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Mindfulness: What Is It? (Even if you dont know please post so we can help grow the forums accordingly)
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Hi Everybody
This is only the basic dictionary definition...
"Mindfulness is a state of active, open attention on the present. When you're mindful, you observe your thoughts and feelings from a distance without judging them good or bad. Instead of letting your life pass you by, mindfulness means living in the moment without judgement"
- Please be as blunt you wish....If you dont have an idea about mindfulness it would be great if you could let us know
- If mindfulness hasnt worked/or is too broad a concept for you it would great if you can let us know your thoughts too
- If mindfulness has helped you, please help others to help themselves by posting how you have embraced this mindset
It goes without saying that the forums are a judgement free zone and I really hope that everyone can jump in and have their say
Your input is highly valued no matter how you respond to this topic. There are no experts here...New Posters are Most Welcome!!
My Kindest Thoughts
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david'n'goliath said:Then after writing those down, reflecting along the way, I pause and reassess rationally and emotionally.
And my metacognitive reaction to my post direct post above about mindfulness is all the way deep inside me and wants to be expressed in the original terminology I learned the concept from... i.e. dad.
I'm not bullshitting.
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But myself today, after decades of practice of those processes I simply have to acknowledge that people react to that core statement "I'm not bullshitting." in a variety of ways.
Some will consider it a swear word and .....
So when I say, I'm not bullshitting, I am expressing a fundamental, like I am not even BS'ing myself, not attempting any manipulation, being brutally honest metacognitively.
So one might say that "I'm not BS'ing" means to others "I"m saying the truth to my utmost ability.".
So, mindfulness is not merely about ourselves, but about the reactions of others also.
I am mindful of what I say so that I do not provoke others. A true survival need in high risk situations.
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david'n'goliath said:being brutally honest metacognitively.
And my final pass tonight at communicating my mindfulness approach is...
I am being utterly honest metacognitively, because utterly is a better fitting word than brutally for me.
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I don't know if this would be considered 'active' mindfulness but when I play video games I can't help but concentrate fully especially since there is a lot going on. I have always been curious about this! Sometimes I have a short attention span but when I play games it's a bit difference.
Would love to know everyone's thoughts!
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Hello Everyone...🤗.
missep...I can play internet games for hours at a time without thinking of anything else....I think it’s a type of mindfulness because it keeps our minds off everything else..
Although I’m a bit ashamed of me filling my time with these games...at the same time happy to play them to give my mind a “holiday” from pestering unhealthy thoughts..
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Hi Everyone,
To me, mindfulness is, when your mind starts to wander off to unimaginable things, and you yell out "Hey brain! Stop right there and come back this instant! We need to deal with what's infront of us now and not what's ahead/behind of us!" I found it really useful when I think back to my past, or when I'm worried about people around me judging me or not knowing what to say in a social environment.
Playing video games certainly sounds like a form of mindfulness, as you're focused on the game and what's in front of you. I like to play video games as well to take my mind off things and take a break from my thoughts too. Like Ggrand, it's like a "holiday" for the mind.
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Hi everyone!
Thank you Ggrand and jtjt_4862, it was nice to read that I'm not the only one! I definitely have to work on the mindfulness where I don't let the mind wander to negative thoughts and stay there. I have to admit that I haven't meditated for a while! When I was very stressed with a previous job I used mindful meditation a lot but then now when I see the videos I used it reminds me of that stressful job. I want to start changing that association!
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Dear Blondguy Paul~
I'm unsure if you attend this thread you started regularly, I hope you do as I wish to send you my sincere sympathy over the loss of your companion Prince.
Prince was a wonderful friend to have, and nothing I can say will make up for the loss.
As someone who depends upon my pets myself maybe I can get a small glimpse of what you may be feeling.
I hope in the future you may have comfort and solace again, you deserve it.
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Hi Quirkywords.
I read the other day that one of the worldwide founders of the 'Mindfulness' movement is now regretting that he made the process seem so complicated. He is now saying that 'Mindfulness' should be regarded as simply 'Paying Attention'. Some of my friends who are very capable and intelligent (Doctors etc) let their minds graze over so many things at the same time that they are dangerous to bike ride with - wobbling, not seeing pot holes, not anticipating danger eg car on side road etc.
So he is now saying perhaps 'Mindfulness' should have a new description and call it 'Paying Attention'. In other words focus on what you are actually doing. If your mind wanders, stop it! How often do we hear people who may have had an accident say 'I wasn't thinking about what I was doing!".
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Hi The Bro,
I am so glad you posted that! Paying attention is something that I definitely want to be doing. I am either consumed by a task or constantly running through a checklist in my head of what I am meant to be doing next, while I am doing the task. You highlighted people who let their minds graze over and therefore miss what is right in front of them! I am that person sometimes. I have definitely been trying to work on this though. If I feel my mind racing ahead I try to pull myself back and think, okay do this first and then...