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--->>> Psychopaths&Pathological Liars <<<---
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I'm taking a break from my studies for the moment, by sharing what I am studying and researching at the moment.
Keen for opinions, and reflections.
At the moment we are looking at Pathological Liars.
What do you know of this condition?
Can you understand how we would see this as a condition?
In the past, we have punished "the liar"!
And perhaps...rightfully so?!?
Who gets to be judge, and jury?
And why?
Do you understand the anatomy of a lie?
Lets discuss.
In my home, we learned that telling lies, sometimes kept us safe.
Sometimes, telling the truth, still got me a hiding!
So telling lies, became a negative-positive phenomena.
In other words, lies - the negative, kept us safe - the positive.
Have you ever experienced something like this in your life?
If the act of telling lies is normalised it can become a condition - a pathological condition!
The Cure...well for me anyway!
Just start telling the truth...start with oneself, and people that one trusts - Could be many, could be just one trusted friend.
My friend, Tricia, once told me that...You Only Need At Least One Friend In This World.
And, I believe that too!.
More is nice.
But trust is the key.
The door is ones soul.
We are the guardians of the Soul - The Mind, and the home of the Spirit - The Body.
Now, Im getting a bit metaphysical...are you into that?
I am.
But, that can be rather intense for many...
...because it involves looking at the whole picture - The Holistic Self.
We consider this to be the TRUE WAY to complete health.
Just stop me if this is of no interest to you though...
...I could write about this stuff...
...and ever...
What do you know about psychopaths?
Did you know that......they only make up 5% of the population...
...but actually contribute to 50% of the crime in this world?
Thats why I am doing what I am doing - in terms of my studies and research.
Not completely but a big part of it.
My research has 4 main branches.
I'll discuss that at another time.
But - Psychopaths, cost us all a lot of money!
Did you know that?
But...they are sick.
Some say incurable.
I am autistic.
They say that is incurable.
Some autistics are high functional, some are not.
Some psychopaths are 'functional', and 'some' are not...at all!!!.
We, as a society must address this in a serious way...lets discuss!
Or, not...'cause I'm gonna study the stuff anyway.
But I enjoy healthy intellectual-debate and conversation.
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RE: Early Intervention.
My work is actually NOT with the victims.
I'm working with the psycho's.
You're looking at it, and rightfully so, from the viewpoint of those that suffer at the hands of the pyscho.
My question is, these psycho's are 'suffering' too, how can creativity be used, as an early-intervention tool to stop psychopathic children, from becoming psychopathic adults?.
So looking at the primal fears - teaching psychopathic children to be mindful, for example, is the task at hand.
Which is what I was getting at right from the start...
Can society function with highly-functional psychopaths?
You see, sociopaths, are really easy to identify...theyre reckless...easy to spot.
Easy to monitor.
Psychos - not so much.
But, the early intervention must first start with teaching parents and teachers etc...on how to identify.
Then, we, can work with the child...just as tribal elders have.
Like a reverse grooming process - we groom them to be 'good' citizens...and not psychos.
Tribes do it all over the world...we can too!
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So, you see...looking at genetic coding.
Nature vs nurture...is actually the EARLIEST type of early intervention!
We identify the potential psycho-gene before the child has been born!
Very controversial though because, does the unborn psychopath baby have rights?
In the past, as mentioned, we had use for the warrior gene...now, we have road rage!
This is costing us all a lot of money...thats the bottomline.
How can we use our resources better?
Yes, early-intervention for the 90% is still vital.
But, thats still gonna cost a heck of a lot of money, time, and resources.
How can creativity be used so that we dont have to outlay all that - just for the 5% that are psycho?
Also looking at the different 'sub-cultures' that these people are drawn to...
Not all psycho's are CEOs or in 'leadership' roles.
There are your everyday psychos as well.
Mothers and fathers.
Aunts and Uncles that are psychopathic.
The thing with the psycho is that theyre incredibly manipulative.
Effective manipulation of others...shows great intelligence.
Just applied in a destructive way.
Creativity can be used to reverse-engineer that effect.
Trust me - I have plenty of practical applications up my sleeve!
I just like talking theory...helps me to better understand it.
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The role that I have designed for myself is one of Creativity Technician, and Consultant.
I employ the Creativity model that I pointed out, above.
I use many different techniques, to assist and support others...that need some extra assist and support.
Its just that I apply Creativity as a guiding-light and master!
As mentioned I am working with-
Psychopaths - the unwanted
Sucrose-Sugar Addicts - the unhealthy
Repeat Offenders - the unacceptable
People with Autism - the untreatable
Creativity to me...and how we approach creativity creatively...is what I believe just one way forward.
But first, my job is to educate everyday people about what creativity actually is!
It's inescapable.
Its everywhere.
Its not just for artists, or geniuses.
You cant go about your day without applying creativity in some way, thats impossible...so what I am actually getting at is...we can use our everyday life, as the greatest form of therapy, and early-intervention!
Emotional Competence.
Optimal Physical Wellness.
These are the four pillars that I am basing a lot of my work upon.
All four of these can be used on a macro-scale...working with corporations, schools, churches and the like etc etc etc...
And, on a more personal level...simply applying this holistic model to ones own life, and our theory is...you'll be the healthiest person, that you could possibly be!
Meta - Spiritfulness (doesnt mean talking about god necessarily, just means...addressing the 'spirit' of the moment i.e. being in the 'spirit' of joy or clarity, thats all that spiritfulness means!)
Bio - Optimal Physical Wellness
Psycho - Creativity
Social - Emotional Competence
I believe that by focusing on these subjects at school for example, will better aid the teacher to identify the psycho, so that we can then, work closer with that child.
And, in turn, educate the others...to be weary of the psychopath. As a form of early intervention.
This model can also be applied to the workplace, its a very easily transportable model.
And, we have seen much success with this model already.
Holistic-Health is what I believe is the true answer, for many of our global issues.
Its just a shame because the word holistic has been abused, and many misunderstand its true meaning.
Indigenous cultures have worked in such a way for many, many, many years, and I maintain that their handling of the potential psychopath, is far more 'advanced' than how we do it over here!
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Hey Esse';
Wow! I stirred up a hornet's nest somewhat hey...I 'hear' this is really important to you, I do. But as with real life, theory can lead to just about anywhere as you've shown in your posts above. Staying in our heads with the beginnings of creativity, tends to become a washing machine of sorts.
Every now and then, we need to use mindfulness when dealing with (personal) mind entrapment. This is the reason I honed in on one specific area; to 'create' focus and ground the subject. I totally understand your rationale and your expert way of projecting it. I also get that this is close to home for you, just as workplace bullying is to me.
I suppose it's a matter of the chicken and the egg. Early intervention is a way to usurp that round-a-bout. It just depends on what area you choose. I put forward my idea because it's what I've experienced...like writing a book; I write what I know about.
So to answer your question about genetic coding, identification, design and so on, I'll go back to what I wrote in regards to the wolf and caribou populations of Canada. That's an example of holistic natural genetic's in action. Nature...one supports the other. While the caribou are away, the wolves live on an overpopulation of rats. This keeps the rat population down. Mother nature at it's best...
What humans are doing, doesn't fit into the Eco-system at all. We've become isolated from nature...separate. We 'control' and manipulate, every one of us. To isolate and study part of the populous based on a mutant gene, a specific demographic needs to be identified.
You've said that babies might be 'taken' as a form of early intervention. Clinically, this is might seem logical. I also mentioned Milgrim's Obedience Experiment. Ethics in research is absolutely critical. Playing God is an act of psychopathic 'intent' as we know from history.
Please don't take this personally, as without debate we're static. I've thought so many times that I should've died at birth, but to sit here writing like this, I could never ask that of my family or the staff who saved my life at 3 and 1/2 months preemi. No matter how devastating my life has been to date.
There are indigenous cultural practices that would suit your cause perfectly. I'll go on in the following post ok...
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What I am driving at here is that, once the psychopath has been born, the earliest form of any kind of intervention comes down to educating parents, on how to spot a psychopathic child.
Did your kid just kick a cat?
That may not make them a psycho - but it really could.
We know to look for a 'cluster' of behaviours.
By asking the question - Could my child be a psychopath?
And following through on that hunch with the right and best professional assistance, could save us all a lot of money and resources...and lives.
But, it must be done with the appropriate languaging.
Since this is children that we are talking about, we must address the 'labeling' - rather than, 'psychopathic child', perhaps we just need to see these kids as simply being NeuroDiverse....like the rest of us?.
Therefore removing stigma, and in-turn, disempowering the 'psychopath' before they can even recognise themselves as psychopaths!
I see this as the way that we would use Creativity as a means to 'deal' with psychopathy.
Identify the Psychopathic/Neurodiverse child.
Amplify their 'talents', in meaningful and safe ways.
Eliminate destructive social-behaviour with a personalised Holistic-Health plan, best suited to the individual.
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Again, please dont get it twisted...I enjoy the debate.
I'm just dealing WITH the perps.
You're looking at it from the other side...we need both sides!.
I wouldnt take this personal at all.
And, no...trust me...takes alot more than that to stir up my 'hornets nest'.
Please keep on engaging with me about this...this is good!
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To continue...
It might pay to research Australian Aboriginal Studies re their ancient laws of 'matching' partners within tribal sectors. The point of this was to avoid inter breading and congenital deformities. Similar to our marriage laws and record keeping.
At birth each child is given a category. Using colours as a metaphor, this child might be appointed yellow in relation to their generational colouring (genetics/blood line). When he/she is old enough, they can 'join' with someone who is blue or red, but not green or purple. When Europeans came into the 'mix', this absolutely amazing coding, was blown to pieces.
Now, being identified as 'Aboriginal' or 'Indigenous' is enough as far as blood lines and our political system goes. Ignorance, fear and arrogance has interfered with natural balance once again.
Note: For any indigenous person reading this, I am a white Australian; I give my opinions with all due respect and admiration for your culture and the continuity of your rights as Original Australians. The information I've provided is from memory so the precision of this is likely to be a bit skewif. My intent however, is from a place that seeks to 'inform', and 'encourage' thought provoking positivity relating to the beauty and perfection of your ancient laws and practices...Sara
I hope this has given food for thought Kaitoa. I applaud your passion and determination and know you'll eventually get where you want to be.
Warm and kind thoughts...Sconnor xo
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I'm just a very, very, very, very passionate person.
I know that word gets bashed a lot as well.
But for truly passionate people, we are passionate about everything.
We are passionately sad.
We are passionately angry.
We are passionately passionate.
I actually cant help it, and have realised that if people misinterpret that...I cant help that either.
So please...dont take my passionate writings, as anything but that.
I reckon that you and I would probably be the ones at a party gas-bagging about EVERY topic under the sun.
Because you have a strong sense of curiosity and wonder too!
I see you, and read your posts.
I feel your intelligence.
Do you understand synesthesia?
Many of us 'have' this...we just didnt know that 10 years ago!
Totally off the psycho topic but I do FEEL your words, and your intent, which is why I enjoy and am grateful for your imput with this conversation.
My own personal holistic-health plan...helps me to keep the harmonious-balance between theory and intuitive-intelligence.
I believe that applying the same for all neurodiverse, is the way ahead!.
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Thanks Scones!
I had read of that process re: matching partners.
But, never applied it in this context.
Its all about context, right?.
Love that lead...thank you again!
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Hi K;
I'm finding this emotionally charged. I don't understand why, but acknowledge its existence all the same. I'm in tears and my chest is swelling with energy.
It feels like sadness, but identifying the exact nature of it has yet to be exposed.
I'll leave this thread for another day my sweet. I too know we'd be the one's in the corner of the party room oohing and arhing at each of our statements; laughing as we talk over each other trying to advance on the previous words.
Ok...there it is...I've never had the opportunity to gather my thoughts and let them out to shine in 'real life' without being punished or belittled for it. Writing is my passion. This thread has given me an outlet to be me...OMG...tears are streaming down my face. I've been dumbing myself down my whole life. Just the other night someone called me a 'smarty pants'. It wasn't the first time.
I've just spent 5 min's letting the grief pour out of me. This is related to my PTSD for sure...punishment and ridicule...bringing me down a peg or two.
I want to thank you so much Esse' (how perfect a name..'to be', just 'being' you has given such incredible confidence and relief to me)
BeyondBlue forum is a safe place to shed or share, but it's also a place to be ourselves without fear of being mind bashed into submission.
I knew there was a reason I was drawn to you. You appeal to my intellect; a place rarely used or remembered. At school I made sure I was an average student except in Maths. I couldn't escape my aptitude in this area. But you know what, I eventually did. When I was put up a level to advanced math, I cried until they put me back down.
I now realise I didn't have anyone who complemented my 'internals', craving for more and more information. As a little girl I watched doco's and science programs (like the boys) to fill my time. I still remember some of them like it was yesterday. I can pluck info out of thin air when I need to.
Now I'll talk with you about metaphysics ha ha
For another day my friend...
Scones for Sconnor...pumpkin one's please xoxoxo