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How to feel 'connected' without reaching out?

Willow Jude
Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hey everyone, 


We know that a sense of connection is important for our wellbeing, but sometimes there are times when actively reaching out to a friend, family member, partner, etc. to meet that need for connection isn’t possible/realistic, for whatever reason. So I was wondering if there’s anything else you find is helpful to foster a sense of ‘connection’? 


I tend to: 

- engage with familiar content (TV shows, movies, music, etc.)

- watch YouTube channels I like where the creators seem to care about their viewers and engage with them like they’re a friend

- participate in discussions on the forums, or connect with other users on social media like Tumblr

- use Instagram stories to post things that my friends can respond to (e.g. polls, asking for suggestions, etc.) 


I would be really interested to hear your thoughts on this!


- WJ

23 Replies 23

Hi Summer Rose,


It’s beautiful to read about your child being able to overcome mental health challenges and take part in some really exciting and fulfilling experiences, and I can hear how proud you are of her. It must have been difficult witnessing her go through some more struggles in recent years, but it’s good to hear that you both are determined and feeling hopeful for the future. 


Thank you for your lovely response 🙂


- WJ 

Hi randomx,


I love your passion for nature! And I can hear how frustrating it is for you to see the way it is impacted in current times. 


You make some great points about the challenges we might be facing in terms of social connection, especially as time goes on. It’s good to see that you seem to have a sense of determination in acknowledging that even though things may be challenging, we can still aim to seek out ways of supporting our wellbeing. I really appreciate your ideas of how we can achieve this even if we’re limited by things like location, access to social support, etc.


Thanks for your insight!


- WJ

Willow Jude
Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Thanks ecomama, I really appreciate what you do to ‘lift up’ me and others on the forums. And I’m glad to hear you were doing well (and hopefully still are!). 


Thank you so much for what you’ve said, your kind and supportive words really help me to feel ‘championed’ in my mental health journey. 


I’ve had a look at the speech you mentioned, and wow it is powerful! Such a good attitude to have, and definitely something that I could benefit from working on. 


Thank you x


- WJ

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Dear Willow Jude, I'm merely mirroring what you know about yourself, you already ARE a CHAMPION! 
Every single person in these forums is a Champion lol. 


I'm freaking awesome lol. 


You loved Teddy's speech? 
Isn't that an incredible set of concepts? !! WOW !!

The OTHER thing about Teddy that warms my soul is that HE was the person that began the first "National Parks" as protected lands, now THAT'S an incredible achievement too. 
I didn't know that about Teddy, my fiance is American and he told me that fact. 


Did you know that Brene Brown named one of her books "Daring Greatly" because of Teddy Roosevelt's speech? As imperfect as Brene is lol, as we ALL are imperfect, I adore her to bits. Mainly because she conquered her massive vulnerability hangups to come into the arena with one singular purpose... to SHARE what she was finding out in her Research with the world to help heal us all. 


I'm so excited WJ! More and more wonderful things are coming into synchronicity now. I need to share on the LGBTQI+ Thread, more that warms my soul. 


What else warmed my soul tonight were your words to me. Thankyou. 


How are you doing today? 
Love EMxxxx