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Shift worker

Community Member

Hi, I'm a shift worker.

My work is a correctional officer, so my day is feeled with negativity between inmates and officers.

I have worked there 6 years and have no friends at work and I have no friends outside of work. My days off are during the week and I just spend them alone not talking to anyone. I don't have hobbies and even if I try new thing to do I do them alone. I like hiking but again no one to enjoy this with so I go alone and camping alone. I try hard not to let the negativity to creep up I even use positive quote stress balls to keep the positive in and negative out. 

I've kept the anxiety and depression out but I don't know what to do about the social side. I've tried anti depressant but they just made me feel like a space cadet and put weight on alot.

4 Replies 4

white knight
Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi, welcome


I understand. I'm 68yo and was in the same profession between 1977 and 1980 in a maximum security jail in Melbourne. I joined at 21yo after 3 years in the RAAF.


After  that stint I worked in many jobs including security and PI. I retired at 57yo due to my mental conditions.


I've always remembered the conflicts at work in the jail and I couldnt trust many of the guards. When your safety depended on it, to rely on them to back you up, its a stressful workplace. The other factor is shift work, lack of sound sleep can shorten your life and make one irritable. It turned out years later I had sleep apnoea and now sleep with a mask and air pump (CPAP). Socialising is difficult as others enjoy their xmas, weekends, nights out while I worked or recovered with sleep. I made a positive decision to get out of the toxic place and chill out for a while before finding other work. 


So here is the plan I used


  • Find work not involving shift work. Security level 4 includes Inquiry agent as I did and that can be early starts eg 4am-6am but its a big difference than shift work.
  • Rebudget for the lower wages
  • Join a club like walking/hiking clubs like "Melbourne bushwalkers" club or Sydney bush walkers club or similar in your area
  • Consider mens club even if you arent the handy type its good to share a brew
  • Consider going to your GP for the weight gain issue, there are many option available now.


I dont have any other suggestions at this point. I hope we can expand on this as time goes by



Community Member

Hi Cammo94

As a former shift worker I understand how difficult it can be to find friends and socialise. Volunteering might be a suitable way of finding like minded people, this could also work around your shifts, the positive environment of giving your time/skills may also start to negate the negative feelings that your job creates. 
Hope you’re getting some solid undisturbed sleep 😉


Community Member

Hi Cammo

Community Member

Hiking.  My friend goes hiking every Sunday.   Sometimes alone or with groups.   If you google hiking/ walking groups you will find you are not alone.  Maybe get a shift change with Sunday off.   Hiking groups are so plentiful you couldnt have chosen a better way to meet people while doing what you love.

There are long walks to shorter walks