dishes…(standing still and leaning over the sink is not an option for me yet)…I feel good that at least my kitchen sink is clean and empty of dirty dishes….


I love op shopping…I got hooked at a school fete when I was only 13…I bought a jumper 2 sizes too big for 30cents….😂😂…I wore I everywhere….sometimes you can find some bargains….Once I bought a cameo that was unusual…it had a black frame holding in the cameo and missing the chain…after I got it home and started cleaning it, the black started coming off and under the black paint was a 9ct gold frame holding the cameo in…


let’s see what tomorrow brings….


Love and hugs everyone..🩷🤗..







Community Champion
Community Champion

Hello everyone….🤗🩷..


Today I painted 2 out of 6 beams of raw wood on my back veranda…they are just straight horizontal beams that my son replaced at Christmas….around 3.5 metres long….4 more to do….then theirs the wooden steps he replaced…3 of them…well that’s going to be difficult to get down that low to paint them….Sitting on a milk crate is not an option as I can’t get up off it….hmm maybe a home made long handled paint brush….Im thinking I could tape a paint brush to the end of broom handle and do it that way 😂😂😂😂…Where there’s a will theirs a way….just got to find that way…….maybe next week I’ll give it a try…


It was and still is a beautifully cool summers day….very rare out this way…


Love, hugs and care everyone..🩷🤗🌹🦋..


Eagle Ray
Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hello dear Grandy and All,


Well done on the painting Grandy! Would one of those paint rollers work for the steps? I’m just thinking there are ones with longer handles that I think can be adjustable. 

My achievement today was I spent the evening with my friends and their little girl and two of their friends, all lovely people. It was an achievement because I’ve felt pretty tired today and I almost declined because I wasn’t sure I had enough energy. I’d been to the park with my friend and her daughter beforehand and was feeling like a lie down. But as loneliness has really been a thing for me lately I made myself go. And it was so relaxing with friendly conversations and playing with my friends little girl who is just so beautiful 🥰 It really enriches my life every time I have lovely interactions like this and I feel a strong urge to move back here to the city where I’m finding it so much easier to connect with people. I’m just really glad I made the effort tonight.


Wishing everyone a happy day tomorrow 🙏🤗💫

Put out bins even though bins were heavy. 
At place where I volunteer I tried not to let a person annoy me by avoiding her, I know not ideal but doable. 

Hi Quirky….Eagle Ray and all…….🤗🩷..


Well done Quirky, similar to you I avoid annoying people as well…I think it’s the best move to take to support our own mental health….


I finished painting the rest of the wood on my veranda today….. looks more finished now….Eagle Ray, Yes..I think a roller might work better than my original plan…I’ll give that a try when I feel up to painting them….


Young children have a way of making us feel better…They live for the moment and have so much joy to give us….I am happy that you decided to go out with your friend and her little girl…even though you were so tired…you done well sweet Eagle Ray…🤗🩷..


Love, care and hugs everyone…🩷🦋🤗🌹..
