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My Daily Health Routine.

Community Member

I have tried various things to deal with my health problems. I spent a lot of money.  What I found interesting was Kinesiology

(pronounced kin-easy-oll-oh-gee) treatments.I found a great practitioner who did several treatments.  I then looked around to buy a book on Acupressure. The book is called: "Acupressure for emotional healing." By Michael Reed,Gach,Phd. There are a lot of ailments in the book such as anxiety,depression,etc so. I did found websites catering for pressure points/diagrams/ailments  too.   Earlier this year I was reading a book on a technique I heard about, called "Emotional Freedom Technique".(EFT). I kept looking and found another technique called: "Faster E.F.T." (It is Faster Emotionally Focused Transformations.) I like the idea of it so I tried to find out more about it,joined the forum catering for it,found demos,diagrams,step by step instructions,etc and started using it. As far as I know there is one book that I am aware of called:

"From stress to success". By Kim J Jewell.


"Faster E.F.T."  I use it everyday at home.It has improved my overall wellbeing and I have got rid of many emotional issues. I do this every day.I record my issues that I do in a journal.  I intend to keep doing it because I feel better for it.

4 Replies 4

Community Member
Great post. It good to hear from someone who has explored other avenues of achieving and maintaining wellness - But what is even more impressive is that you in your endeavors are actively involving yourself in getting well.            Perhaps this is an area that others may explore in their own efforts to achieve a better quality of life.     There is much yet to learn about the mind/body relationship, and as in every generation, the orthodoxy of established views and opinions can be as much a hindrance as a help in moving forward.                                              As Einstein once said "You cannot solve a problem using the same thinking that created it" It is easy to envisage a time when most of what is supposedly "known" today will be redundant.    Unfortunately knowledge, or assumed knowledge, just breeds 'self satisfaction' and dulls the minds to what may be possible.                                                                                                                                                                          It is not what we 'know' that leads us into the future but we can imagine.                                                                       I wish you well. Regards. Philip.

Community Member

Thank you Philip. Your positive reply brightened my day.

 Its very rewarding to learn something by trying new things. As I have been learning about acupressure,etc I find these types of treatments beneficial to all of us. I hope others will follow and benefit as I'm doing. For something that takes 30 seconds at a time we can all do these things.


Have a great day.

Community Member
Perhaps you could talk about your experience in the "New Posts" section where there is a subject regarding "Alternative treatments that have worked for you' Philip.

Community Member
Thank you. I have posted my experiences and whats working for me on the forum.