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Mindfulness: What Is It? (Even if you dont know please post so we can help grow the forums accordingly)

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Everybody

This is only the basic dictionary definition...

"Mindfulness is a state of active, open attention on the present. When you're mindful, you observe your thoughts and feelings from a distance without judging them good or bad. Instead of letting your life pass you by, mindfulness means living in the moment without judgement"

  • Please be as blunt you wish....If you dont have an idea about mindfulness it would be great if you could let us know
  • If mindfulness hasnt worked/or is too broad a concept for you it would great if you can let us know your thoughts too
  • If mindfulness has helped you, please help others to help themselves by posting how you have embraced this mindset

It goes without saying that the forums are a judgement free zone and I really hope that everyone can jump in and have their say

Your input is highly valued no matter how you respond to this topic. There are no experts here...New Posters are Most Welcome!!

My Kindest Thoughts


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Community Champion
Community Champion


Did that definition you found help you with understanding? Let me know.

You can do the leaves on a stream that I was referring to here...


(Hope it is OK for the mods.)


Community Champion
Community Champion

Hello Paul and everyone..

Im an avid reader of this thread more then I post...I felt the need to post and say how very sorry I am to hear about your precious fur child being attacked....I am pleased to hear that Prince is doing better now....it must have been a terrible time that you went through...

I couldn’t even start to imagine the fear and horror that went through you seeing your loved pet being hurt...I’m really sorry you had to go through that....

I hope you are feeling better Paul...and please take good care of you and be very gentle with yourself....and Prince...

Sending you some love and hugs for you and Prince..💜🤗..


Hi Tim..Yes it was a huge help which I just posted to you about. The bulk of the definitions re mindfulness and grounding were very helpful and explained mindfulness as a form of the 'Acceptance therapy' I have been having for a very long time...(as per my last post above)

I will have a look at leaves in the stream and thankyou for the link too Tim! You provide a lot of serious support on Beyond Blue and the mods wont have any issue with a link you have taken the time to post...Thanks heaps Tim!


Hey Grandy....you have a kind soul and thankyou for your heartfelt wishes for Prince and myself Your hugs and love are greatly appreciated Grandy......and always great to see you too x

my kindest always



I am glad Prince is okay and I hope you are getting there too. I think sharing something that affects how you use mindfulness is right on topic and I am sure your honesty and openness has helped others.

You have created a thread that has become a welcoming space where people feel comfortable to ask questions and make observations.

I am learning so much or trying to. There has been so much interesting information that I need to take time to take it all in. I am making a list of the links and definitions so I can reflect on them.


Hi Quirky

Thankyou for posting from the heart with your support 🙂 Prince has healed and your kindness is greatly appreciated.....My nerves are another story...ugh!

Thank-you for your complimentary post above Quirky and you are spot on as usual.....the questions regarding mindfulness are always welcome....and thank-you Tim for your knowledge and time helping out too

I mentioned in my last post "The bulk of the definitions re mindfulness and grounding were very helpful and explained mindfulness as a form of the 'Acceptance therapy' I have been having for a very long time"

My reference is Dr Claire Claire Weekes...a psychiatrist that suffered from anxiety attacks and depression who wrote a book about calm and genuine acceptance of our symptoms.....it seems like Dr Weekes was writing about 'Mindfulness'....The book is written in plain english without any jargon..... the title is somewhat dated...yet it reflects what Tim was discussing....I think

'Self Help for Your Nerves'

It comes up immediately under a Google search

my kindest


Hello all

Did anyone hear teachers will be trained in mindfulness so they can teach their students.

I wonder what people think?

I wonder what my life would have been like if we had meditation and mindfulness were available as subjects at school.


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi quirky,

We were taught a form of mindfulness/meditation at school in the late '80s.

They had us laying on the library floor, acknowledging and relaxing all our senses.

It was a bit of a hippy school in Northern NSW.

I don't know if it helped me much, but have developed a mantra when I'm feeling like a panic "calm blue ocean", and can often draw on those feelings, but I'm usually desperate by the stage.

Perhaps I should revisit it.

Hi Everyone

Hey Quirky....Interesting you mentioned that....I just found a private school teaching basic 'Positive Psychology and Wellness' to year 7 and above.....I wish!

Hey Matches....Welcome to the thread and thankyou for your helpful post too 🙂 Your mantra is excellent and can become a positive step towards 'Mindfulness'.............Calm Blue Ocean.....I use that a lot actually and it works well! Nice1

my kind thoughts


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi all,

Its been awhile since i have posted, MINDFULNESS. when i first found out that i was suffering from mild anxiety i thought it was just a phase but soon found out it was not and i can honestly say now after learning about mindfulness that my anxiety is controlled. What i found that i needed to do was control my mind and not let my mind control me, not easy but when you get there it is just wonderful. Living in the moment and being grateful for who you are and what you have are very important. I live close to the beach and park lands and exercise a lot either running or walking and it is here where i practice mindfulness, listening to sea, the wind in the trees or even my own footsteps, I could go on for ever about this but will just say to everyone go read all you can about it talk to others about it just give it a go.


Community Champion
Community Champion


Thanks for your post and your enthusiasm. I am so pleased your anxiety has been controlled.

Some people have great results like you did and some take longer to see result at all.

I too walk in the bush and I can concentrate and appreciate the wonderful world of nature which changes each day.

Thanks again for sharing what has worked for you.
