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Healthy body image tips

Community Member

Hi everyone,

I thought this thread might be helpful for developing healthy body image.

In saying that, these are just general tips and can't replace medical and allied health advice but I thought such a thread would be helpful.

You may or may not find these tips helpful- either is okay- but I thought that I would share things that I have learnt over the years.

Please feel free to share your own tips 😊

- not labelling food as "good" or "bad." Food is food.

- get a full body check to make sure there aren't physical health problems that are causing food/appetite issues.

- this is a really difficult one (because it's hard work and emotionally painful) but finding the root cause(s) of your binge eating/purging/deprivation/etc because food is often a "symptom" of a deeper wound. Sometimes this requires help from a psychologist, counsellor or other health professional.

- avoid discussions about kj/calories with friends and loved ones. Same goes for conversations where you put yourselves down for your weight and physical appearance.

- when complimenting friends and loved ones, try to make it about their personal attributes as opposed to their appearance.

- remember that photos online and in magazines are usually airbrushed.

- be wary of competitive dieting and exercising with friends. While it's great if you and a friend want to motivate each other to exercise and eat well in a supportive and healthy way, it's another thing when it turns into a competition.

- try to avoid fad diets.

- minimise constantly checking e.g. obsessive use of scales, pinching your stomach, etc. Try to set limits as to how often you check yourself/body e.g. weighing yourself once a week (for general health reasons).

- if you find that there are certain things that "trigger" unhealthy behaviours then minimise contact with those things/get rid of them. For example, I don't own a set of scales anymore because every time that I've had easy access to one, I end up weighing myself multiple times every single day, which in turn, triggers another set of unhealthy behaviours and on it goes...

- surround yourself with people who don't make you feel bad about your body and appearance. By the same token, minimise contact with people who criticise you for your appearance, engage in competitive dieting, etc.

- only lose/gain weight for your own sake and not because someone else is pressuring you to do it. It's your body.

- And remember, your weight doesn't define you.

Dottie x

74 Replies 74

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Community Champion


When I first read all the unpleasant things people had said to you , I felt sad and I thought I was lucky because I felt no one had said things to me, but as I read I remembered things people had said and realised I had chosen to forget them. At the time they were thoughtless but did not want to hang onto them.

For me, I used to be my worst critic so nothing anyone could say about my body image would be as bad I what I felt. I think having children changed things and I realised how wonderful the human body is.

When I see celebrities and fit women on FB boasting how quickly they returned to their pre baby body and how flat their tummies are I feel sad that we are in a society where women have to compete wit each other and shame each other.

MY tummy is floppy and flabby and I like it!

Do you remember when women were putting a photo of themselves without make up on the internet and everyone said how brave they were? I thought brave were the women fleeing their countries with their children to save their lives and find a better future, not someone who goes without make up.

Sorry for the rant.


Great stuff Quirky...

you are all yummy mummies!!!!! Or is that mummys???

plus hey... we are mammals.. we are entitled to have furry bits!!!!

Other media types that start with “P” also portray the unrealistic ....


Hey everyone. Been off this thread for a few days. Also haven't been on the forums as much this month so my apologies. Gotta keep up the self care and for me this involved me taking a bit of a step back from the forums

Shelley that was a beautiful story. I hope I can feel like that one day

SN eyes are the windows to the soul. I don't mind my eyes, I do wish they were blue, like all my siblings (2 step 1 half and 1 full and I am the only one with hazel eyes).

Nat I became better at make up when I watched some tutorials on youtube. You don't have to buy expensive brands or anything. Gosh you don't even have to wear makeup if you don't want to. But if you do they can help. It's funny now 15 year olds won't have the akward terrible make up phase because of youtube (well my sister missed it)

I have signed up for an 8 week fitness challenge at my gym. I am not following the diet for it, but it was less than $100 and it also included some fun runs and boot came and extra classes so it was a pretty good deal. I also thought it would be good for work if I saw what they suggest for these plans. It is more for accountablility. I am trying to eat healthier but not following their plan (maybe some of the recipes because they sound nice). I try follow the Australian dietary guidelines. I don't think I need carb free tacos thanks.

I have lost some weight. I am trying not to focus on that. I do worry that it may cause my ED to flare up if that is my focus. I am keen for my next triathlon to see if all the hard work I have put in has improved my times (with exception to the bike as the next try has a different bike distance).

I got a hair cut yesterday. I think it had been a year since my last cut. I just got a trim. My aim is to grow it for another 6 months and to have it long enough to chop it off so I can donate it and they can make it into a wig. My hair grows pretty quick so hopefully it will be long enough (I am hoping for no shorter than a bob by the time they cut the 13 inches required for donation).

So today when I looked in the mirror I liked my hair. Soft and silky form yesterday and I am happy with how it looks

Hi MsP and thanks for the tip (gotta love the internet hey).

What a great idea to donate your hair! How do you do that? I love that you felt good looking in the mirror today.

I was looking forward to my run tonight and music and then I broke my toe. Body and I are not liking eachother tonight. Ice pack and strapped toe, pain and stupid joints that don't work.

I don't like the woman in the mirror. She looks tired and angry and frumpy. I tried really hard to find a positive but my reflection mirrors how I feel. I look run down. Older than 32. Beige as Velvet says... Like I will blend into the furniture and disappear.

Hmm well that was depressing as hell. Sorry. Let's move on.... Today is a bad day for body image. I'll go to bed and sleep and maybe tomorrow will be better.

I'd love to hear about the hair process. Am going to go for a pixie cut soon and start fresh with my own colour for once and a big change.

Take care of yourself MsP 😊

❤ Nat

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Nat

I don't like what I see in the mirror. I try find one thing. Usually my eyelashes or eyes or something small. Then when I am feeling a bit better I can go for bigger things like arms.

Well you can donate hair if it isn't died, natural and long enough. You have to cut more than 8 inches but some require more than 13 inches. I am not wanting to go the whole 13 inches because I don't want a pixie cut as I don't think it would suit me. My hair grows pretty quick so wouldn't take too long to have my hair medium/long again.

I went to the gym today. Was a good workout. Now a bit sore. Glad I have the day off work. I'll have to do some stuff from home but will be good not having to wake up early