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"Healing Tip o' the Day #672" by Flick SnotGrass

Community Member

"Healing Tip o' the Day #672" by Flick SnotGrass

Tip #672 is Listen to some Spike Milligan and sing either "I'm walking Backwards to Christmas" OR "The Ying Tong Song"


So, Like I said, I was born with an extremely severe case of excema....

I don't want to wallow

[well maybe just half a cup then]

but there were days in my early teens with:

my face,





bleeding, scabby

and worse

over-exhausted from very little sleep, due to the red raw night scratching,

[adrenal fatigue too probably]

that I realized to my horror that



[insert Girl's Name here]


They either had very dirty hair OR they didn't want to have a cup of tea with me.

The Doctors of the Day said my condition was "Genetic" and "There is nothing we can do for Flick" and "Sorry about that but he is an interesting specimen, er ... can I let my students have a prod at his hide" and "So on".

"Nothing can be done".!!!!

I plumbed depths of black helpless depression back in those dark days of 1962.

Fortunately I have a stubborn streak.

"Bloody difficult sod" is how my mother puts it, bless her cotton socks.

I found a furiously angry part of myself that said "Bugger that!" and worse

and I began my search for tools and techniques that could heal me....

.... I don't have scabs anymore .... I'm not called 'Flick ~ The Big Red Dog', anymore either

Steal from me...

no really....

I have a long list of tools that I use to this day that I have picked up, used and honed over the years and here's todays Healing Tip o' the Day #672 just for you....

#672 - Listen to some Spike Milligan and sing either "I'm walking Backwards to Christmas" OR "The Ying Tong Song" KARAOKE STYLE AT THE TOP OF YOUR LUNGS.


Because, Laughter produces endorphins and beneficial 'feel good' neurotransmitters.

Your breathing will improve your Heart Rate Variability, HRV and will help calm you.

It is also quite difficult to be bloody miserable while singing The Ying Tong Song out loud.

Try it, you'll see.

Be better than well,

Flick SnotGrass

59 Replies 59

Hi Flick Snot Grass,

I had my CD ready, went out to the car, only to find it does not have a CD player in it! I have a problem with memory, a bit like a person suffering from dementia. I don't remember the words of songs unless someone else is singing it and there is music.

Singing "Like a bat out of hell" a few times over soon became a little monotonous, they were the only words of the song I could remember.

Maybe I should have thought of nursery rhymes to sing in my head when the boss lady at the volunteer place I go to on Tuesdays was a little unpleasant. I do seem to remember some of those songs at least.

Maybe I could think up a few lines to go with "Row, row, row your boat". Maybe something like this:

Row, row, row your boat, Further down the stream, Chuck your boss overboard, And start to smile again!

Maybe I will get my paints out on the weekend and have a bit of a creativity session with the paints.

I've not heard the expression "Ill be mother" for a long time!

All the best to you Flick Snot Grass and all, Cheers from Dools

Hi Flick 😊

(hey Mrs D I like your version of row row your boat... Will have to sing that one tonight when I put the kids to bed).

Seriously Flick... I think if you wrote your letter like that the moderators would all be smiling (they are a really good bunch).

If your post has been removed or altered you would have got an email saying so. Have you checked? If there is no email it is worth asking. That was a really helpful post. I was disappointed not to be able to re read it actually.

The thread you need is here:

Forums / Welcome and orientation / Welcome! A post about how our forums are moderated (please read, it's fun, I promise)

If all else fails maybe post a new one on here. I enjoy the ideas. They never fail to make me laugh and smile. We need more of that around here 😊.

Thank you by the way for thinking about support network ideas. How are you finding the forums?

❤ Nat

Dear Dools and Nat,

Super to hear from you both!

Love the new words to Row, Row yer Boat Dools...I think it's very catchy.

I have a client in LA who is healing and reversing her dementia with a music group called The Fifth Dementia..no joke, check 'em out. They are part of the Music Mends Minds Movement. [I love the sound of alliteration first thing in the mourning]

Quercus, I took your suggestion and checked my spam folder, hmm nothing there but my ISP provider may have eaten it. He does get peckish.

And, thanx for the link, I'll pop my email in the post to THE MODERATORS asap.

In the meantime, maybe there's a better way of me posting these Healing Tips o' The Day? perhaps if I changed the title, so it didn't look so similar, then it would pass muster? Thoughts?

My own thought is, it seems from reading a lot of the posts in the different forums that many people just don't have the tools and techniques to help themselves...they seem to get stuck in a black vortex of hell and go round and around and don't realize what they need to do is build a ladder and climb out. If you see what I mean.

Ah, the kettle's boiling ... got to run ... later gaters,

Flick SnotGrass

Hi Flick,

Sometimes that black vortex to hell sucks you in like a huge vacuum. Even when you have a hundred ladders it can be a really rough place to get out of.

It is important to have the tools and techniques ready, and be able to put them in place before you get sucked down too far too fast.

Kind of reminds me of a girlfriend of mine who was on a long flight for the first time ever. She was too scared to use the plane's toilet unless her butt became stuck to the seat and she was trapped there for the rest of the flight!

Don't really know how that fits in, but seemed good when I thought about it.

Regarding your "Healing tips for the day" I suggest you go to your last post on this thread, click on reply, type the heading "Healing Tips for the Day" and give it a number. That way we just follow along without too much confusion.

Cheers from Dools

Hi Dools and Quercus,

I did get a note from BB saying that #674 was too similar to #672 to start a new thread with and they suggested I post within the same thread, just as you thought originally Nat. So thanx for the tip.

Dools I love the story of your friend stuck in the plane seat, I am thinking your point is because she didn't have a procedure to follow, when she got in the plane for the first time, she was stuck when the time came to poo. She didn't have a process to follow when she needed one.

Dools, yes, absolutely, once you're in that black vortex of hell it's very tough to start building a ladder to get out. Last thing on your mind really.

Having said that I have found some tools, like, say CES ~ Cranial Electro Stimulation, to be a VERY helpful off-ramp to misery when and if you get sucked down.

Interestingly CES is not a new tool or modality at all. Far from it. In the time of the Egyptian Pharos and the Courts of the Roman Emperors electric eels and electric fish were used to get rid of.....wait for it...MELANCHOLIA. WOW!

The docs of the day would place the live electric fish on your head; the fish's electric field would disrupt the misery patterns running in the patients head and healthy electrochemical thought patterns could re=establish themselves.

Today we call melancholia 'depression' and rather than use live fish we can now use handy little boxes to do the same thing.

The nice thing about CES [and other similar modalities] is you only have to have the wherewithal to put it on and start it up when you need it.

CES is an example of an 'electroceutical', which I suspect will become the way of the future because there are no or very few nasty side effects, except smiling a bit more.

Nat, still noodling your network support thread....I'm sure Brian [my brain] will come up with something useful soon.

The dew on the lawn was breathtaking this mourning, must go for a ramble.

Appropriate hugs,


Hey Flick, Nat , Mrs D any anyone else reading....

Flick, even your name has helped me to smile this morning. Was that your intention in choosing that particular name. You just wanted to use that to help people smile? Anyway it helped me this morning.

I too sing in the car, when I am by myself that is. Even sort of dance in there as well. Well my head and shoulders do. And yeah it can make you feel somewhat better. More free or something as well.

Thanks Flick


Hey Shell,

Good to meet you.

What me pick a funny name that helps people laugh?

Gosh no, I'd never do a thing like that!! I'm not that kind of boy. Really.

As for dancing while you are singing, absolutely. There's an interesting recent study showing a link between ballroom dancing, using quickly changing dance styles, that increases feel good neurotransmitters and cognitive function in those 'getting on a bit'. It's Googleable [I don't have the reference handy]

I guess the bottom line is to remember to do things that interrupt our 'SERIOUS" patterns ____ for we are way too serious for our own good and for our enjoyment of life.

Enough preaching, time for a laugh, I think I'll sing my Crunchie Jingle...

...no kidding when I was a 13 year old kid I came up with a jingle for CRUNCHIE...

"That's very nice dear" said my Mum

...not to be dissuaded....

I went down to the village, looked up the CRUNCHIE main switchboard phone number...put in my four pennies and actually got through to the Senior Vice President of Marketing [or whatever they were called back then] and proceeded to sing my Crunchie Jingle to him while I was in that phone box.

He didn't laugh or hang up. He was very polite [thank you wherever you are now sir]

So wheneverI need a pickmeup I sing my Crunchie Jingle.

I'm doing it now, can you hear me?

Have a significantly above average afternoon 🙂

Flick SnotGrass

Hi Flick Snot Grass and All,

I too like your name. It reminds of something like Cat weasel or Stig of the Dump, books I enjoyed as a child. Along with Hitch Hiker's guide to the Galaxy later on in life.

Thanks for the information about the electric eels. Maybe I could set up an eel farm and earn some pocket money while helping people out.

You are right, sometimes we just need to find a way out of the depression. One of my elderly clients suffered from depression quite badly some days. My helping her to cook always made her laugh. I am such a messy cook!

One day I was beating up butter and icing sugar, only the butter was hard. The lumps of butter flew out of the bowl and I was covered in a cloud of icing sugar. We both laughed so much we had to sit down!

Dancing and singing is great therapy. Once I joined a ladies dancing group, part of therapy. It was during the time of my chronic fatigue and my mind was very tired. The instructor lady would tell us to go left and I would go right, back and I went forward.

When we were dancing in a circle, sometimes I would just end up in the middle doing my own thing as I could not get my feet to go in the correct direction. We all had many laughs there as well.

Regarding the ladder to get out of the hole, I try to have "my ladder" in place just in case. If it is not needed, then I can hang beautiful plant pots and craft projects on it.

Cheers all from Dools

Greetings Nat, Shell & Dools from an amazingly beautiful Goldie this morning....

As an aside, I am more convinced than ever that Kangaroos are in fact an alien species which slipped onto our planet some time ago and they now just watch us with that very slightly lower upper middle class attitude as they pretend to be munching grass and poo-ing on the flog coarse,

[oops, sorry over zealous spellchecker],

golf course.

I think they secretly snigger at us too.

They're plotting something ... you'll see....

Where was I? Oh yes, I've been thinking about each of you ....no really....I'm not always self absorbed you know ... well not always always.

I've also been thinking about BB and what it is we are wanting to encourage to have happen here in this safe BB environment?

As I read through the many threads here, each with their helplessly frightened cries for help, and I ask myself this question, I keep coming back to 'We are minimizing needless grief, Flick'.


For we cannot bleed for those experiencing mental anguish ...

.... and there is no merit in needless suffering ...

..... but we cannot do the understanding for them ...

.... we must each of us do our own healing...

... to get our of our own personal hell...

... to be sure helping tips along the way are always welcome but it is oneSelf who builds the stepladder....

and climbs out of the septic septic tank ...

we are after all, each of us, the centre of our own healing universe ...

everyone else in our world is from Central Casting..as it were....so to speak.

I ask this question because I understand the BB User Interface and Functionality is being upgraded and this interests me because in one of my previous incarnations I was a User Interface Designer and Human Factors Specialist .... couple of world class patents, nothing to write home about really ... I still dabble though

So, Shell, Nat & Dools ~ what it is each of you are wanting to encourage happening here in this safe BB environment?

And what is the best way of interacting with those in need to encourage the courage within them to make that happen?

Warmly and Contemplatively,

Flick SnotGrass,

The Goldie ~ 24th October 2017

Hi Flick 😊

As always you make me smile, thank you. I'm grateful for whatever it was that made you decide to join the forums. You've got a lot of kindness and practical skills to offer.

what it is each of you are wanting to encourage happening here in this safe BB environment?

My wish... Is for inclusiveness. When members join and stick to their own thread they're missing out. There is value in reaching out to others. Sharing opinions. Sharing experiences. Welcoming and including. That's what makes the forums a community.

So that's what I want to encourage... For people to feel safe and welcome enough to reach out to multiple people.

Offline it's not healthy to rely on one person as your support network. What if they get sick? And it increases the feelings of obligation and responsibility (not helpful when you are vulnerable to begin with). So my dream... Is that every members feels welcome and safe to reach out and connect with multiple people.

Thank you Flick for asking about this. Hope it is a beautiful day on the Goldie.
