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How do I return to work after breaking down crying.

Community Member

I’m just started a new job in the past 3 weeks and it’s a big jump in workload and starting a new job is very overwhelming. 
also in my personal life a lot has happened, I’ve lost a family member, moved, studying and have a lot of big assignments due. I don’t think I’m coping. 
With everything happening I have broken down twice now at my new job an hour in and had to leave as I get very flustered and embarrassed. 
Im also getting micromanaged by a person I work with and I’ve never been good at trying not to take things personally and feel like I’m really inferior in this new job. 

Any advice would be helpful as i now feel like I just want to give up and I’m so scared to go back into work to face the judgement after crying and panicking in a ball of anxiety.

3 Replies 3

Community Champion
Community Champion



Please don't give up or feel embarrassed about anything. You should be proud of yourself for juggling so many things.


As you mentioned, starting a new job is always a bit daunting but I am sure things will improve as you go on once you are settled in the new job and get to know your team better.

Please don't feel bad or ashamed about crying its part of being human and it's better to let it out than keep it bottled up.


About micromanaging, don't take it personally as it happens to pretty much everyone in their new job. It takes time for them to trust a new person. Once they know you are good, eventually they will stop micromanaging and if they still continue you can always talk to the particular person or to your seniors about how you feel.


Just be YOURSELF and keep doing your best, that's all you can do. I am sure things will improve as days go by.


Take care.

Community Member

Hi Lauryn21,


Congratulations on starting the new job. That's a big step. Well done.


I agree with Happylife. Take it step by step and give yourself time.


If you're really struggling with the job, can you talk to your boss or to HR and let them know you're keen but struggling to adapt?  If you can, it's much better to work with the company and get them to help you ease into the job than to break down and disappear etc. They may be able to start you off on shorter shifts or change the workload until you are comfortable with what they want you to do.  It certainly helps them as well as you if they know what's going on for you.  But, only share what you are comfortable sharing.


Give yourself time, you are making big adjustments.


Regards, HS.

Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi Lauryn21,


Hope you are feeling better, any little progress is good (baby steps).


Take care.
