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Issues with job

Community Member

Ever since coming back from working in the UK I have been struggling to find work because my shyness gets in the way. In the past few years all my life I have been tough to get a full time job so the only thing I could do is volunteer at lifeline and animal shelters to build up my confidence.

Back at home I have applied for so many jobs, and haven't gotten a reply from anyone and it is disheartening am I doing something wrong? I haven't been successful in finding work yet. But last December 2019 I applied for a cleaning job and I was happy.

Been working with them for almost 3 months now, it is shift work so I can choose days and times to clean for customers. But the past 3 weeks wasn't much shifts because it was the holidays, and sometimes when I am booked for a clean the customer cancels. Like this week yesterday the customer I was supposed to clean for didn't answer the door, I got to work on time and was at the right address.

So I knocked on the door no answer, than knocked a second time, still no answer then I decided to text and call the customer but still no answer. I had to wait in the car and talk to an employer, she told me to keep contacting and if the customer doesn't contact me within 20 minutes my employer told me I could go home.

 I drove 30 minutes to get to the customers homey and I ended up driving home. I was told I will still get paid for that mishap. I was so annoyed and angry, I was up early morning and ready for work. Either he was still asleep or forgot he booked a clean for that day. By afternoon I still haven't heard from the customer.

Yesterday night I got a message from my company that my clean for today 31st Friday, was cancelled. I got upset and am not happy with this company. But I understand people have other things to do so I shouldn't get so angry at them for that.

I am still feeling upset about the past 2 days of my cleans being forgotten and cancelled on the same week. Housekeeping isn't my career but I do it for financial stability. I am still struggling with earning money and I am lost and don't know what to do.

Should I continue with this job I have now even though it is early to quit. Or I can apply for another job while I continue picking up shifts. I am lost in life, don't know what to do with my future. I am planning to go back and study but I need money to apply for a course and I barely earn enough. I have been feeling down lately and should see a GP.

1 Reply 1

Community Member

Hi Ace.x-ray,

I'm sorry you're going through this! It is frustrating and disheartening when you apply for jobs and dont even get a call. Remember though - you are doing nothing wrong and its not your fault at all! We're in times where 50 people might apply for a single position. All you can really do is keep your chin up and keep applying for everything.

I too am a little lost in life at the moment. I hit 10 years in my current job in 79 days (not that im counting or anything...) and I really really want to quit and do something else. Problem is, I don't know what! I don't have any degrees or anything like that. I want to go to uni but i'll need a job to pay for life's expenses so yeah... i feel like im stuck between a rock and a hard place. Having said all that - im confident that i'll be able to figure something out.

In my opinion - if what you're doing now pays the bills - keep with it (as frustrating as it is) and keep an eye out for other opportunities. Your goal of going back to study is a great one!

If youre feeling down - definitely talk to a GP. It really helps.

You'll get through this 🙂